出エジプト記 34:2 「朝までに準備をし、朝シオン山に登って、その山の頂でわたしの前に立て。」
This verse has never stood out to me before that I can remember, but it strikes me right now as a pattern for devotions. In the first place, we are to be prepared. That means having gotten enough sleep, and it especially means preparing our hearts to meet with and hear from God. If we really expect God to meet with and speak to us, we will have open, expectant hearts, and we will likely be prepared to make a record of what we are told. The second thing I see here is going to a specific place to meet with God. For each person that will be different, but I do know the difficulty of focusing on God when we are surrounded by things that remind us of other things we need or want to do. There are practical limits to the degree of isolation we can have on a regular basis, but I know from experience that it is extremely difficult to have a good devotional time when surrounded by hustle and bustle. The third thing I see here is standing before God, presenting ourselves with no other agenda than to hear and obey. We are all too prone to go to God to try to manipulate Him into doing what we want. It is absurd that we think that way, but we do. Rather, we need to go before God with our agenda in our hands and lay it down at His feet, renewing our commitment to Him as Lord of every detail of our lives. If we will do that, He will indeed meet with us, and “tell [us] great and unsearchable things [we] do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3)
By God's grace I have developed a strong habit of daily devotions, but I haven't had nearly the success I would like in encouraging others to do the same. People are touched when I share the insights I am given, yet God stands just as ready to speak to them as He does to me. I think a big part of the problem is that people don't see God as personal enough, as interested enough in them to speak to them. That can be a tough wall to break down! I am to keep sharing what God speaks to me, and I am to encourage others to listen to what He is saying to them. That means especially communicating the love of God, because without that awareness, we are afraid of what God might say to us! I need to help them understand that because of the cross of Christ, repentance brings real forgiveness, making them holy and pure enough to hear the words of our holy God. Hearing from God is addictive! I don't get a big “hit” every morning, but it doesn't take very many of those to get me hooked to keep trying!
Father, thank You for Your amazing grace! You are indeed gracious, loving and compassionate, just as You told Moses. Help me communicate Your reality to more and more people, more and more effectively, so that they too may enjoy the fellowship with You that their hearts really long for, and that You desire as well. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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