

詩篇 119:111 私は、あなたのさとしを永遠のゆずりとして受け継ぎました。これこそ、私の心の喜びです。

God's Word is a treasure beyond anything the tax office would be interested in. It is the heritage of every believer, but sadly, many do not value it rightly. Not only do they not appropriate it with joy for themselves, they fail to pass it on to succeeding generations. Various nations have inheritance taxes to varying degrees, but there is no tax on passing on the Word of God! And this is a treasure that can be shared without diminishing. Quite the opposite, in fact, because the more active we are in communicating God's Truth, the more deeply and firmly it is deposited in our own hearts and lives. Failing to appreciate the Word of the Lord is like letting your dog eat out of a family heirloom bowl, for example.


That particular example occurred to me because I did exactly that, using a lacquer candy dish I had inherited as a dog dish, since I didn't especially care for it, and it was indeed ruined. Only later did I realize that it probably had been fairly valuable, for its age if for no other reason. Thankfully, my major inheritance is exactly what this verse is talking about, and that is indestructible! I come from generations of people who loved God and His Word, and that is a treasure indeed. I only recently learned that one of my mother's grandfathers was also a preacher, so that makes me at least the 4th generation! Thankfully, each of those generations sought to pass on the treasure they found in the Bible, as I do. I have no greater joy than sharing this treasure with those who are eager to receive it. I am to apply myself to making full use of my spiritual inheritance, which certainly includes passing it on as effectively as possible to as many as possible.


Father, thank You for the spiritual riches You have poured out on me. Help me not take that for granted in any way, but operate constantly in gratitude and obedience, as a good steward of Your grace. I certainly didn't earn my ancestors! Keep me from acting like I think I did. May I always speak Your truth in love, in all humility, so that nothing will hinder Your Word through me having its full effect, for Your kingdom and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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