

コロサイ 1:24- 2:5

S: コロサイ 1:28-29 私たちは、このキリストを宣べ伝え、知恵を尽くして、あらゆる人を戒め、あらゆる人を教えています。それは、すべての人を、キリストにある成人として立たせるためです。このために、私はまた、自分のうちうに力強く働くキリストの力によって、労苦しながら奮闘しています。

O: In several places Paul expresses his calling in concise form, and this example is very clear and to the point. I prefer the Japanese to the English here, because I think it is less confusing. In the first place, Paul used all the wisdom he had (not all the wisdom that exists) to admonish and teach everyone with whom he came in contact. I also like it very much that the Japanese expresses it that his goal was to “set people up as adults (mature people) in Christ.” When the English uses “perfect” there it invites all sorts of misunderstanding. The Lord had me speak on growth/maturity this past Sunday, and it is an issue of vital importance in the Church throughout the world. Immaturity robs so many people of the victory, peace and joy that God has for them! A second point of great importance here is that, whereas Paul was certainly putting a lot of effort into his work, it was the power of Christ, rather than Paul's personal power, that was getting the job done. “Presenting everyone mature in Christ” is certainly beyond the strength and ability of any human being!


A: Once again, this is highly applicable in my own life, because this is my own calling as well. I cannot force anyone to mature, but I can admonish and teach with all the wisdom God has placed in me, and that is what I intend to do. I have no strength for the task, but I know that Christ is in me by His Spirit, and He certainly has all the strength necessary. I must not be presumptuous, but neither should I despair, because it is the Body of Christ that is involved, and He has said that He will build His Church.

A: この御言葉も私自身も生き方に深く応用できるものです。私への召しそのものだからです。私の力で人の成熟を強制することなどできませんが、神から頂いた知恵を用いて諫め、教えることならできます。そしてそれこそがまさしく私のやりたいことです。私は働きのための強さを持ち合わせてはいません。しかし、聖霊によって私の内にキリストがおられ、必要な強さを与えてくださることを知っています。おこがましくあってはいけません。落胆してもいけません。キリストの体に関することです。キリストが御自身の教会を建てるとおっしゃっているのです。

P: Father, thank You again for Your plans and Your encouragement. Thank You for all You are taking us through. Thank You for the assurance that I am not off-track, nor are my labors in vain. Help me listen to You carefully and obey You accurately and fully, holding nothing back, so that all of Your plans may be fulfilled on Your schedule for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!

P: 父よ、あなたの御計画と励ましに心から感謝します。私たちになさっている全てに感謝します。t私が道から逸れていないことの確信、働きが無駄でないことの確信を有難うございます。あなたの声に耳を澄まし、相応しく十分にあなたに従えますように。決してひるむことのありませんように。あなたの御計画が時宜にかなって成就できますように。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。ハレルヤ!

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