イザヤ 10:19 その林の木の残りは数えるほどとなり、子どもでもそれを書き留められる。
There are many prophecies throughout the Bible that have been dramatically fulfilled in detail, and this is one of them. Today it is hard to imagine that vast forests of mighty trees were a major source of wealth for the Assyrian Empire, but that was indeed the case. Because the OT and other literature of the period make so much of “the cedars of Lebanon,” the Lebanese flag has a cedar in its center, but today only isolated trees may be found. At the time Isaiah was writing there were vast forests of these trees that can reach 40 meters in height and 2.5 meters in diameter. Anything man relies on or boasts of can disappear. Only God is permanent, and we forget that to our peril. There is a lot of talk these days about putting investments in gold and other precious metals rather than in stocks and bonds, because of fears of currency collapse, but the fact is that anything material is going to disappear, and at any rate, it is only for this life. The Bible is consistent from Genesis to Revelation that our focus should be on God and what He says. Jesus stated clearly that if we will do that, our material needs will be met. (Matthew 6:33)
I have certainly gotten wrapped up in materialism more times than I could count. This morning has a full schedule involving physical items. I am to be a faithful steward of all the resources the Lord puts in my hands, material and otherwise, but my focus must be on Him rather than anything else. There's nothing else worth hanging on to, because nothing else is permanent. That includes abilities, health, and even physical life itself, though I am to be careful of my stewardship of those things. I have endured much stress over temporal things, and there is no benefit to that!
Father, thank You for the things You provide. Thank You for the dining set for the house and the refrigerator for the church that are being delivered this morning, as well as the network scanner/printer that is having final setup this morning. Help me be a good steward of these items without hanging onto them for their own sakes. Help me, help us, make the use of them that You intend, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise the Lord!
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