申命記 18:18-19 「わたしは彼らの同胞のうちから、彼らのためにあなたのようなひとりの預言者を起こそう。わたし は彼の口にわたしのことばを授けよう。彼は、わたしが命じることをみな、彼らに告げる。わたしの名によって彼が告げるわたし のことばに聞き従わない者があれば、わたしが彼に責任を問う。」
This passage has been seen as Messianic since hundreds of years before Jesus was born, but as is usual with long-range prophecies the Lord gives us, the fulfillment didn't match the preconceptions. The Japanese is a little more explicit than the English, grammatically speaking, in specifying that this is talking about a single individual. That actually is why this was seen as Messianic, when God raised up many prophets over the years. The verses immediately following are obviously talking about many prophets of varying authenticity, which makes the Messianic attribution seem somewhat out of context. However, Jesus is the only person ever to fulfill these two verses perfectly. (Hebrews 1:1-2) Prophets since then are a different category, and this is where modern understanding gets confused. It is clear from the Biblical record that God continues to use prophets. One such case is Agabus (Acts 11:27-28, 21:10-11). This idea of God using prophets today is hotly contested in some areas by people who insist that once the NT canon was completed, there was no more need for prophets. However, those same people are likely to consider their own sermons as being on the level of Biblical prophecy! Since Pentecost, the Holy Spirit is indeed poured out on all believers, but the degree to which He is received and welcomed varies greatly. That means any believer can, and should expect to, be used by God to speak into situations. However, that is different from the office of Prophet that Paul talks about in Ephesians 4:11. The point to remember in all of this is that when God uses a human instrument to speak to people, those people are responsible to God for what they have heard.
As a Pastor/Teacher who has been used both in direct prophecy and in prophetic preaching, this is of great concern to me. I am to keep my spiritual ears tuned and unclogged to hear what God is saying to me and what He wants to say through me, but I am not to try to hold people responsible to me personally for the truth I speak. Rather, I am to recognize that if God is really speaking through me, then He can take care of what happens after that as well. I must be especially careful not to deceive myself into thinking I am in any way exempted from having to be obedient to the truth I speak. Jesus Himself was perfectly obedient to everything He said. I am never to place myself on a pedestal, but I am to recognize that God has chosen to speak through me, and walk in the purity and humility that are called for.
Father, it is enormously satisfying to realize You have spoken, or even are speaking, through me, but pride is a major problem. Help me be fully faithful, without taking personal credit. I don't deserve any! I especially ask that You enable me to live out what You speak through me, filled and motivated by Your love, so that I will in no way hinder what You desire to do through me, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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