創世記 22:18 「あなたの子孫によって、地のすべての国々は祝福を受けるようになる。あなたがわたしの声に聞き従ったからである。」
If I recall correctly, I've used this passage in a message titled, “The Blessings of Obedience.” God's love is unconditional, but He uses those who will listen and obey Him. Abraham faced perhaps the ultimate test of obedience, harder even than being asked to sacrifice his own life, and he passed. That is why God could use him in a long line that went through David to bring us Jesus, the Son of God, the Savior of the world. Abraham was hardly a perfect vessel, any more than any of his descendants before Jesus was, but he had the absolute commitment that God was looking for. God still honors such commitment. Jesus gave Peter a magnificent promise when Peter asked what the apostles would receive for their commitment. (Matthew 19:27-30) The Gospel of Mark is generally agreed to be the recollections of Peter, and he specifically includes persecutions in the list. (Mark 10:28-31) Following God in total obedience isn't an easy path, but the rewards, for ourselves and for others, are magnificent.
私が正しく覚えているなら、私はこの箇所を説教の中で「従順することの幸せ」というタイトルで使いました。神様の愛は無条件ですが、彼に聞き従う人を使います。アブラハムは自分自身の命をいけにえにするように求められるよりも辛い、あの従順という恐らく究極であったテストに面し、そして彼は合格しました。それはなぜ神様が彼を、ダビデから神様の息子、世の救い主であるイエス様を私たちに与えてくださるまでの長い歴史において使うことができたかという理由です。アブラハムはイエス様がいらっしゃる前の彼のどの子孫よりも完璧な器だったとは言いがたいのですが、彼は神様が求めていらっしゃった確かな献身さがありました。神様はそのような献身さを今も高く評価しています。ペテロが使徒は献身さのために何を頂けるか質問した時、イエス様は彼にすばらしい約束をしました(マタイによる福音書 19:27-30)マタイの福音書は一般的にペテロの記憶であると言われ、彼はそのリストにはっきりと迫害のことを述べています。神様に完全に従うことは簡単ではありません。しかし私たちへのまた他の人たちへのその報いは壮大なものです。
My obedience hasn't been total, nor as instant as it could have been, but I'm growing! I know that I desire to be totally obedient, so I rest in God's promise in Philippians 2:13. He is indeed working in me both to will and to do what He desires, and I am profoundly grateful. I will not be perfect at it until I am out of this body, but I know that He's on the job, and it doesn't depend just on me. I am to rejoice in every opportunity to choose obedience, knowing that each time I do so will make the next choice easier. As a pastor, I need to encourage the believers that God is at work in them as well, even when they stumble and fall. I need to teach and preach obedience to God without compromise, but I need to do so with love, mercy, and compassion. I am not to excuse disobedience to God, but I am to proclaim repentance and forgiveness. God's love and grace are indeed bigger than our failures. I encounter situations daily that are the result of disobedience, and I need to be available to God to speak His truth, light, and life into them, for healing, redemption, and salvation.
Father, Thank You for all You are doing. It is painful sometimes to see what my spiritual children are going through, but I know You will be as faithful with them as You have been with me. Help me be the encouragement and the example that You want me to be, so that the Body of Christ may be built up in every respect, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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