

コロサイ 1:1-14

S: コロサイ 1:9 絶えずあなたがたのために祈り求めています。どうか、あなたがたがあらゆる霊的な知恵と理解力によって、神のみこころに関する真の知識に満たされますように。

O: No one can force anyone else to gain wisdom and understanding. There is such a thing as impartation, but there must be an open heart to receive. That is one of many reasons prayer is vitally important. Information may be shared, but it often doesn't penetrate. Jesus' parable of the sower and the seed again comes to mind, with the seed that was scattered on the road and was quickly eaten by the birds. Anyone who is charged with communicating the truths of God must spend much time in prayer, and needs the support of others praying for him, so that the words that are spoken may penetrate the various layers of ignorance and preconception that will be encountered. We all have those areas of ignorance and preconception, so there is no room for pride in this area, and the help of the Holy Spirit is essential. Prayer and a humble spirit are prerequisites for effective communication of the truths of God.

O: 人が人に知恵と理解を与えることなどできません。教えることならできるでしょうが、それでも心を開かねば得ることはできません。祈りがとても重要な理由である所以です。情報は分かち合うべきですが,完全に心に沁み込まないことも往々にしてあります。イエスの種まきの喩えを、またしても思い出します。道に落ちた種がすぐに鳥に食べられたというあのくだりです。神の真実に与る者は誰しも祈りに多くの時間を費やすべきです。加えて、人の祈りにより支えてもらうべきです。そうすることで、御言葉が複雑に絡み合った無知と思い込みに沁み込んでいくでしょう。人はみな、無知と先入観を持っています。ですからプライドを持てる領域ではありません。ただ聖霊様の助けこそが不可欠なのです。祈りと謙虚な霊は、真実なる神と上手に思いを伝え合うための必須条件なのです。

A: I certainly deal with this constantly. A simple statement of objective fact can take several repetitions before it penetrates, especially if it is something the hearer hadn't previously imagined. Much more so the truths of God's kingdom! As Paul said, spiritual truths are spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians 2:14) If I am to have any effectiveness in communicating the truth that is revealed to me, I've got to pray for the Spirit's operation in the hearts of my hearers. Otherwise, my words are easily misconstrued or simply not really heard in the first place. The other side of that is that I also need to pray for understanding of what is said to me. Words are dangerous things, laden with emotional baggage. Without the help of the Holy Spirit I have no hope of real communication in either direction.

A: いつも私はこの事を取り扱っています。対象となることを言葉にしてを数回繰り返し、心に沁み入るのです。聞いている人がそれまで思いもよらなかった事の場合ならなおさらです。神の御国そ真実ならなおさらそうです!パウロが霊的真実は霊的ばわきまえがある(1コリント2:14)とパウロは教えています。私に啓示された真実をきちんと伝えるのならば、聞く人の心に御霊が働いてくださるように祈らなくてはいけません。そうしないならば、私の言葉はすぐに曲解されるか、まず話を聞いてもらえないかのいずれかになるでしょう。さらに私に語られたことを理解できるように祈るべきです。言葉は危険性をはらんでいます。感情的な重荷を含んでいるのです。聖霊様の助けなくして、いずれの方向にせよ、私は真にコミュニケーションをとることができません。

P: Father, thank You for Your grace. We all need it! Help me spend the time in prayer that is called for, so that hearts and minds may be prepared to receive what You speak through me. Thank You for the rich, blessed service last night, for the hearts that were open and for how You spoke to those hearts. Thank You for the reminder that, weak and foolish though I am, You can, do, and will use me to pour Your gracious blessings out on those who have hearts to receive. I pray that we would all have the right attitude before You, which will generate the right attitude toward one another, so that all that You desire and intend may be accomplished in and through us, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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