イザヤ 49:6 主は仰せられる。「ただ、あなたがわたしのしもべとなって、ヤコブの諸部族を立たせ、イスラエル のとどめられている者たちを帰らせるだけではない。わたしはあなたを諸国の民の光とし、地の果てにまでわたしの救いをもたら す者とする。」
God's desire to use Israel to bring salvation to the whole world has been stated clearly from the time of Abraham, but Israel has run from that more than they have embraced it. The lesson for the Church today is that we must not be self centered, satisfied with our own salvation and ignoring others. A church that is not evangelistic at least is dying, and a church cannot be said to be truly healthy unless it is missions minded. Churches through the centuries have fallen into the trap of focusing on their own problems, or even on their own blessings. This was true even in the 1st Century, because Jesus had to deal with it in addressing the seven churches in Revelation. Any church that doesn't want Christ to “spew them out of [His] mouth,” as He said to the church in Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22) needs to examine themselves and get about the business of communicating Christ's salvation to the ends of the earth.
Having been born and raised on the mission field of missionary parents, this has never been a philosophical problem for me, but I have not been so successful in communicating it to the members of the churches I have pastored. The church in America was rural and traditional, and my coming in was a combination of shock and irritant to them, but thankfully, in the years since my tenure they seem to have moved in the right direction. Since I founded this church, I have absolutely no one but myself to blame for any problems in direction now! I have recently been re-reading a book that was assigned to me when I was in seminary. (New Testament Follow-Up, by Waylon B. Moore) If I had really taken that to heart and applied it from the start, this church would be very different now! I cannot go back and re-do the past, but God can redeem it if I will submit it to Him. I need to get serious about training, rather than just telling, believers how to be self-replicating soul winners, so that even in the hard soil of Japan the seed of the Gospel may take deep root and grow abundantly, for the pleasure and glory of God.
宣教師の両親の布教対象地にて生まれ育ったので、このことは決して私にとって淡々たる問題ではありません。しかし私は自分が牧師をしている教会のメンバーにそれを伝えるのに失敗しています。アメリカの教会は田舎的で伝統的でした。私にとって彼らに対するショックと刺激の組み合わせが始まりでした。しかし感謝することに、私が在職してからの数年間、彼らは正しい方向へと進んだようにみえます。この教会を私が建ててから、方向においていかなる問題でも私は絶対に自分以外の誰をも咎めたことがありません!私が新学校に居たときに私に与えられた本を最近読み直しています。(新約聖書の補足、著者:Waylon B. Moore)もし私が本当にそれを心に留め始めから適応していたら、この教会は今とても違っていたでしょう!私は過去に戻ってしなおすことはできません。しかし私が神様にそれをゆだねたらそれを果たすことが出来ます。私は信者たちにただ話すだけではなく、どのように人の心を掴み、また掴まれた人が別の人の心をつかむような伝道をする者になるか、彼らへの訓練について真剣に取り組む必要があります。神様の喜びと御栄光のために、厳しい日本の土でも福音の種が深く根付き豊かに実りますように。
Father, thank You for keeping me from including the Moore book among those I have given away. Help me to indeed apply Your truth which is in it, not just giving it intellectual assent, as I have done in the past, but putting it into practice. As James said, I have been deceiving myself! I ask for Your wisdom, power, and anointing to train individual believers to be the disciples, the soul winners that You desire, for the salvation and nurture of many, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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