詩篇 112:4 主は直ぐな人たちのために、光をやみの中に輝かす。主は情け深く、あわれみ深く、正しくあられ る。
The differences between the NIV and the Japanese are very interesting. The NIV seems to put the focus on man, saying that light shines in the darkness for a good person because he is so good, but the Japanese puts the focus squarely on the Lord, saying that He causes light to shine in the darkness for those who are upright, and the second half of the verse says that the Lord is the one who is gracious, compassionate, and righteous. (The NIV gives that as a possible reading in a footnote.) The difference is important. When the focus is on man, we get legalism and pride. When the focus is on God, then we understand that it is all by grace. Having said that, it's important to note that what the Psalmist is saying is that when our hearts are lined up with the Lord (upright), He is our light even in dark circumstances. Everyone has dark times occasionally, some more than others, but if our hearts are pointed toward God, then even in the middle of the darkness we still have light. Some people really put down Christians who are depressed. All I can say is, they've never really encountered depression! Christians can get depressed, particularly because the devil targets them so fiercely, but that's no reason for despair. Depression clouds our reasoning, so it's important to be intentional in putting and keeping our focus on Jesus. When we do that, we see the light that leads us out of the darkness of depression.
I've never had medical treatment for depression, but that's certainly not to say I've never been depressed! However, in my own experience and in working with those who were clinically depressed, I have seen the truth of this verse time and time again. There is an abundance of darkness in the world, but the heritage of believers is light. Isaiah put it this way. “See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you.” (Isaiah 60:2) This truth is something I've got to keep in focus and it's something I need to communicate to the believers, in all gentleness and love. I must never cause someone to feel condemned for being depressed, but neither am I to leave them to wallow in depression. I am to let Christ shine through me, so that even if someone has lost sight of the light in their own life, they may gain enough light through me to see their way out of the depression.
私はうつ病の治療を受けたことはありません、しかしだからといってもちろん私が一度も落ち込んだことが無いと言っているのではありません!しかし、私自身の経験と、臨床的にうつ病と診断された人達と働きあったことから、私はこの節が真実であることを折に触れ目にしてきました。この世界には暗闇が溢れかえっています、しかし信徒達の遺産は光なのです。イザヤはこのように述べています:「見よ、やみが地をおおい、暗闇が諸国の民をおおっている。しかし、あなたの上には主が輝き、その栄光があなたの上に現れる。」と。(イザヤ書60:2) この真実は私が意識を集中し続けていかねばならないものであり、ありたけの優しさと愛をもって信徒たちに伝えていく必要があるものです。私は相手に鬱になっていることで非難されているように感じるような思いをさせてはなりません、しかし同時に彼らが絶望の中にもまれるにまかせていてはいけません。私は、たとえ人生の中で光を失ってしまった人が光を得て絶望から脱け出る道を見つけることができるように、私を通してキリストの光を輝かせていかねばなりません。
Father, You've allowed me to minister to quite a few depressed people. Thank You for that privilege, and for the depression I've experienced that gives me empathy with them. Help me be Your agent, Your light bearer indeed, so that all of Your children may walk continuously in the light, for their blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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