イザヤ 11:3-4 この方は主を恐れることを喜び、その目の見るところによってさばかず、その耳の聞くところによっ て判決を下さず、正義をもって寄るべのない者をさばき、公正をもって国の貧しい者のために判決を下し、口のむちで国を打ち、 くちびるの息で悪者を殺す。
One of the difficulties in translation is in deciding where to begin and end sentences, and the Japanese and English made different choices in this case. That does impact how we perceive what is said, even if analysis shows that the meaning is technically the same. The NIV connects the first line of verse 3 with verse 2, which tends to divorce the idea of “the fear of the Lord” from the righteousness and justice discussed in the rest of verse 3 and verse 4. Actually, the fear of the Lord is the only true basis for righteousness and justice, because mankind has demonstrated a virtually unlimited capacity for unrighteousness and injustice in those who do not fear God. For those who deny God, “righteousness” and “justice” are whatever are convenient for them at the moment, because absolute values depend on an absolute foundation, which can only be God. Several recent decisions by judges in the US have raised strong questions of what secret sins and perversions those judges might be hiding! The Bible is very clear that God hates acquitting the guilty as much as He hates convicting the innocent. (Exodus 23:6-7, Proverbs 17:15) Justice is not giving a free ride to those who will not work, or giving more “rights” to perpetrators than to victims!
This is an issue that can really get me worked up. However, I've got to remember that God is still God, and not just get indignant, but pray for change. I am to speak up when appropriate and I am to be faithful in prayer, and above all I am to live every part of my life in awareness of and submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. All the social issues that are so rampant today are spiritual at their roots, and that is how I must approach them. Spiritual battles can't be won by human schemes!
Father, with modern information technology I am much more aware of the incredible volume of injustice and unrighteousness that are rampant in the world today, but You have been fully aware of it all along. Help me remember that and release each thing to You in prayer. Help me submit my will to You in prayer, so that Your Name may be hallowed, Your kingdom come, and Your will be done in each situation, by Your grace and for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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