ピリピ 4:4 いつも主にあって喜びなさい。もう一度言います。喜びなさい。
Rejoicing is fundamentally a choice. Anxiety is one of the biggest hindrances to joy, and Paul deals with that in verses 6-7, but even without that, we need to choose to rejoice. Some people rejoice for the wrong reasons, such as the misfortune of others, and that is certainly a bad mistake, but many people simply fail to rejoice, not recognizing the abundance of blessings God has poured out on them. A sense of entitlement is probably a bigger hindrance to consistent rejoicing than even anxiety! That is why people who have been through great danger or hardship are often so joyous: they know what a blessing ordinary things are. I'll never forget being told by a young woman who was dying of leukemia how much it meant to her to be able to visit her home and just stand in the garden, smelling the smells and feeling the sun and breeze on her. She said her sense of joy was indescribable, even as she knew she was dying. Since then I have tried to be more appreciative of the little things I usually take for granted. God is indeed gracious and loving toward all, if we will only choose to recognize it. If we will do that, we can indeed rejoice.
I do better now at rejoicing than I have at some times in my life, but I still have a lot of room for improvement. Fairly often I take a mental inventory and marvel at how gracious God has been toward me. That's not to say I don't still grumble and gripe over various things, most of them insignificant. Such behavior certainly doesn't help me rejoice! I need to be intentional in my priorities and focus, not letting minor things distract me from the abundance of God's grace and provision. God is never stingy, but often He waits for us to recognize what He has already given us before He gives us something even better. As a pastor, I need to help others cultivate an “attitude of gratitude” as well, so that we may rejoice in the Lord together!
Father, thank You for helping me understand more and more how insignificant most of the things that upset me really are. Help me choose to rejoice in You whether I have a headache or not, whether the computer system is working or not, whether I have a bank balance or not, whether people seem to like me or not. Help me encourage the believers to do likewise, so that together we may escape the traps of the devil, who only comes to steal, kill, and destroy, and instead walk in the peace and joy that You intend, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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