使徒 5:33-42
S: 使徒 5:42 そして、毎日、宮や家々で教え、イエスがキリストであることを宣べ伝え続けた。
O: This is a succinct description of the daily schedule of the early apostles. Everything was centered around proclaiming Jesus as the promised Messiah. The devil had used the Sanhedrin to try to distract and discourage them, but it backfired on him. Church leaders in countries that don't have persecution should pay close attention! We let all sorts of things distract us and in the process lose our saltiness, as Brother Hiroki preached on the 20th. For the devil, distraction is often a far more effective strategy that open opposition. If churches become confused as to their purpose, they rapidly lose their effectiveness in advancing the kingdom of God.
A: I certainly know what it's like to lose focus on my personal calling and mission, and I see that I have failed to generate a clear focus in this church as well. That's why it's such a big deal that I've finally heard the Lord as to a clear Mission Statement for this church, and why yesterday and this coming Sunday are of such importance in the present and the future of Shinsei no Sato. However, I'm not to preach these two messages and then drop the whole thing; I've got to keep pushing it, evaluating every activity, every priority, in the light of that clear Mission Statement. It was commented that yesterday's message was very clear and understandable, and for that I rejoice. I need to be fully available to the Holy Spirit so that every believer may have our purpose as a church clearly in focus as well, so that together we may fulfill all of God's plans for us.
A: 召しと使命から視線を逸らすことがどんなことか、私はよく分かっています。信者がこの教会の焦点を合わせられずにいるのも知っています。私がそれをまとめきれないことも知っています。だからこそ、この教会のための明白な使命を主から聞いたのは、大きな意味があるのです。昨日と来週の日曜日が新生の里教会の現在と将来にとって大変重要です。しかし、来週、再来週は私は説教をすることができません。ですが、常に頑張り続けます。どんな行動も使命を優先したものかどうかに照らし合わせていきます。昨日の説教は分かりやすかったとほめていただき嬉しく思っています。聖霊に十分用いられ、全ての信者が教会としての目的を持ち、はっきりと照準を合わせていることを望みます。そして神様の私たちへの御計画が成就するように共に働きたいのです。
P: Father, thank You for Your faithfulness. Thank You for all You did yesterday, both in those who were present and those who were absent. I pray that, as You spoke through me last night, I would keep my eyes and my trust on You, not allowing the devil to steal my joy or my peace. Thank You for Your timing, allowing me to preach these messages before heading for the US next week. Help me trust You in that area as well, not allowing anxiety over what is to be done before we leave steal my peace and rest. May I trust You enough to rest in Your plans for me, in every detail, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
使徒 5:17-32
S: 使徒 5:20 「行って宮の中に立ち、人々にこのいのちのことばを、ことごとく語りなさい」と言った。
O: The angel was telling the apostles to do exactly what they had been arrested for doing, but when they had just been miraculously released from jail by that same angel, I don't think they were inclined to disobey! The terminology the angel used is very significant, which makes translation very important. The Japanese sticks closely to the Greek, while the NIV gets slightly interpretive, but not badly so. The angel told them to “speak all these words of life to people.” Jesus had told them that “The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and they are life.” (John 6:63) They were discovering that when the same Spirit was in them, they too spoke life. There is incredible power in speaking the living words of God. Just as people didn't always listen to Jesus, they won't always listen to us even when we are speaking the words of God, but even so there is great assurance and boldness when the Spirit speaks through us.
O: 弟子たちは御使いの言いつけ通りに行動し、そのために牢に入れられましたが、牢から奇跡的に出られたのも、同じ御使いの働きによるものです。私は弟子たちの不信仰であったとは思いません。御使いの使った言葉は大変意義深く、そのため訳語も重要です。日本語訳はギリシヤ語に近く、NTV版ではやや解釈的な訳になっていますが、さほど悪い訳でもありません。御使いが弟子たちに「人々にこの命の言葉を、ことごとく語りなさい」と言いました。その以前に、イエスは「私があなた方に話した言葉は、霊であり、また命です」(ヨハネ6:63)とも教えています。弟子たちは彼らのうちに同じ霊がいて、命の言葉を語っていることに気がつきました。神の生ける言葉を語るのはとてつもない力が要ります。イエスの言葉が必ずしもいつも聞き入れられなかったように、私たちの言葉もいつも聞き入れらるとは限りません。たとえ神の真実なる言葉であったとしてもです。それでも、なお、御霊が私たちを通して語ってくださる時、そこには大きな確信と大胆さがあるのです。
A: I have tasted this enough to desire it all the time! That's all the more reason to immerse myself in Scripture and do all I can neither to quench nor grieve the Holy Spirit. I do have a speaking calling and gifting (1 Peter 4:10-11), but every believer has the privilege of speaking the living Word of God, if they will believe it. Part of my job, indeed a large part of it, is to help people understand the magnitude of God's grace toward them, that He wants to speak and act through them. This is the furthest thing from conceit, because we must understand that it is grace and not something we earned. Only when we understand that God's grace is big enough even to use us, will we let go and allow the Holy Spirit to pour through us.
