

コロサイ 3:18- 4:6

S: コロサイ 4:5-6 部外の人に対して賢明にふるまい、機会を十分に生かして用いなさい。あなたがたのことばが、いつも親切で、塩味のきいたものであるようにしなさい。そうすれば、ひとりひとりに対する答え方がわかります。

O: Here we have a clear expression of what has been called lifestyle evangelism. If every Christian lived this way, the world would be evangelized very quickly! This is the same thing Peter was talking about in 1 Peter 3:15. If we are living with Jesus as Lord, His hope and peace and joy are going to be evident, and God is going to give us opportunities to tell people about it. We are not to overlook those opportunities, but each time respond to people with gentle, “tasty” words. Platitudes and canned presentations don't really cut it, but honest expressions of the grace and love and power of God are remarkably persuasive. Many people draw back because they think they don't know how to evangelize, but Paul says that if we will keep in mind being kind and interesting, we'll know what to say in each opportunity we are given.

O: 生き方を通しての伝道をはっきりと教えている箇所です。もしすべてのクリスチャンがここに書かれているように振る舞うならば、この世界には伝道がもっと急速に広まるでしょう。同様のことをペテロが1ペテロ3:15で述べています。イエスを主として生きるならば、イエスにある希望、平安、喜びがあるのは明らかです。人々にイエスを告げ知らせる機会となるでしょう。こうした機会を見逃さないようにしましょう。そして機会を与えられるたびに「塩味のきいた」言葉で人に応えるようにしましょう。ありきたりで型にはまった言い方ではうまくいきません。ただ神様の恵み、愛、力を誠実に伝えることの方がはるかに説得力を持っています。多くの人が伝道の仕方を知らないために、たじろぎますが、いつも親切で塩味を聞かせるように心しておくならば、与えれた伝道の機会にどのように言うべきかが分かるのだとパウロは教えています。

A: I can't say that my “success rate” at evangelism has been very high, but I do know that my hesitation to evangelize dropped to a minor fraction of what it once was after I was baptized in the Holy Spirit. That is just one more reason to desire and seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit! I desire that every believer be filled and overflowing with the Spirit, but that certainly isn't something I can accomplish by my own will or effort. I need to do all I can to let the believers know what a blessed thing it is so that they will desire and seek it, but this is very much a case of “you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.” I need to pray for each believer to desire and receive the baptism and continual filling of the Holy Spirit, for many reasons but certainly including effective evangelism, to bring many people into the Family of God.


P: Father, thank You for this reminder especially when I am in a season of particular prayer. Everyone being filled with Your Spirit would indeed take care of virtually all of the problems any church is facing! Guide my prayers today so that I may line up more and more fully with Your will, for me and for this church. May Your name be hallowed and Your kingdom come as Your will is done, right here as perfectly as it is in heaven, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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