ゼカリヤ 14:9 主は地のすべての王となります。その日には、主はただひとり、御名もただ一つとなる。
As Paul points out in 1 Corinthians 8:5, at this point there are many “gods” and many “lords,” but that situation is not going to continue. Recently it seems like dictators have been dropping like flies, but “people power” isn't the ultimate answer either. Actually, the Islamic fundamentalists have the right idea, they just have the wrong god. God really is in control, and the sooner and the more completely we recognize that, the better. Theocracies down through the centuries have been horrible, because men have dressed up their lust and greed in the name of whatever god they supposedly served. Sadly, this is seen in Christian churches even today. When a leader starts defending his extravagant lifestyle with “lay no hand on God's anointed,” there is a real problem! As far as political systems go, I have a strong preference for democracy, but ultimately, even democracy works well only when a majority of the populace is honestly seeking to follow God. For the believer, it is a real comfort to know that ultimately all the falsehoods are going to be cast down, and there will be no question who is God, King, and Lord.
It is easy to feel somewhat superior on this issue, since I know Who the true Lord is, but I have no room for conceit, because I'm not 100% consistent in submitting to His Lordship. Over time I have grown, but I still have my rebellious moments. Since I am in a position of spiritual authority, I must be especially careful not to cloak my personal, fleshly desires in spiritual language. I must be actively humble and submitted to the Holy Spirit, and let Him show me the traps the devil sets for me through my flesh, so that I may avoid them. I am not to draw back from exercising the authority that has been entrusted to me, because that would be poor stewardship and would benefit no one. However, it must always be exercised in love, even when the actions called for are forceful.
Father, as You know well, I have always been somewhat uncomfortable with authority. On one hand I want it, but on the other hand I run from it, because of the responsibility it always entails. Help me be fully submitted to Your authority and Lordship, so that Your authority may operate through me according to Your will to accomplish Your purposes on Your schedule for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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