

コロサイ 2:6-7 あなたがたは、このように主キリスト・イエスを受け入れたのですから、彼にあって歩みなさい。キリストの中に根ざし、また建てられ、また、教えられたとおり信仰を堅くし、あふれるばかり感謝しなさい。

This appears to be one of those rare passages in which the NIV is slightly more accurate than the Japanese. Neither language has a tense that specifically indicates continuing action, while Greek does. The Japanese uses the simple present, “walk in Him,” but the NIV uses “continue to live in Him.” (Actually, the Greek says “walk” instead of “live” here, but that's simply a turn of phrase here.) All that aside, the major point is that Christian faith is far from static. Salvation is indeed an eternal transaction, but the commitment involved is ongoing and growing. One of the biggest hindrances to that is the failure to be thankful. Three days ago the Lord spoke to me about the severe danger of a sense of entitlement, and here it is again. When we think we deserve stuff, we fail to be appropriately thankful for it. When we overflow with thankfulness because of our faith that God is meeting all our needs (Philippians 4:19) and that He will use everything we experience for our good (Romans 8:28), then we will grow spiritually by leaps and bounds, continually experiencing more and more of the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).

こんなことは珍しいが、この箇所にはNIV訳は新改訳より正確です。英語にも、日本語にも、「継続形」はありませんが、ギリシャ語にはあります。新改訳では現在形( 彼にあって歩みなさい)を使っていますが、NIVは「彼にあって生き続けなさい」を使っています。それはともかく、ポイントは、クリスチャン生活は静的なものではありません。救いは確かに永遠の取引ですが、それに関わる決心は継続し、成長するものです。それに対する大きな妨げは、感謝しないことです。三日前、主は私に「権限感」の危険を語っていたのに、またありますね。よいものは私たちに与えられるのは当たり前と考えると、感謝しないのです。神様が私たちの必要を満たしていること(ピリピ4:19)、私たちの経験するすべてを益に用いてくれることに対して感謝にあふれると、私たちはぐんぐんと成長し、御霊の実をますます体験します。(ガラテヤ5:22-23)

I'm happy to say that thankfulness has been on the rise in me for some time. That's not to say that I don't have problems and disappointments. I have plenty of those! However, I am more and more aware of how richly I have been blessed. As a pastor, I am constantly dealing with those who don't have that awareness. Ungratefulness is such a burden and a curse! Frankly, some people look at how I have been blessed and are jealous, unable to recognize the blessings God has poured out on them. I must be consistent and faithful in pointing people to God, and I must be open about the negative things in my life as well, to help people understand that everything is by grace, and must be received that way.


Father, thank You that I'm not responsible for other people's attitudes. Help me keep my own straight, and help me point them to You. I ask for wisdom and anointing to be effective in leading people to walk continuously in Christ, recognizing Your grace and blessings and overflowing with thankfulness indeed, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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