伝道者の書 11:4 風を警戒している人は種を蒔かない。雲を見ている者は刈り入れをしない。
It seems ironic to me that someone as pessimistic as Solomon was at this point in his life would write this, but it is true none the less. Anyone who has much familiarity with agriculture can understand his illustration here. “We might have another frost, and that would kill the seedlings, so I need to wait longer.” Frost can indeed damage young plants, but a small possibility of it shouldn't keep you from planting. Likewise, rain in the middle of harvest can cause the harvested grain to rot, but again, if you don't harvest, you won't have a harvest. The point is, the possibility of a negative outcome shouldn't keep you from action. “I might get laughed at, and that would be embarrassing, so I won't witness to my friends about Christ.” To be blunt, that's the devil talking through your mind! Jesus dealt with that whole mindset when He said “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:34)
I've certainly done my share of borrowing trouble, being anxious about possible undesirable outcomes before they happened, and it has never done me any good! Bad things do happen, but fearing them ahead of time simply multiplies our trials. That's not to say I'm not to be prudent, or not to do contingency planning, but trusting God is fundamentally optimistic. Again, Jesus has the last word. “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
Father, I quote John 16:33 often to lots of people, yet I still have my bouts of anxiety. Thank You for Your grace and patience toward me! Help me be equally gracious and patient toward anxious people around me, speaking faith and trust, so that Your Spirit may speak through me to counter the lies of the enemy, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
父よ。私は多くの人に ヨハネ16:33を引用しますが、それに関わらず、心配することがあります。私へのあなたの恵みと忍耐を感謝します。私が、それと同様な恵みと忍耐を示せるように、信仰と信頼を私の周りの人たちに語らせてください。それは、あなたの栄光のために、あなたの霊が私を通して語り、敵の偽りを破るためです。感謝します。神を称えよ!
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