

イザヤ 60:1 起きよ。光を放て。あなたの光が来て、主の栄光があなたの上に輝いているからだ。

This is another pre-statement of our Scripture passage for the year, where Jesus tells us that we are the light of the world, and we are to let our lights shine. Jesus is indeed the Light of the World, but He has come to us and lives in us by His Spirit, and He is our light on an individual level as well. Paul tells us not to quench the Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19), which could be paraphrased, “don't put out the light.” God tells us through Isaiah that God's glory is shining over us. Refusing to shine is denying God the glory He deserves! For many people, what I have just written is no more than words, because they cannot grasp and/or accept that the Holy Spirit is truly resident in them and they are instruments of God's glory. The devil uses every­thing he can to hide that truth from us, because he wants glory for himself, and his method is to try to deny God His glory. When believers wake up to the reality of Christ in them, that is glorious indeed (Colossians 1:27).


I keep coming back to what the Lord showed me a few years ago, that when the believers of Japan wake up to who and what they are in Christ, it will change not only the Church or even the nation of Japan, but the whole world. Japanese culture is strongly disapproving of conceit and bragging, and the devil has used that to convince the Christians that they can't do anything. I need to be active in helping believers understand that they aren't the issue, it's God in them. Paul was very clear that “We have this treasure in jars of clay,” but in the same sentence he refers to “all-surpassing power” (2 Corinthians 4:7). It boils down to getting our eyes off of ourselves and onto God. Nothing is impossible for God! (Luke 1:37) As long as we are focused on ourselves, we aren't going to let God's light shine through us as He desires and intends. I've got to remember this for myself and get it through to the believers. I don't have the wisdom or ability to do that, but God does, and He can use me!

私は数年前に主が私に見せてくださったことにいつも立ち返ろうとしています、それは、日本の信徒たちがキリストのうちにある自分達とは何者であるかに目覚めた時、教会や日本国家だけでなく、世界全体が変わるだろうということです。日本の文化は自慢やうぬぼれというものを強く非難します、そして悪魔はそのことを利用して、クリスチャン達に何もできないということを信じ込ませようとしてきました。そのことが問題ではなく、彼らの内に神がおられることを信徒達が信じられるよう、私は積極的に手助けしていく必要があります。パウロは「私たちは、この宝を、土の器の中に入れているのです」とはっきり明言しています、しかし同じ節で「測り知れない力」とも言っているのです(コリント人への手紙第二 4:7)。それは私達の目を自分自身からそらし神へと向けるよう煮詰めていくのです。神に不可能なことはありません!(ルカによる福音書1:37) 私達が自分自身にばかり関心を向けている限り、神が望み、意図しているように神の光を私達の内から輝かせることはないでしょう。私は自分自身のためにもこのことを心に留め、そして信徒達へも浸透させていかなくてはなりません。そうするための知恵も能力も私にはありません、しかし神はすべてご存知であり、神が私を用いることができるのです!

Father, once again I'm back to needing to pay attention to the Word that comes through me. Keep me from failing to obey Your Word after I have proclaimed it! I am freer from self-limiting than many people are, but that doesn't mean I don't do it. Help me trust You not only to supply the power but also to manage the consequences of exercising it. Help me be a fully open channel for You to pour through, today and each day, so that the believers may be led and encouraged to do the same, and all Your plans for us may be fulfilled, on Your schedule for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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