イザヤ 8:17 私は主を待つ。ヤコブの家から御顔を隠しておられる方を。私はこの方に、望みをかける。
This is true faith. It doesn't seem hard to trust God when He is pouring out blessings, but it's a different matter when He seems to be hiding His face. This verse could easily become operative for Christians in America in the near future. They are used to America being a very highly blessed nation, but arrogance, conceit, and a denial of God have been rampant in the leadership, and it could easily be time for an accounting of that. The essential thing to remember is 2 Chronicles 7:14, which makes it clear that repentance is the only answer. God allows times of shaking when His people become complacent and presumptive. When that happens, it becomes clear who follows God because He is worthy of our worship and obedience, and who does so simply for the good stuff they think they can get from Him. God does not abandon those who are committed to Him, but sometimes He needs to give us a good shaking to get our whole attention.
これこそが真の信仰です。神が祝福を湯水のように注いでくださっている時に神を信頼することは難しいこととは思えません、しかし神が(我々から)御顔を隠しておられるように思える時となるとそれは別問題です。この節は近い将来のアメリカのクリスチャンにとって、簡単に効力あるものとなり得ます。彼らはアメリカは非常に祝福された国であることに慣れてしまい、それゆえに傲慢さやうぬぼれ、そして神を否定することが指導者層において蔓延しています、そして(そのような状況では)そのような姿勢に対する弁明をしなければならない時がいつきてもおかしくないのです。必ず覚えておくべきことは、II 歴代誌 7:14にあります、そこでは悔い改めが唯一の答えであると明らかにしてます。神は人間達が独りよがりになり、(自分たちの)推論を尊重するようになると揺さぶりの時を与えます。それが起こったとき、誰が神は自分たちの崇拝と従順にふさわしいという理由で神に従う者で、もしくは誰が単純に神から善いものをいただけると信じているため従う者かがはっきりとわかります。神は神に献身するものを見捨てたりなさいません、しかし時に神は私たちの全幅の注意を得るために適切な揺さぶりを私たちに与える必要があるのです。
I have experienced this, on a fairly low level, more than once. I have enjoyed the blessings of God all my life, and have gotten so comfortable with them that a few times He has had to bring me to a place of crisis to snap me out of my presumption. That should be enough to keep me focused on Him, so that I won't need such drastic correction! It would seem that the world as a whole is in “correction mode,” so to speak. I must not let my focus be taken from God by anything that happens in the world around me, but rather rest, relax, and rejoice regardless of my circumstances, As I do that, I need to teach, lead, and encourage others to do the same. I must be very careful not to be judging and condemnatory of others, but I am to warn them that actions have consequences, and God's grace and mercy aren't any sort of license to sin. When society as a whole ignores God, or actively rebels against Him, I need to teach believers to go against the flow and walk in personal purity and commitment to Christ our Savior.
Father, thank You for Your overflowing grace. Help me trust that grace without presuming on it, and help me lead others to do likewise. Help us trust You and rejoice whatever is going on around us, so that we will indeed shine brightly to lead others to You out of the darkness of the world, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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