ピリピ 2:1-11
S: ピリピ 2:1 こういうわけですから、もしキリストにあって励ましがあり、愛の慰めがあり、御霊の交わりがあり、愛情とあわれみがあるなら、
O: Paul is building up a rock-solid argument here by making a list of things that every believer in Christ should have. The result is a check list by which we can evaluate our own spiritual condition. Paul is pleading for unity among believers, which was a problem then as it is now. When there is a lack of unity, each party needs to do an honest self-evaluation of the areas Paul lists here. Sometimes dis-unity arises from envy or jealousy, but that can happen only when we have a distorted view of ourselves. Paul addresses that as “encouragement in Christ.” Sometimes it arises from emotional wounds. Paul touches on that with “the comfort of [Christ's] love.” Sometimes it simply comes from failing to listen to God, which is of course dealt with by the fellowship of the Spirit. And tenderness and compassion are of course valuable qualities in any interpersonal relationship. The point is, when we fail to have unity, it means that one or more parties is failing to appropriate blessings that are freely available to every believer. We can't change each other but we can deal with ourselves, by honest self-evaluation and humility before God.
O: パウロはここでクリスチャンなら誰でも心しているべき項目を列挙しながら、ゆるぎない道理を述べています。私たち自身の霊的状態を知るためにチェックできるでしょう。パウロは信者間の一致を訴えています。一致は過去、現在もある問題です。一致ができていないなら、パウロがここで述べていることを各自、自己査定してみるとよいでしょう。妬みた嫉妬から不一致が生じることがありますが、自分自身に対して歪んだ見方をしている時にのみ起こることもあります。パウロはそれを「キリストにある励まし」と呼んでいます。時に心の傷から生じることもあります。パウロはそれを「キリストの愛の慰め」であると言っています。単に、神様の声に耳を貸さないことから生じることもあります。これは勿論、御霊の交わりで行われることです。優しさや憐れみ人との関わりで大切なものです。不一致があれば、本来は全ての信者に自由に与えられるはずの正しい祝福を受け取れない人たちがでてきます。私たちは互いを変えることはできませんが、自分自身を取り扱うことならできるはずです。そのために自己吟味をし神様の御前にへりくだっていましょう。
A: This is certainly applicable! I need God's wisdom and the anointing of the Spirit to communicate it to the believers. We are learning and growing in various ways in the process of all that is going on, and that is God's purpose in allowing it. My personality and gifting make me feel like I ought to be able to proclaim the truth and that would take care of everything, but people are far more complex than that. I need patience and inspiration to present the truth to people in various ways so that each person will be able to appropriate and apply it according to their own personality and gifting. I should know by now that a one-size-fits-all mindset does not work in pastoral ministry!
P: Father, it seems there are some lessons I have great difficulty really applying. Thank You for Your patience. Help me exercise that same patience toward the members of my flock. Thank You that I am finally learning that I can't do this by myself, and thank You for the help and encouragement that You send my way. Thank You for the person who came Sunday and, without knowing anything in advance, spoke Your truth clearly to various people. I pray that truth would work the deliverance and healing that You intend. May we as individuals and as a body be transformed into the likeness of Your Son indeed, as a demonstration of Your salvation to all who see us, drawing many more into Your kingdom, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
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