

コロサイ 3:17 あなたがたのすることは、ことばによるの行いによるとを問わず、すべて主イエスの名によってなし、主によって父なる神に感謝しなさい。

When you think about the fact that Colossians was written to a group of believers Paul had never met, but had only heard about, it is easy to think of it as written to us, whom Paul knew about only by faith. That makes it all the more significant that it is an extremely practical letter, dealing with the nitty-gritty details of living as a Christian believer in this decidedly non-Christian world. This one verse could be said to sum it all up, because doing things in someone's name meant doing them in keeping with the character, values, and personality of that person. (That's a good think to remember when we tack “In Jesus' name” on the end of our prayers!) Here Paul is very specific that this applies to both words and deeds. Sometimes we think we are fine because we haven't overtly done bad things, when our words have deceived and wounded, and that is hardly in keeping with our Lord Jesus. And it is significant that here again Paul brings up the matter of being thankful. A heart of gratitude goes a long way toward keeping us right before God. The devil is all too successful in convincing us that the Christian lifestyle is restrictive, when the reverse is true. When we walk in obedience and gratitude, our eyes and hearts are opened to recognize the abundance of God's grace toward us, and that is enormously liberating.


Like Paul, I often deal with people who honestly don't know how to live a Christian life. The things pointed out in this chapter are in many cases at variance with societal norms and expectations, particularly in the areas of sexual morality, honesty, and forgiveness. I am to be patient and gentle, but unyielding in proclaiming the Biblical principles in each of those areas. I was able to do that this past Sunday when I helped people understand that other people are never their enemies, only Satan is. That was an eye opener for some of them! And as I proclaim the truth to others, I must be careful to walk in it myself, never thinking that because I am a teacher I have it all down pat. I have a wealth of experience behind me, but fundamentally I am as vulnerable to deception as anyone, and I must not forget that, or in that moment I will be deceived.


Father, thank You again for all You are doing here. Help us live out all You are showing us and leading us into. May we grow in trust and obedience as we walk through the issues we face: jobs, relationships, finances, or whatever. May we learn what it is to do everything, in word or in deed, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, so that everything will indeed be done according to Your will, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!

父よ。あなたはここでなさっているすべてを感謝します。あなたは私たちに示したり、導いたりしていることをすべて実現できるように助けてください。私たちは直面している問題 - 仕事、人間関係、経済、何でも - を通ると信頼と従順に成長できるようにお願いします。すべてが御栄光のために、御心どおりにされるために、私たちは言葉によっても行動によっても、すべてを主イエス・キリストの御名によって行うことを学べますように。ハレルヤ!

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