

コロサイ 1:28-29 私たちは、このキリストを宣べ伝え、知恵を尽くして、あらゆる人を戒め、あらゆる人を教えています。それは、すべての人は、キリストにある成人として立てさせるためです。このために、私もまた、自分のうちに力強く働くキリストの力によって、労苦しながら奮闘しています。

Once again we encounter my job description! The goal of Christian life is to glorify God and enjoy fellowship with Him. The goal of Christian ministry, which every believer should be involved in to some degree, is to bring everyone to full maturity in Christ. This of course involves getting them saved in the first place, but it certainly doesn't stop there. I recognize an interesting struggle in myself in comparing the NIV, which uses the word “perfect,” with the Japanese translation, which uses “fully mature,” Jesus did indeed tell us to “Be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48), but our full perfection awaits our arrival in heaven. Maturity, on the other hand, is something we have much less trouble understanding and aiming for. No minister can make his flock perfect, but he can lead and encourage them in maturity. It can be exhausting work, which is why it is so important that it is Christ's power that works in us to accomplish the task.


I am a perfectionist in a number of ways, which has interfered with effective ministry and made life difficult for those closest to me. I have been slow to praise and encourage progress, as apposed to completion. That has discouraged some people and even driven some people away. I need to work on my own maturity as well! I need to remember that instant maturity is an illusion, but God can give insight that leads to maturity. I think maturity could be defined as insight combined with follow-through. My job as a pastor/teacher is to make insight available to people. The follow-through is their responsibility! I know that my biggest personal struggle is not in understanding what God's will is, but in following through consistently in doing it. I must remember that, and exercise patience and grace toward those I lead.


Father, thank You for the magnificent service yesterday. Thank You for the Word you spoke through me, and for how it was received. Thank You for how You are indeed maturing each member of the flock, and for how that is so evident. Help us all grow in insight and follow-through, so that we may be powerful in destroying the devil's works and setting people free, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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