創世記 3:4-5 そこで、蛇は女に言った。「あなたがたは決して死にません。あなたがたがそれを食べるその時、あなたがたの目が開け、あなたがたが神のようになり、善悪を知るようになることを神は知っているのです。」
Sometimes lies succeed because of their very audacity. Satan is calling God a liar and a deceiver, not to mention saying that He is stingy. Eve didn't have any background of life experience to prepare her to withstand such a lie, but she still had her free will, as did Adam, and she could have chosen obedience to God. The particular temptation, of becoming like God, is powerful precisely because it is so close to the truth. God indeed desires that we become like His Son, as is expressed clearly in Romans 8:29,but that's not the same thing as our taking the attributes of God for ourselves. Many false religions build on this very idea, with Mormonism being a prime example. That is the way of pride and greed, when God's way is one of humility and serving. The path of life is obedience to the One who is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).There is no other way we can attain to resurrection and true life (John 11:25-26).
This is of course the very heart of the Gospel I preach, but I too am vulnerable to appeals to pride and greed. Intellectual pride has tripped me up more times than I care to think about. It was a major breakthrough for me when I finally got it through my head that it's not that God's smarter than I am, it's that He's smart and I'm not. It is not wrong to seek knowledge, but it is a terrible trap if, in that, we fail to seek the One who is the Source of all true knowledge. This is so obvious in the world today, with so many pursuing Science as an alternative, humanistic god so that they can “discard the cultural baggage of religion” and do whatever they want. That leads not only to spiritual death, but also to the worst atrocities known to man, not to the utopias that people claim. I am to stand firm in the Truth of God, because only that will keep me free from the traps of the devil.
これは言うまでもなく私が説く福音のとても中心となるものです。しかし私はまたプライドと貪欲に負けてしまいます。 私は自分が気づいていない以上に何度も知的なプライドのわなに捕らわれてしまっています。神様が私よりも知的だということではなく、神様は知的で私はそうではないということを自分でやっと理解したとき、それは私にとって大きな突破口となりました。知識を求めることを悪いことではありません。しかし、もし私たちが全ての確かな知識の源である方を求めることに欠けるなら、それは恐ろしい罠です。これは、多くの人が人間的神として科学を代わりに追及し、宗教の文化を捨て、彼らがしたいようにするという今日の世界ではとても明確です。それは霊的な死へと導くだけではなく、人々が求める理想的な世界ではなく、いわゆる最悪な残虐行為へと導きます。私は神様の真実にしっかりと立ちます。なぜならばそれが唯一、私を悪魔の罠から自由にさせるからです。
Father, thank You for both the simplicity and the depth of the Gospel. Help me not only be faithful and effective in proclaiming it, but also fully active in appropriating it and living it out. Help me indeed not trust myself, but trust You in me. That might look the same to an outside observer, but the results are so different! Help me seek You always and be instant in my obedience, so that all Your perfect plans for me may be fulfilled, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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