

ピリピ 1:21 私にとっては、生きることはキリスト、死ぬことも益です。

Many Christians would like to make this statement in honesty, but they aren't there yet. Most of us are too attached to the world! God intends us to live as Christ. This is evident in many, many places, starting with Jesus saying that He was sending His disciples as He was sent. (John 20:21) However, being attached to the things of the world interferes with that. When our perspective is on the basis of what feels good to the flesh, we aren't going to be very good ambassadors for Christ! (2 Corinthians 5:20) The second half of the verse is a good check as to where our priorities are. From the world's standpoint, saying “to die is gain” is to be suicidal. That is never the attitude of someone who is walking in full obedience to Christ. However, the more we know of Christ, the more attractive eternity with Him becomes. The toys and pleasures of this world can't begin to compare!


This is an attitude I have been growing into over the years. I find that I really understand my father as he waited for the surgery from which he didn't wake up. He had strong emotion and even tears as he thought of leaving people behind, but he certainly had no fear of what lay ahead for him. He knew that it would not be easy for those he left, especially my mother, but he also knew that God's grace would be sufficient for her, as it had been for him. I find that for myself, I enjoy life, its toys and activities, and especially speaking the Word of the Lord, but I know that it doesn't begin to compare with what is laid up for me in heaven. I am to be focused on living for Christ here and now, not letting my longing for heaven distract me from the task at hand but rather letting it be a comfort and encouragement to me. There are so many I want to take with me to heaven who haven't accepted their ticket yet!


Father, I am sharply aware that I am only two years younger than my father was when He went to be with You. My talking about that understandably bothers Cathy. I know of no reason that I would not far outlive him physically, and You know I try to be a good steward of this body You've given me. Help me be a faithful steward of all the time and each opportunity You give me on this earth, so that I will leave nothing undone of what You have for me when I go to be with You, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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