A: 大きな確信と大胆さをいつも十分実感しています!そのため聖書に浸ることができますし、渇望しないためにも、聖霊様を悲しませないためにも、そうしています。私は語ることの召しと賜物を受けています。(1ぺテロ4:10~11)すべての信者が神の生ける言葉を語る特権を与えられているのです。私が成すべきことの一つは、いな、私のなすべき大きなことの一つは、神様の偉大な恵みを理解させることです。神様は人々を通して語り、行動することを望んでおられます。これは思い上がったり、自慢することではありません。なぜなら、恵みによるものであって、自分たちの努力で勝ち得たものではないからです。私たちを用いてさえ示そうとされる神様の恵みを知った時、聖霊様が豊かに私たちから注ぎ出されるのです。
P: Father, thank You for this clear expression of what You desire to do in and through us. Help me indeed stand in the full flow of Your Spirit, and lead others to do likewise. My weaknesses keep popping up; keep me from being distracted by them, but rather looking to Jesus and depending on You rather than on myself. Today is a long day on little sleep. Help me rest in You today, so that Your power may be manifested in my weakness, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
P: お父様。この明白な言葉を有難うございます。あなたが私たちに望んでおられることなのですね。御霊が豊かに流れ、人々を指導できるように助けてください。私の弱さばかりが目につきます。気持ちが散らされるのでもなく、私自身を見るのでもなく、むしろ、あなたを見上げ、頼っていられますように。今日は睡眠が少なく、長い一日でした。今日、あなたのうちにあって休めますように。私の弱さがあなたの強さで覆われますように。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。神様を賛美します!
S: 使徒 5:20 「行って宮の中に立ち、人々にこのいのちのことばを、ことごとく語りなさい」と言った。
O: The angel was telling the apostles to do exactly what they had been arrested for doing, but when they had just been miraculously released from jail by that same angel, I don't think they were inclined to disobey! The terminology the angel used is very significant, which makes translation very important. The Japanese sticks closely to the Greek, while the NIV gets slightly interpretive, but not badly so. The angel told them to “speak all these words of life to people.” Jesus had told them that “The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and they are life.” (John 6:63) They were discovering that when the same Spirit was in them, they too spoke life. There is incredible power in speaking the living words of God. Just as people didn't always listen to Jesus, they won't always listen to us even when we are speaking the words of God, but even so there is great assurance and boldness when the Spirit speaks through us.
O: 弟子たちは御使いの言いつけ通りに行動し、そのために牢に入れられましたが、牢から奇跡的に出られたのも、同じ御使いの働きによるものです。私は弟子たちの不信仰であったとは思いません。御使いの使った言葉は大変意義深く、そのため訳語も重要です。日本語訳はギリシヤ語に近く、NTV版ではやや解釈的な訳になっていますが、さほど悪い訳でもありません。御使いが弟子たちに「人々にこの命の言葉を、ことごとく語りなさい」と言いました。その以前に、イエスは「私があなた方に話した言葉は、霊であり、また命です」(ヨハネ6:63)とも教えています。弟子たちは彼らのうちに同じ霊がいて、命の言葉を語っていることに気がつきました。神の生ける言葉を語るのはとてつもない力が要ります。イエスの言葉が必ずしもいつも聞き入れられなかったように、私たちの言葉もいつも聞き入れらるとは限りません。たとえ神の真実なる言葉であったとしてもです。それでも、なお、御霊が私たちを通して語ってくださる時、そこには大きな確信と大胆さがあるのです。
A: I have tasted this enough to desire it all the time! That's all the more reason to immerse myself in Scripture and do all I can neither to quench nor grieve the Holy Spirit. I do have a speaking calling and gifting (1 Peter 4:10-11), but every believer has the privilege of speaking the living Word of God, if they will believe it. Part of my job, indeed a large part of it, is to help people understand the magnitude of God's grace toward them, that He wants to speak and act through them. This is the furthest thing from conceit, because we must understand that it is grace and not something we earned. Only when we understand that God's grace is big enough even to use us, will we let go and allow the Holy Spirit to pour through us.
