黙示録 1:17-18 それで私は、この方を見たとき、その足もとに倒れて死者のようになった。しかし彼は右手を私の上 に置いてこう言われた。「恐れるな。わたしは、最初であり、最後であり、生きている者である。わたしは死んだが、見よ、いつ までも生きている。また、死とハデスのかぎを持っている。」
It is very beneficial to consider, every once in a while, just who it is we worship. John had been as close to Jesus as anyone during His earthly ministry, but even he “fell at His feet like a dead man” for sheer “shock and awe.” But Jesus, true to His nature, put His hand on him and told him not to be afraid. We are so prone to forget, on an emotional level at any rate, that our God is totally awesome! We tend to focus on one aspect or another and ignore the rest, when God is absolutely magnificent in every dimension. We tend to focus on Jesus' humanity and neglect His divinity. The one thing that would have been surprising to the Israelites who were with Moses at Mt. Sinai about this experience of John was that Christ laid His hand on him and told him not to be afraid. They had seen the fire and heard the thunder! John was the perfect person to receive this revelation, because he was the “disciple whom Jesus loved,” (John 13:23, etc.) close enough to lean his head against Jesus' chest, the one charged with taking care of Mary until she died. (John 19:25-27) Even he was blown out of the water by the absolute power and majesty of Christ in His glory! If we can have even a taste of that revelation ourselves, then every earthly consideration fades to insignificance.
時に自分が礼拝している対象が誰なのか考えるのはとても益になります。ヨハネはイエス様がこの地球上で宣教している間他の者と同じように彼のそばにいましたが、彼でさえ、本当に「ショックと恐怖」のために「彼の足もとに倒れて使者のようになった」 しかしイエス様は、彼の本質どおり、彼の手をヨハネの上におき恐れるなと言いました。私たちは感情がどんなレベルであるにしても、私たちの神様が本当に荘厳であることを忘れがちです。神様はすべての面において完全に優れていますが、私たちは、一つの面に焦点を合わせて、残りを無視する傾向があります。私たちはイエス様の人間性に注目したり、彼の神性を無視する傾向にあります。イエス様が手をヨハネの上に置き恐れるなと言ったヨハネの体験は、シナイ山でモーセと一緒にいたイスラエル人にとっては驚くことの1つでしょう。彼らは火を見、雷鳴を聞きました。ヨハネはこの黙示を受けるほど完璧な人でした。なぜならば彼は「イエス様が愛しておられた者」(ヨハネの福音書13:23等)であり、イエス様の懐に頭を寄りかかれるほど近い存在であり、マリヤが亡くなるまで彼女の世話を任された者(ヨハネによる福音書 19:25-27)でありました。彼でさえ、キリストの栄光の中で、絶対的な力と尊厳によって非常に驚かされました。もし私たちが自分達であの黙示を少しばかりでも経験できるなら、あらゆる地球的考えが取るに足りないものへと弱まります。
I had the great blessing of being raised with a strong awareness of the love of God, which is probably a major reason I identify so strongly with John. I need to see Christ as He is portrayed here! I have an intellectual awareness of who He is, but my emotions don't necessarily keep up. I have had times of deep worship, but I can't say that I have ever been flattened by sheer awe, the way John was. I sing the little chorus, “What a Mighty God We Serve,” but the reality behind the lyrics hasn't sunk in as much as it might. I am not to forget that He is love, but I also need to be equally aware that He is power and authority and holiness.
Father, give me a revelation of Your power to carry me through. Sometimes I let circumstances and schedules overwhelm me, and today certainly has that potential. Help me rest in You, allowing You to replace my strength with Yours, knowing that Your strength is absolute. Help me trust You fully, refusing anxiety of any sort, knowing that the vessel is no big deal, considering the treasure that is in it. I pray that the service, the counseling, the choir rehearsal, and every other detail of the day will go exactly as You intend, in Your power, love and grace, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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