

イザヤ 30:15 神である主、イスラエルの聖なる方は、こう仰せられる。「立ち返って静かにすれば、あなたがたは 救われ、落ち着いて、信頼すれば、あなたがたは力を得る。」しかし、あなたがたは、これを望まなかった。

We human beings are a strange lot. God tells us what is best for us, and yet we choose something else. As the following verses make clear, we tend to prefer our own solutions to problems, even though they are no solutions at all, simply because we thought of them and we want to do things our way. I am reminded of a tale in my family of one of my sisters as a very little girl, who when offered help with something she was doing, said “Selfie do it!”(meaning she would do it herself). That's a very strong tendency in us all. That's why conscious, deliberate submission to God is so important and so valuable. God calls us to repentance and rest, trusting Him, and we will have none of it, running around frantically trying to take care of everything ourselves. God doesn't call us to be passive. Rather, He asks for active trust and obedience. The better we understand what is involved in that, the more mature, and the happier, we are. Sadly, this applies to Christians as much as it does to non-Christians, because all too often we fail to let our initial commitment to Jesus as Savior really extend to letting Him be Lord of our daily lives. Growth in submitting to Jesus' Lordship is a good way to describe what is often called sanctification. When we really trust and obey, we are holy!


I am in the same boat with my flock on this issue. Back in early December, I think it was, the Lord told me to rest, relax, and rejoice. That sounds an awful lot like this verse! I remember years ago when the Lord brought this verse to mind while I was praying for another missionary. I didn't quote it exactly, because I thought it would come across as harsh. I didn't understand how much it applied to me, too! I waste a great deal of emotional energy getting worked up over things instead of simply trusting God to be God. The Lord has pointed that out to me more and more in various areas, and I need to pay attention! Any time I realize I am stressing out over anything, I need to stop, renew my focus on God rather than on the problem or on myself, and rest in trust in His ability and strength, rather than my own. I can write that and understand it, but following through isn't so easy! However, even the ability to follow through is available from Him, since I don't have it. I've just got to choose to receive it.


Father, thank You for this clear, strong Word. I do ask for Your strength to follow through in obedience. Most often it's the little things that add up and stress me out. Help me recognize when that's happening, stop, and choose to submit everything to You, so that Your strength may flow through me to accomplish Your will on Your schedule for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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