A: 大きな確信と大胆さをいつも十分実感しています!そのため聖書に浸ることができますし、渇望しないためにも、聖霊様を悲しませないためにも、そうしています。私は語ることの召しと賜物を受けています。(1ぺテロ4:10~11)すべての信者が神の生ける言葉を語る特権を与えられているのです。私が成すべきことの一つは、いな、私のなすべき大きなことの一つは、神様の偉大な恵みを理解させることです。神様は人々を通して語り、行動することを望んでおられます。これは思い上がったり、自慢することではありません。なぜなら、恵みによるものであって、自分たちの努力で勝ち得たものではないからです。私たちを用いてさえ示そうとされる神様の恵みを知った時、聖霊様が豊かに私たちから注ぎ出されるのです。
P: Father, thank You for this clear expression of what You desire to do in and through us. Help me indeed stand in the full flow of Your Spirit, and lead others to do likewise. My weaknesses keep popping up; keep me from being distracted by them, but rather looking to Jesus and depending on You rather than on myself. Today is a long day on little sleep. Help me rest in You today, so that Your power may be manifested in my weakness, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
P: お父様。この明白な言葉を有難うございます。あなたが私たちに望んでおられることなのですね。御霊が豊かに流れ、人々を指導できるように助けてください。私の弱さばかりが目につきます。気持ちが散らされるのでもなく、私自身を見るのでもなく、むしろ、あなたを見上げ、頼っていられますように。今日は睡眠が少なく、長い一日でした。今日、あなたのうちにあって休めますように。私の弱さがあなたの強さで覆われますように。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。神様を賛美します!
使徒 4:1-14
S: 使徒 4:12 「この方以外には、だれによっても救いはありません。天の下でこの御名のほかに、私たちが救われるべき名は人に与えられていないからです。」
O: This statement is enormously offensive to people of other religions. It is taken as pure conceit, and a put-down at that. However, it is the truth. It's not, “I'm better than you are,” which is how many people take it, but rather, “There is hope, but only one; won't you receive it?” If we aren't convinced that Jesus is the only Savior (as recent polls show most Americans aren't) then we will have no motivation that will be sufficient to take us through the inconvenience, occasional embarrassment, and other difficulties of evangelism. When we are convinced that there is no salvation apart from Jesus, and that all mankind is desperately in need of salvation, then we will be powerfully motivated to tell others about Him, starting with those who mean the most to us.
A: I've dedicated my life to communicating the Gospel, but that doesn't mean I always do it well, or that I do it consistently. I think I have as much fear of rejection as the next guy, and it often gets in the way of sharing Christ. I need to love people enough to risk their not liking me. On a human level, that's very counter-intuitive. Even though I teach on it often, there's much more I need to know of the distinctions among eros, storge, phileo, and agape. Agape is going to risk losing the storge and even the phileo of others in a bid to save them from eternal destruction. I want to be liked (storge) and loved (phileo) by others, but Jesus gave His all for me in pure agape, with no thought of whether I liked or loved Him. That is my model and my goal, but I've got a long way to go to get there.
A: 私は人生を福音伝道に奉仕していますが、常に上手くいっているわけではありません。拒絶されるかもしれない恐れがありますし、キリストを伝えるのに妨げがあることもしばしばです。嫌われることを覚悟の上で人々を愛していこうと思っています。人間のレベルでは、かなり反直感的です。人にしばしば教えていることですが、私自身、エロス、ストージ、人類愛、無償の愛の区別を知っておきたいと思います。無償の愛は人間レベルの愛を超越して、永遠の破滅から救います。私は人から好かれ、愛されたいのですが、それ以上にイエスは私に完全なる無償の愛で私を愛してくださっているのです。私がイエスを愛そうが、愛すまいがに拘わらずです。道のりは長く険しいのですが、このイエスの愛こそが私の目指すところであり、大きな手本です。
P: Father, thank You for the practicum You've been giving me in this area recently. It's been painful! Help me learn to receive my affirmation from You and love people with Your love, regardless of how they respond to me. I say often that the Church will be transformed when the believers see themselves as You see them, but the same applies to me. Help me look at myself and my situation with Your eyes, trusting You completely, so that all the deceptions of the devil may be dissipated like the empty fog that they are, and all Your purposes be fulfilled for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様、最近、これらを学ぶために訓練を与えてくださり有難うございました。苦しかったです!あなたからの確信をしっかり受け取り、人がどう反応しようとも、あなたの愛で人を愛せるように助けてください。あなたの視点で信者が自分たち自身を見ることができるなら、教会が作り変えられるのだと、私はよく教えてきました。しかし、そのことは私が学ばねばいけないことでした。あなたを完全に信頼して、私が自分自身と今の状況をあなたの視線で見直すよう助けて下さい。悪魔の欺きが空虚に霧散していきますように。そしてあなたの目的が成就され、ご栄光がありますように。有難うございます。ハレルヤ!
