詩篇 104:24 主よ。あなたのみわざはなんと多いことでしょう。あなたは、それらをみな、知恵をもって造ってお られます。地はあなたの造られたもので満ちています。
This is the attitude of a believing scientist! It seems to me that those who claim science eliminates the need to believe in a Creator are totally deluding themselves. Discovering scientific principles in no way says that God didn't set those up. Knowing that the color of a sunset comes from dust and water vapor in the air doesn't keep it from being beautiful! The starting point for our world view is of vital importance. If we start from Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God,” then everything will fall into place as evidence of His wisdom, power, love, and holiness. If one starts with “I'm the center of the universe,” then nothing fits very well and they come up with all sorts of theories to try to explain the world as we find it.
I had the immense privilege of being raised in a scientific family of faith. I have numerous scientists, as well as clergy, among my close relatives. I can't remember that it was ever stated to me in so many words, but I grew up with the idea that scientific investigation was a good way to check out the wonders of God's creation. It was never an either/or proposition. With that background, I am amazed at some of the convoluted reasoning that goes into some “scientific” theories that seek to deny God, and I am also saddened at some religious people who seek to deny the validity of scientific investigation. Japanese education is secular to the extreme, but Japanese people have that “God-shaped hole” in their hearts that Pascal talked about the same as anyone else. I need to communicate faith to them not as something that denies science but as what validates good science and gives it meaning, while exposing bad science. In doing that, though, I must remember that logical exposition doesn't change hearts and bring them to salvation; only the Holy Spirit can do that.
Father, thank You yet again for Your amazing grace to me. You have given me great advantages over most of the people around me, yet I can take credit for none of it. Help me be a good steward of all You have placed in my hands, using it to communicate Your truth to those around me in all gentleness and love, so that the Holy Spirit may use that truth to open people's eyes and hearts and set them free, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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