

1 Timothy 2:5 神は唯一です。また、神と人との間の仲介者は唯一です。それは人としてのキリスト・イエスです。

Several people have come at me recently with “There's only one God, isn't there,” meaning that all religions are the same. This verse is the answer to that. Totally disregarding the fact that Buddhism is originally atheistic and Shinto and Hinduism are polytheistic, even the other monotheistic religions, Islam and Judaism, do not recognize Jesus as the Christ, the only mediator between God and man. Anyone who says all religions lead to the same place is sadly ignorant. Christians are regularly called narrow, bigoted, or worse for insisting that Jesus is the only way to the Father, but that is the explicit claim Jesus made for Himself (John 14:6). Sadly, many Christians today, at least in America, are very shaky on this fundamental tenant of their faith. Of course, the devil does all he can to attack that conviction and assurance, but that's all the more reason we need to be clear and stand firm in Scriptural truth.


It takes wisdom and anointing in communicating this to people who are genuinely seeking God but are confused by the false religions around them, in particular in their own families and homes. It is a very hard thing for someone in a family that is religious, on the surface at least, to come out clearly and say, “I am following a different religion.” To do so is clearly stating, “Your religion is wrong.” That's why apostasy from Islam is punishable by death. Even if don't have to deal with evangelism to Muslims, we should be faithful in prayer for those who do. In Japan we do have to deal with people for whom ancestor worship is seen as a fundamental part of who they are, and renouncing ancestor worship is seen as renouncing the family. We cannot back down on this point, but we must speak the truth with both understanding and love.


Father, many of the people around us do not cling to Jesus Christ alone. Some are social Christians, some are irreligious, and some are active in religions that don't acknowledge Christ. Help us communicate Your love and grace to these people, not saying they are OK as they are, but not coming across as holier-than-thou either. We can't do that in our own wisdom and strength, so we ask You to do it through us, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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