S: 使徒 4:12 「この方以外には、だれによっても救いはありません。天の下でこの御名のほかに、私たちが救われるべき名は人に与えられていないからです。」
O: This statement is enormously offensive to people of other religions. It is taken as pure conceit, and a put-down at that. However, it is the truth. It's not, “I'm better than you are,” which is how many people take it, but rather, “There is hope, but only one; won't you receive it?” If we aren't convinced that Jesus is the only Savior (as recent polls show most Americans aren't) then we will have no motivation that will be sufficient to take us through the inconvenience, occasional embarrassment, and other difficulties of evangelism. When we are convinced that there is no salvation apart from Jesus, and that all mankind is desperately in need of salvation, then we will be powerfully motivated to tell others about Him, starting with those who mean the most to us.
A: I've dedicated my life to communicating the Gospel, but that doesn't mean I always do it well, or that I do it consistently. I think I have as much fear of rejection as the next guy, and it often gets in the way of sharing Christ. I need to love people enough to risk their not liking me. On a human level, that's very counter-intuitive. Even though I teach on it often, there's much more I need to know of the distinctions among eros, storge, phileo, and agape. Agape is going to risk losing the storge and even the phileo of others in a bid to save them from eternal destruction. I want to be liked (storge) and loved (phileo) by others, but Jesus gave His all for me in pure agape, with no thought of whether I liked or loved Him. That is my model and my goal, but I've got a long way to go to get there.
A: 私は人生を福音伝道に奉仕していますが、常に上手くいっているわけではありません。拒絶されるかもしれない恐れがありますし、キリストを伝えるのに妨げがあることもしばしばです。嫌われることを覚悟の上で人々を愛していこうと思っています。人間のレベルでは、かなり反直感的です。人にしばしば教えていることですが、私自身、エロス、ストージ、人類愛、無償の愛の区別を知っておきたいと思います。無償の愛は人間レベルの愛を超越して、永遠の破滅から救います。私は人から好かれ、愛されたいのですが、それ以上にイエスは私に完全なる無償の愛で私を愛してくださっているのです。私がイエスを愛そうが、愛すまいがに拘わらずです。道のりは長く険しいのですが、このイエスの愛こそが私の目指すところであり、大きな手本です。
P: Father, thank You for the practicum You've been giving me in this area recently. It's been painful! Help me learn to receive my affirmation from You and love people with Your love, regardless of how they respond to me. I say often that the Church will be transformed when the believers see themselves as You see them, but the same applies to me. Help me look at myself and my situation with Your eyes, trusting You completely, so that all the deceptions of the devil may be dissipated like the empty fog that they are, and all Your purposes be fulfilled for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様、最近、これらを学ぶために訓練を与えてくださり有難うございました。苦しかったです!あなたからの確信をしっかり受け取り、人がどう反応しようとも、あなたの愛で人を愛せるように助けてください。あなたの視点で信者が自分たち自身を見ることができるなら、教会が作り変えられるのだと、私はよく教えてきました。しかし、そのことは私が学ばねばいけないことでした。あなたを完全に信頼して、私が自分自身と今の状況をあなたの視線で見直すよう助けて下さい。悪魔の欺きが空虚に霧散していきますように。そしてあなたの目的が成就され、ご栄光がありますように。有難うございます。ハレルヤ!
