

詩篇 78:5-7 主はヤコブのうちにさとしを置き、みおしえをイスラエルのうちに定め、私たちの先祖たちに命じ て、これをその子らに教えるようにされた。後の世代の者、生まれてくる子らが、これを知り、彼らが興り、これをその子らにま た語り告げるため、彼らが神に信頼し、神のみわざを忘れず、その仰せを守るためである。

The principle of generational transmission of faith is a vitally important one that all too often breaks down. Parents don't understand the multitude of powerful influences that pull their children away from faith, and they fail to lay a sufficient foundation for their children to stand firm in the storm. On top of that is the usually unspoken but certainly pervasive feeling that there is no absolute truth, so being “dogmatic” with your children is “damaging” to them. That's a lie from the pit of hell! Children indeed have to take and test received faith and make it their own, but that in no way excuses the parents from expressing, actively transmitting, the faith they have. Perhaps one of the problems is that the parents' faith isn't all that strong to begin with! Europe is a glaring example of what happens when parents fail to take this responsibility seriously, and America is fast headed down the same path. Delegating religious instruction to Sunday School just doesn't cut it. If the parents aren't living out their faith as well as expressing it verbally, growing up in a “Christian” family can act as an inoculation against true, mature faith!


I had parents who certainly lived their faith, but they could have done much more in express religious instruction of their children. I followed their example, not realizing any better while my children were still at home. In consequence, I did some straying and my children did even more. I have no lofty pulpit in this area to speak down to anyone! I need God's grace and anointing to communicate the truth on this issue to those who are in the age bracket to practice it. As a pastor, I am more active in communicating spiritual truth to my spiritual children than I ever was to my physical children, but even so I need God's constant guidance and encouragement to do it well. God desires multiple generations of families of faith, and I need to be fully available to Him as a tool toward that end.


Father, thank You for the spiritual heritage I have. I've been a bit focused on its imperfections this morning, but I am deeply aware that it is an extremely rich heritage. Help me make full use of it as a good steward, raising up children for You who will in turn raise up more children, so that You will have the family You desire, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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