ホセア 6:3 「私たちは、知ろう。主を知ることを切に追い求めよう。主は暁の光のように、確かに現われ、大雨 のように、私たちのところに来、後の雨のように、地を潤される。」
There is a Japanese song taken directly from this verse that I have liked ever since I first heard it. I embellished it a bit in my English translation, because saying it in Japanese takes more syllables and I needed to match the music, but in either language it makes an excellent song of exhortation. (I just realized that the content is neither praise nor worship, since it is addressed to people rather than to God. Maybe we need another category in Church music!) The problem with this verse in context is that apparently the people of Hosea's day weren't sincere in saying things like this. Words are well and good, and they are important, but throughout the Bible the point is made that words by themselves can be completely empty. When our hearts and wills are behind them, then we will follow through. Otherwise, they are just noise. Deciding to know God and trusting that He will come to us and fulfill our needs are essential parts of the life of faith, but saying pious words without putting them into action is meaningless.
As a man of words, this is a matter of urgency for me. I can generally say the right thing at the right time, but if my actions don't match my words I am a sham, and the deception will soon be exposed. I've got to be careful to live out the truth I speak, and I also need insight from the Holy Spirit to recognize deception in others. Sometimes, such deception simply calls for intercession. Sometime, it calls for confrontation. I don't like that idea! However, I need to be willing to risk rejection for the sake of people's spiritual well being. Jesus said that the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. He of course was talking about His own sacrifice on the cross, but that applies to His under-shepherds as well. As one of those, I am not to value my own life above the life of the flock.
Father, this is a serious Word. Help me not take it lightly. Help me be willing to confront wayward sheep, loving them enough to risk the conflict that I dislike so much. Thank You for Your faithfulness to speak through me. Help me be faithful in living out every word, so that all of Your purposes may be fulfilled, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
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