

詩篇 56:3-4 恐れのある日に、私は、あなたを信頼します。神にあって、私はみことばを、ほめたたえます。私は神を信頼し、何も恐れません。肉なる者が、私に何をなしえましょう。

The definition of courage is not the lack of fear, it is moving ahead in spite of the fear. Everyone has times of being afraid of one thing or another; that is part of the human condition. However, David does exactly the right thing: in times of fear, he chooses to trust God. So much mental and emotional anguish could be avoided if people would just choose to do that! The foundation for that choice is recognizing the omnipotence and sovereignty of God, and there are many who don't want to do that. Many years ago the decision was made to put “In God we trust” on American currency. That's very noble when true, and a good reminder, but in recent years there have been people agitating to have it removed. The whole business of “separation of church and state” is nothing but a smokescreen. These people want to deny the existence of God, because they don't want to acknowledge their responsibility before Him. The problem is, you can't have it both ways. You can't get His help when you deny He exists! It has been said that there are no atheists in foxholes. However true that might be, as soon as the moment of crisis is past, the majority like to forget about God, at least in practical terms. However, it is only when we make Jesus Lord in every area of our lives that we have the peace and security David was talking about here.


This is of course as applicable to me as it is to anyone else. I have come a long way in trusting God, but I still have plenty of room for growth. I have certainly learned that the more completely I trust, the better off I am. Trusting God must not be an excuse for inaction, passively waiting for things to drop into my lap, but it should remove all anxiety of any sort. Put that way, it's clear how far I have to go! I need to be active in my obedience, seeking God daily for what He would have me to do, not just in the major decisions but in every area of my life. That doesn't mean I'm to have a one-hour prayer meeting each morning to decide what to wear that day, but it does mean that I'm to inquire if He has any suggestions for my attire, in an eyes-open, conversational sort of way. He is more than capable of guiding my choices to the very best in every detail. My job is to grow in sensitivity and obedience, which is to say, trust.


Father, thank You for this reminder. I am very aware of my own foolishness in many areas, and it's not unusual for me to fear making the wrong choices. Help me trust You indeed, and not even fear what I can do to myself! More than anything, help me walk in full obedience, because knowing Your will and not doing it is deceiving myself at best and active rebellion at worst. Thank You. Praise God!


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