

第1テサロニケ 1:1-10

S: 第1テサロニケ 1:2-3 私たちは、いつもあなたがたすべてのために神に感謝し、祈りのときにあなたがたを覚え、絶えず、私たちの父なる神の御前に、あなたがたの信仰の働き、愛の労苦、主イエス・キリストへの望みの忍耐を思い起こしています。

O: It is hardly surprising that Paul would be thankful to God for such spiritual children as this. These believers were operating in the three eternal verities mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13:13: faith, love, and hope. What is most interesting about this passage is the effect these things had on their lives. Faith prompted work, doing the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:12) in obedience to the One in whom they believed. Love prompted labor, allowing God to love those around them through them, bringing them to do things that might otherwise have seemed too difficult. Hope prompted patient endurance, not complaining about circumstances but remembering that they had a reward waiting for them that would make every difficulty vanish into insignificance because it was so glorious. Any pastor would be thrilled to have a flock that lived like that!

O: パウロが、霊的な子供のことで神に感謝しているのは驚くことではありません。ここに出てくる信者たちは1コリント13:13に書いてある三つの基本を実行した人たちです。つまり、信仰、愛、希望です。この節で興味深いのは、この教えが彼らの生き方に与えた影響です。聖徒に奉仕の働きができたのは信仰があったからです。(エペソ4:12)信じているただお一人の方のために従ったからです。愛があったから働けたのです。彼らへの愛を受け入れたからです。そうでなければ彼らの奉仕はとても困難なものに見えたことでしょう。希望があれば忍耐が生まれます。状況に不平をこぼすことはありません。与えられる報酬を持ち望んでいれば、小さな問題は霧消してしまいます。栄光に比べれば取るに足りません。そういった生き方を群れにしてほしいと、どんな牧師も望んでいます。

A: Before I go accusing my flock, I need to examine my own life to see if this is the way I am living. This isn't the sort of thing that comes about by lectures! I need to encourage their faith, strive to open their eyes to the love God pours out on them, and help them understand the magnificence of the hope to which we are called. In some ways I perhaps haven't asked enough of them, because faith and love, at any rate, grow by exercise. As I was hearing recently in a message by Mike Servello, I need to call them to fasting and prayer, to help them realign their sight, their priorities and put Jesus first. I will be doing that in this morning's message, but I need to do it with God's words in God's way, or it will degenerate into an attempt at works-based righteousness, which is no righteousness at all. I am in the middle of experiencing the difficulty of a program of fasting and prayer, and I need to not take it lightly, for myself or for my flock, but rather let the Holy Spirit work His purposes in it.

A: 群れを非難する前に私自身、自分の生き方を顧みる必要があるでしょう。これは講義などで理解できるものではないのです!信者の信仰を勇気づけ、目が開き神様の愛に気付かせ、希望の素晴らしさを分かってもらえるようにしていきます。希望のために私たちは召されているのですから。どうやら私は信者にあまり尋ねてこなかったようです。と言うのも信仰も愛も実行することで成長するものだからです。Mike Servelloのメッセージを最近聞いていて、信者の視点を合わせるために、信者がイエスを第一に、断食と祈りを優先して行うよう呼びかけるべきだと感じています。今朝のメッセージでそのことを話すつもりですが、神様の方法で神様の言葉で伝えたいと思います。さもなくば真の義とならず空しい試みに終わってしまうでしょう。私自身、断食と祈りの大変さのただ中にあります。私のためにも、信者のためにも、軽んじることなく、ただ神様の目的が成就するために聖霊様に働いて頂きたいと望んでいます。

P: Father, thank You for what You are doing and for what You are allowing me to experience. Two days of just water has been surprisingly difficult, particularly considering that this isn't the first time I've done this by any means. Thank You for the idea of sports drink this morning to balance my electrolytes, and for the calf cramps that prompted it. Keep me from operating in pride in any way; rather let me listen to You in obedience in every area, focusing on You and doing Your will in Your way on Your schedule for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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