詩篇 44:6-7 私は私の弓にたよりません。私の剣も私を救いません。しかしあなたは、敵から私たちを救い、私たちを憎む者らをはずかしめなさいました。
The point of this passage is vitally important, yet it is all too often forgotten. That is, it is not our tools that do the job, whether the job be battle or anything else, it is God, working through us and the tools in our hands. It is nice to have good tools, and most of us delight in them for our particular area of expertise. For someone not given to that particular area of endeavor, it can be mystifying or amusing to watch someone rhapsodize over a particular tool, but when the shoe is on the other foot, we are just as likely to do the same sort of thing. Good tools indeed make tasks easier, but we must not forget that God is above and beyond it all, and without His help we can accomplish nothing. However, with His help, even inferior tools can accomplish amazing things. The Bible says that God deliberately chooses the weak and foolish to confound those who think they are strong and wise. (1 Corinthians 1:27) If that were not so, no one would have a chance at being used by God!
This really came home yesterday as I watched a sport fisherman with some new fishing equipment. I was reminded of my own feelings and actions in relation to photographic equipment, and I said so. However, just as a fisherman cannot force a fish to take his hook, the best photographic equipment produces mediocre results without being able to see the shot in the first place, and that is a gift from God. I have had a tendency to rely on my tools over the years, whether they were material tools or abilities I had been given, but I have had to learn that even the best tools won't get the job done without God. I have complained about my lack of administrative gifting, but God is drawing this church together in spite of that, and the organization is really shaping up. I need to remember, and communicate to the believers, that even inferior tools, when fully submitted to God, will accomplish far more than the finest tools used without reliance on God. I continue to feel that God has magnificent plans for this church in this year, but we will not move into them if our focus is on tools rather than on God.
Father, thank You for this reminder. Thank You for the many good tools you have placed at our disposal. Help me keep my focus on You rather than on the tools! As someone who is mechanically inclined, such tools, and particularly electronic ones, are glittering toys for me. I really need Your help to maintain my focus! Help me remember that the only things I take with me to heaven are the people I win to You, so that I will use everything You place in my hands to win as many as possible, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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