

詩篇 105:45 これは、彼らが主のおきてを守り、そのおしえを守るためである。ハレルヤ。

This is a very succinct, and interesting, explanation of why God brought the Israelites out of Egypt and gave them the land of Canaan. It doesn't go into all the details of why it was important to be obedient to God's rules, or really what God's motive was for giving them rules to obey. It is significant because they got into trouble precisely because they didn't obey the rules. Human beings have an immense capacity for taking things for granted, not realizing at all the depth of God's grace toward them. We get the strange idea that we deserve all the good stuff and don't deserve any bad stuff, and it makes us ungrateful and careless. It is only when we get some idea of God's holiness and our sinfulness that we really respond to God rightly, in gratitude and obedience. This is why reformed sinners make the best saints. That's not to say that anyone needs to go out and do something terrible in order to understand the grace of God, it's to say that everyone needs to understand that their sins are already terrible, and it is only God's love and grace that keep Him from snuffing them out.


I'm certainly a prime example of this principle. I'll never forget the experience of God holding up a spiritual mirror, so to speak, in 1972 and allowing me to see, to some degree at least, how conceited, ungrateful, and disobedient I was. I broke down in tears, and could have done nothing else. In the years since then I have still had my ups and downs, lapsing into presumption and disobedience at times, and repenting and drawing closer at other times. When I have such a personal history, I need to be clear and consistent in expressing God's holiness and truth in grace and love. Because I'm a pastor, people see me as some sort of “super Christian,” failing to understand that I'm just as dependent on the grace of God as they are. I am not to parade my sins, but I am to be open about my weaknesses and failures. I will not be successful in leading the flock into holiness if I am not modeling it myself. God wants to do magnificent things in and through this church, but we must remember that the purpose is always His kingdom and His glory, and not just our personal satisfaction.


Father, thank You for this reminder. I need it pretty often! Thank You for all that You will do here today. Help me, help us all, respond in gratefulness and obedience, as children You are pleased to call your own, so that Your plans may be fulfilled in every detail, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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