

イザヤ 58:9 そのとき、あなたが呼ぶと、主は答え、あなたが呼ぶと、「わたしはここにいる」と仰せられる。

This whole passage (6-14) is filled with many wonderful promises that are often claimed by Christians. However, much of the time those same Christians fail to recognize that every one of these promises is conditional. Essentially, God is saying, “If you will act like my children, you will discover what a good Father I am.” We can't go lifting promises out of context and claiming them, demanding that God be “true to His Word.” God is absolutely true to His Word, but we fail to accept the hard parts. God desires to bless us more than we can imagine, but He is no Santa Claus, going “Ho, ho, ho” and ignoring our rebellion. Parents who spoil their children and fail to discipline them are training them to rebel against God, because they are not laying a foundation of understanding that actions have consequences. The other side of the issue is a lack of understanding of grace. God treats us much better than we deserve, and we come to take that for granted, instead of being grateful, or we live in fear of everything coming crashing down on us because of all we have done against God. Neither attitude is what God is looking for! Conditions are real and sin must be atoned for, but when there is repentance and faith, we discover that God is gracious and abounding in mercy. Because of the atoning work of Christ on the cross, forgiveness is very real.


This is not only something I've got to apply in my own life, it's what I'm charged with communicating to others. For that, I need the help of the Holy Spirit, because human minds don't readily wrap themselves around something so huge and magnificent. It takes the Holy Spirit to reveal both our sinfulness and God's grace to our hearts. However, that's what He loves to do, so I just need to get in step with Him!


Father, thank You for Your grace toward each of us, and for the privilege of proclaiming that grace. Keep me from glossing over the conditions included in Your promises, either to myself or to others. Help me communicate that You will enable us to fulfill those conditions if we will set our wills to follow You. Father, Jesus said it all when He said that to do Your will is to believe in Him. May I believe and trust fully and teach others to do likewise, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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