

イザヤ 2:5 来たれ。ヤコブの家よ。私たちは主の光に歩もう。

There is a lot to this simple invitation. First of all it is a call to action, to come. That means leaving where we are and going somewhere else, but it is a drawing closer, not a further separation. It is addressed to the house of Jacob. Jacob and Israel are names for the same individual and race of people, but Jacob is the original name, which means “trickster.” The invitation is issued to us as we are, not after we have been cleaned up. The one issuing it says “Let us.” It is not a third party invitation, issued from a position of superiority, but one of equality. Anyone who is calling people to come to God must recognize that they are as much in need of the grace of God as those are whom they are calling. And lastly, it is a call to walk in the light of the Lord. It seems simplistic, but that way is not dark. The invitation is not to gloom and despair, but to light and life; it is a happy invitation. Also, it is the light of the Lord, not some humanistic, intellectual understanding. And it is indeed a walk, an ongoing process in which we must participate, not some passive, momentary thing. We are not called to “into bliss and out of blister,” but into the ongoing sanctification of walking day by day, step by step, with the Holy Spirit.

この単純な誘いには多くのことが含まれています。まず第一に、来るための行為への呼びかけです。それは私たちがいる所を去り、他の所へ行くという意味ですが、別れ離れになるのではなく、もっと近づくことです。それはヤコブの家へ言われています。ヤコブとイスラエル人は同じ者、同じ民族をさしています。しかしヤコブは「詐欺師」を意味する元来の名前です。この誘いはあるがままの私たちに宛てられたもので、整えられた後の私たちに宛てられたものではありません。他の点として、「私たちは~しよう」と書かれている箇所です。これは優越な位置にいる者からの第三者への誘いではなく、同じ位置にいる者からの誘いです。神様の元へ来るように呼ぶ人は誰でも、呼ばれる人とおなじくらい神様の恵みが必要であるということを理解する必要があります。最後に、これは主の光の中を歩くための呼びかけです。その道は暗闇ではないということは簡単なように見えます。その誘いは闇や絶望への誘いではなく、光や命への誘いです。つまり幸福の誘いです。また、それは主の光であり、理知的な理解の人間主義的なものではありません。それは私たちが参加すべき継続的な歩みであり、受身的なものや瞬時的なものではありません。私たちは「 至福を味わい、その後は無関心」になるために呼ばれているのではなく、日々、一歩一歩、継続的な聖別の歩みをするように呼ばれているのです。

This applies to me as much as it applies to anyone to whom I minister. I am one actively committed to calling others to God, but I must be active in my own walk with God as well. It is no good to call others with God's invitation and fail to answer that invitation fully myself! I am greatly blessed to receive the Word of the Lord for transmission, but I must remember that it is not just for transmission, but also to be obeyed by me! Each of the points I have been shown about this verse is to be digested and applied, so that I myself may grow in grace as well as lead others into that same grace.


Father, thank You for this experience of hearing clearly from You. Thank You for how clearly You are speaking through Jack Hayford and others at this conference. May I indeed receive, appropriate, and apply all You are saying, so that I may be transformed as You know I need to be, to be a more effective instrument in Your hands to draw more people into active discipleship, for their blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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