

イザヤ 9:2 やみの中に歩んでいた民は、大きな光を見た。死の影の地に住んでいた者たちの上に光が照った。

When you come right down to it, every human being lives in the shadow of death, because we are all mortal. An interesting and important facet of social anthropology is the study of how different cultures deal with that reality. The fear of death is a major, if not the major, driving force behind many religions, and Japanese Buddhism is certainly one of those. The only real answer is the light of life in Christ Jesus, who loved us so much that He gave His physical life in order to give us eternal life. That is what this passage is all about, though Isaiah had very little idea of how it would come about when he recorded what God was saying. Christians today not only know the story, they have the incredible privilege of being transmitters of that light of life, sharing faith so that others also may step out of the shadow of death and into the light of eternal life in Christ. Sadly, all too many fail to do that, and a major reason is that they aren't too certain of the light themselves. That can be fatal! (Hosea 4:6) When anyone really understands what Christ has done for them and receives it as God's gracious gift, then they will overflow with joy and peace and will be irrepressible in sharing what they have received. That is what Jesus was talking about in our verse for the year, saying that we are to let our light shine so that people will praise God.


This is the heart of what the Lord showed me several years ago, that I have been sharing in various contexts ever since. When believers wake up to who they are in Christ, to all that God has done for them in Christ, then not only will the Church be transformed, nations and the whole world will be transformed. 120 people with this awareness of God's grace accomplished exactly that in the space of just a few hundred years, following the day of Pentecost. Naturally, it wasn't their wisdom and power that got the job done, but the Holy Spirit working through them. But their openness to being filled and used by the Holy Spirit was on the basis of this understanding. That's why Paul prayed that believers would be given a spirit of wisdom and revelation. (Ephesians 1:17-19) My task is to provide instruction and encouragement, faithfully opening the Scriptures to people so that they may gain the knowledge they need as the foundation for their faith. True faith is never devoid of content, and I am to share the content so that the Holy Spirit may impart the faith.

これは主が何年か前に私に示してくださったことの中心であり、それ以来私はさまざまな場面において分かち合ってきました。信者がキリストにおいて自分自身は何者であるというかを気づき、神様が自分たちにしてくださった全てのことに気づくとき、教会が変えられるだけでなく、国や全世界が変えられるでしょう。神様の恵みへのこの気づきで、ちょうど二~三百年前、ペンテコステの次の日に120人の人たちがそのことを起こしました。当然その事がおこったのは彼らの知恵や力によるものではなく、彼らを通して働かれる聖霊様によるものでした。しかし彼らが聖霊様に満たされ使われるために心を開いたのはこの理解が基礎となっています。パウロが信者が知恵と啓示の御霊を与えられるように祈ったのはそれが理由です。(エペソ人への手紙 1:17-19)私の仕事は人々が進行のための土台として必要な知識を得られるよう、御言葉を教え、指導し励ますことです。真の信仰は決して中身にかけておらず、聖霊様がその信仰を授けてくださるよう、私はその内容を分かち合うことです。

Father, thank You for the incredible privilege of being part of all You are doing here. Thank You for the wealth of truth that was poured out at the Pastors Conference, and thank you for the message that You have prepared for this morning, even though the one delivering it wasn't at the conference! Thank You for the physical healing Cathy and I have experienced over the past 24 hours. May we be fully yielded to and expectant of You for all that You want to do here today, to give each believer a revelation of what You have for them, for the sake of the Body of Christ and for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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