ピリピ 2:5 あなたがたの間であは、そのような心構えでいなさい。それはキリスト・イエスのうちに見られるのです。
The Japanese makes a much stronger connection between verses 3-4 and verses 6-11 than the NIV does. Verses 3 and 4 deal with how we should relate to one another within the Church, and Paul is saying that attitude is what Christ Jesus expressed in His incarnation. If we are worth Christ coming down from heaven and dying for us, then our brothers and sisters in the Church are surely worth inconvenience and even sacrifice on our part! This is something we logically agree to, but we often have difficulty carrying out. However, Paul's language is clear that this isn't just a suggestion, it is something we must do. Failure to do so means loss for us, not just for the brother or sister we failed to respect or help. That is something our flesh has a hard time grasping, so it is very helpful to spend time meditating on the incarnation of Christ, as in verses 6-11. The better we grasp just what He did for us, the easier it becomes to follow His example in our relationships with others.
In marriage counseling I always use Ephesians 5:25, which tells husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the Church, and that's another expression of this same thing. That's why Paul brings up the marital relationship when talking about qualifications for Church officers. If a man doesn't treat his wife right, he isn't going to treat anyone right! Once again I have the enormous advantage of having grown up with good, godly examples in my parents, but most have not had that advantage. I'll never forget the time I told one man that wives aren't to be beaten, and he responded with “Who says?” It is sometimes hard for me to remember that not everyone has the same framework for interpersonal relationships that I do! At the same time, I must remember that my blessings are all by God's grace, and extend that grace to others as it was given to me. I'm just as self-centered by nature as anyone else!
Father, thank You yet again for Your patience with me. By Your grace I was taught the Bible from my childhood, and yet I still so often stumble in living it out. Help me indeed express to others the love You have poured out on me, lifting them up, encouraging them, and pointing them to You, so that together we may give You the praise, worship, and obedience that You deserve. Thank You. Praise God!
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