イザヤ 9:6 ひとりのみどりごは、私たちのために生まれる。ひとりの男の子が、私たちに与えられる。主権はそ の肩にあり、その名は「不思議な助言者、力ある神、永遠の父、平和の君」と呼ばれる。
This is one of the most famous of all Messianic verses, widely quoted every Christmas, but we still tend to overlook one little part of it. That is, the government, the Lordship, will be on His shoulders. This is precisely what the NT stresses, speaking of Jesus as Lord, but we don't have the same concept of Lordship in society today, and we miss the meaning. We get all tied in knots over various earthly governments, and indeed no earthly government is perfect, but the Bible calls us to remember that the ultimate government, Lordship, rule, rests with Christ; all other governments and authorities are temporary. This is why Paul, while living under the very oppressive Roman government, would tell the Romans, and Titus, that we are to be subject to the civil authorities. (Romans 13:1-7, Titus 3:1-2) There are indeed times when civil disobedience is called for (Acts 4:19; 5:29), but we need to remind ourselves that Jesus is the ultimate authority, and be fully submitted and obedient to Him.
I have certainly allowed myself to get upset over human governments many times over the years, so it is good to have this reminder. I am reminded of what it says in Hebrews 2:8-9, that whereas we don't see everything lining up with what God desires in the world today, we do see Jesus with the eyes of our hearts, and that should be enough to give us peace and joy regardless of what is going on around us in the natural. The Lordship of Christ is far from being a merely theoretical, philosophical construct. It is the most practical reality there is, and I need to keep my mind and heart fixed on it.
Father, my shortcomings in this area cause me no end of grief. I get so stirred up over one thing and another, not recognizing on the emotional level that You are still God, Jesus is still Lord, and I have nothing to be upset about. Forgive me. Keep me from making demands of others, emotionally or otherwise, but help me rather rest in submitting everything to You. To this point I have gotten worn out almost every Christmas, particularly since becoming a pastor, and it has been far more from emotional stress than from physical activity. This year is so far no exception! Thank You for the training in releasing each activity, each responsibility, to You, so that I may avoid the thieving traps of the devil and delight in the peace and joy that You have provided for me, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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