

イザヤ 45:11 イスラエルの聖なる方、これを形造った方、主はこう仰せられる。「これから起こる事を、わたしに尋ねようとするのか。わたしの子らについて、わたしの手で造ったものについて、わたしに命じるのか。」

Perhaps not so many people consciously give God orders, but most of us do so at least sometimes in our prayers and attitudes. Objectively, it is of course completely ridiculous, but subjectively we do it anyway. We have great difficulty letting God be God! At the same time, this issue makes prayer all the greater mystery. When God is the omniscient, omnipotent Creator, why does He tell us to ask, seek, and knock, as Jesus so famously told us in Matthew 7:7-8? I think the answer is hidden in what Jesus said immediately after that, in verses 9-11. The point is that God is Father, and as a father I understand that fathers like to give and do good things for their children. The secret to effective prayer is to be bold, persistent, and believing, but at the same time maintain a sharp awareness that God is God, and His ways and plans are always best. This is what Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemane, when He prayed earnestly, to the point of sweating blood, but His conclusion was, “Your will be done.” There is a tension there, because in our human frailty we have trouble understanding how to ask boldly, fully believing that God is able to do what we ask, and at the same time give Him full permission to do something different, if that is best. All I can really say is, that's one of the mysteries of faith!


Though I grew up in a family where prayer was as natural as breathing, I have long been aware of the paradox of it all. That's not going to keep me from praying! Actually, this is one reason I'm very thankful for the gift of tongues, because when I pray in tongues, I can have assurance that I am praying in line with the Father's will, because it is the Holy Spirit supplying the words. I find that while prayer is of course talking to God, prayer in the presence of others has the added effect and purpose of impacting those people who are hearing it. If our prayers are designed for our human audience, then they aren't really prayers at all, and God doesn't receive them. However, they can be genuinely addressed to God and still provide comfort and encouragement for those who are hearing them physically. I need to be fully submitted to the Holy Spirit at all times, especially in prayer, so that He may supply English or Japanese words that will bless those around me while being in line with the Father's will.


Father, prayer is still a mystery to me, but thank You for how You are unfolding that mystery. Help me continue to grow, not only in my understanding of prayer but especially in my application of it. Help me indeed pray without ceasing, letting You be God but delighting in participating, through prayer, in what You are doing on this earth, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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