ミカ 7:7 しかし、私は主を仰ぎ見、私の救いの神を待ち望む。私の神は私の願いを聞いてくださる。
Sometimes the “buts” in Scripture are very significant, and this is certainly one of them. This whole chapter is a beautiful statement of faith. The first six verses are a heartbreaking description of moral and ethical desolation, but then comes this verse. In spite of everything, Micah chooses to trust God, to wait expectantly for Him. Everyone encounters difficulties in life, just as Jesus promised in John 16:33, but our trust in God makes all the difference. If we are looking at God, as Micah says in this verse, then we can rejoice even in the middle of the difficulties, just as Jesus said. It's all a matter of focus. We tend to wallow in pity parties, wailing that our trials are too difficult to bear, but the the Scriptural advice in that case would be, “Cut it out! Stop focusing on yourself and your problems and take a look at Jesus, who endured far worse for Your sake and who now is seated at the right hand of the Father, calling you to Himself!”
I have needed such an admonition several times in my life. Sometimes there was someone to give it, and sometimes it has just slowly dawned on me. I find myself desiring to give this admonition to others frequently. Sometimes they have ears to receive it, and sometimes they don't. In my observation, a major part of human misery comes not from the circumstances themselves, but from our failure to look to God in those circumstances. I am not to go around hitting people over the head to get them to pay attention (though I am tempted!), but I am to be persistent in speaking the truth in love, however it is received. I have had people be offended at this message, and even leave the church, because they didn't want to stop their pity party. I am to pray for such people, but I am not to chase them down, either. I cannot change their hearts; only the Holy Spirit can do that.
Father, I need Your wisdom and anointing in order to present this message without coming across as uncaring. That has been a major problem in the past. Help me hear people out, but still not leave them wallowing in self-centered misery. Show me how to express the “but” that Micah did, and lead and encourage others to do the same, so that we may escape the traps of the devil and walk in the peace and joy and victory that You intend, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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