

黙示録 2:4 しかし、あなたには非難すべきことがある。あなたは初めの愛から離れてしまった。

I have heard a great deal of discussion of what their “first love” might have been, but what strikes me this morning is that in their zeal for theological orthodoxy, they had forgotten to love. As the Lord said through me very strongly in the message yesterday, if we aren't loving God and loving our neighbor, then we aren't being obedient to God, whatever else we might be doing that He told us to do. The Bible is clear (and not just in 1 Corinthians 13) that without love, everything else is meaningless. Thinking of this verse this way, the picture that emerges of the church in Ephesus is all too familiar: the church that is active in programs and orthodoxy, but has become critical and unloving. Christ commends them for their orthodoxy, but says that it is not enough. From this perspective, “the things you did at first” would be welcoming and loving all who walk in the doors, using spiritual discernment to weed out the imposters, but focusing on love rather than judgmentalism. The Upper Room Discourse (John 13-17), among other passages, should make it abundantly clear that love, expressed in practical action, must be our first priority.

「初めの愛」がどのようであるかという大きな議論を聞いたことがありますが、今朝私を打ったのは、愛することを忘れたという神学的正説に対する彼らの熱心さです。昨日そのメッセージの中で主がとても強く私を通して話されました。もし私たちが神様を、また私たちの隣人を愛していないなら、たとえ神様が私たちにするように言われた他のことをしていたとしても、私たちは神様に従ってはいません。聖書にははっきりと愛がなければ何の役にも立たないと(コリント人への手紙 第一 13章の以外にも)書いてあります。エペソにある教会のイメージがすべてとても馴染み深いものであったなら、この説を考えると、その教会はとても活動的で正統であっても批判的な不愛の教会になっています。キリストは正統であるべきことを命令していますが、それは十分でないとも言っています。この視点から見ると、「あなたが最初にしたこと」とは、ドアに入ってくるすべての人を迎え愛し、偽者を取り除くため、裁きよりも愛に焦点をおき霊的な優れた判断力を使いことでしょう。他の箇所にある(ヨハネによる福音書 13-17章)二階の広間での会話は、実用的な行動の中で表現される愛は私たちの最優先であるべきことをとても明確にしています。

As a pastor and as an individual believer, I've got to keep this in sharp focus. With modern mobile society, we get people in the church from a wide variety of spiritual backgrounds. I have no room to be proud, because those I have raised personally aren't necessarily the cream of the crop! I need to work with all the Lord gives me, seeking to lead them into loving obedience to God in every area of their lives. It's not easy being loving and teaching love to those who are unloving! I need to be gentle and clear in helping them understand how their attitudes and actions are less than loving, so that they may repent, just as Christ called the Ephesian church to do.


Father, help me keep growing in my own love, for You and for my neighbors. Help me set a clear, strong example, so that the Body of Christ in Omura may be as You intend. Lord Jesus, thank You for reminding me just now that You said You would build Your church. Keep me from trying to take over, but help me be fully yielded and available to You for that work, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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