第1テサロニケ 3:13 また、あなたがたの心を強め、私たちの主イエスがご自分のすべての聖徒とともに再び来られるとき、私たちの父なる神の御前で、聖く、責められるところのない者としてくださいますように。
This is a continuation of the prayer that Paul began in verse 11, and again I like the turn of phrase used in the NIV: “strengthen your hearts so that ...” Purity and holiness come from heart attitude long before they are expressed in action. That's the problem with legalism: it only addresses external matters. Jesus dealt with this repeatedly with the Pharisees, who were very focused on externals. When we find ourselves doing things that aren't pleasing to God, we need to examine our hearts. Jesus said that it is out of our hearts that evil words and actions come. (Matthew 15:18-19, Luke 6:45) Legalism seeks to attach the fruit of the Spirit to people by rules and regulations, but that would be like tying apples onto a tree. At best, they are there only briefly before drying up, rotting, and/or falling off. Real change comes from the inside out. That's not to say that rules and guidelines aren't helpful at times, because in our immaturity we don't always distinguish between things that please God and things that are of the flesh. Spiritual children are just like physical children in that respect. However, again like physical children, unless right values are internalized and owned, things go out the window the minute outside pressure is removed.
This is an immediate, pressing issue to me as a pastor, as it is to every spiritual parent. Like Paul, we pray that the hearts of believers may be strengthened, because it's for sure outside rules aren't going to do the job! We are charged with expressing Biblical standards so that people will know what they are aiming for, but trying to run a church by rules is exhausting as well as futile. I am not to run from admonishing and correcting, but my focus must be on the internal spiritual development of each believer, rather than on specific activities. That's why training and encouragement in personal devotions is so important. However, people need to grow spiritually enough to make having a devotional time each morning a priority. The devil, society, and our flesh cooperate to make that a steep hill to climb, but once the commitment is there, the rewards are abundant.
Father, I find myself surprised and disappointed so often when I ask believers about their devotional life. I ask for wisdom and anointing in communicating what a rich blessing it is to spend time just with you at the start of each day. I ask that You give each believer wisdom to know how to arrange their schedule to make that time, and give them the will to follow through. Help them recognize the traps that steal time from them, and desire fellowship with You more than the empty pleasures of this world, so that their hearts may indeed grow strong as You intend, for their blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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