使徒 3:11-26
S: 使徒 3:19 (20) 「そういうわけですから、あなたがたの罪をぬぐい去っていただくために、悔い改めて、神に立ち返りなさい。それは、主の御前から回復のときが来て、…」
O: This is one time I like the NIV better than the Japanese! The verse division is different, which makes it a little difficult to pull out the specific thought that impresses me about this passage. What hits me is that repentance is necessary for refreshing/restoration/healing. The Amplified Translation indicates the term used means “recovering from the effects of heat, reviving with fresh air.” Everyone has times of needing that! However, the condition is repentance. Without repentance, we “stew in our sin,” so to speak. Sometimes we feel like we're in a real bind emotionally but don't have a clear picture of why. We need to stop and ask the Holy Spirit to take inventory, to shine a light on what we need to repent of. We won't repent if we don't know we need to! However, the Holy Spirit is waiting to help us. Jesus said that one of His jobs is to “convict of sin, righteousness and judgment.” (John 16:8-11) If our hearts feel stuffy and dry, we need to call for the Holy Spirit to lead us to repentance.
O: これは私が日本語訳よりもNIV版の方が好きな箇所です。節の区切りが違っているため、私の心に響く具体的なところを挙げるのが難しいです。回復、修復、癒しのためには悔い改めが必要であるという箇所に感銘を受けます。The Amplified Translationではまた違った訳がされています。誰にでも回復の時が必要ですが、必要条件は悔い改めです。悔い改めがないと、「罪の自業自得」で苦しむだけです。時に気持ちが重く硬くなり、それがなぜか分からない時があります。そういう時は、考えることをやめ、聖霊様にこれまでの行い、思いを教えていただきましょう。そうすることで何を悔い改めるべきかが明らかにされます。悔い改めの必要を知らないままでは、悔い改めができません。聖霊様は私たちを助けようと待っておられます。イエスの仕事の一つが「罪について、義について、裁きについて」だとイエスは語っています。(ヨハネ16:8~11)もし心が重苦しいなら、悔い改めのため聖霊様を呼び求めましょう。
A: I've certainly experienced this! There have been times when I've wanted to change but I haven't known how. The Holy Spirit has been faithful to show me the attitudes and actions that have stood in the way of His free flow through me. I've got to keep this awareness, keeping my repentance up-to-date, if I want to be effective and know the joy of the Lord. The Holy Spirit will indeed be a “river of living water welling up from within me” (John 7:37-38) if I will give Him full permission to lead me to repentance.
P: Father, this is so timely, yet it is never “out of season.” There are those around me who are complaining of their dryness, yet they are not yet willing to repent. Part of that is that they haven't let the Holy Spirit shine on them sufficiently to show them the root causes of their malaise, so they aren't sure of what to repent. I pray that You would give them courage to open up to Your light completely, so the puss pockets from those old, festering wounds may be cleaned out and they be set free to walk in joyful wholeness. Father, we're all wounded, and we don't see that holding onto our wounds is something we need to repent of. Give us all the courage to repent and let go, so that we may all experience the refreshing You intend, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。「遅きに失する」ことはありません。今日の御言葉をタイムリーに与えてくださっています。私の周りには乾いた心の人たちがいます。それでいて悔い改めをしようとしません。その理由の一部は、彼らが問題の真の核心を聖霊様に照らしてもらおうとしないからです。そのため、何を悔い改めるべきかが分かっていないのです。光を当てていただくために、彼らがあなたに心を十分開くように祈ります。化膿した古傷が癒され、完全な喜びの内を自由に歩けますように。お父様、あなたこそが大きく傷ついておられるのです。そしてその傷をつけたのが自分たちであることに私たちは気がつかないでいます。悔い改めを求められているのです。全ての人が悔い改め、解き放ち、あなたの御心に叶って新たにされますように。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。ハレルヤ!
S: 使徒 3:19 (20) 「そういうわけですから、あなたがたの罪をぬぐい去っていただくために、悔い改めて、神に立ち返りなさい。それは、主の御前から回復のときが来て、…」
O: This is one time I like the NIV better than the Japanese! The verse division is different, which makes it a little difficult to pull out the specific thought that impresses me about this passage. What hits me is that repentance is necessary for refreshing/restoration/healing. The Amplified Translation indicates the term used means “recovering from the effects of heat, reviving with fresh air.” Everyone has times of needing that! However, the condition is repentance. Without repentance, we “stew in our sin,” so to speak. Sometimes we feel like we're in a real bind emotionally but don't have a clear picture of why. We need to stop and ask the Holy Spirit to take inventory, to shine a light on what we need to repent of. We won't repent if we don't know we need to! However, the Holy Spirit is waiting to help us. Jesus said that one of His jobs is to “convict of sin, righteousness and judgment.” (John 16:8-11) If our hearts feel stuffy and dry, we need to call for the Holy Spirit to lead us to repentance.
O: これは私が日本語訳よりもNIV版の方が好きな箇所です。節の区切りが違っているため、私の心に響く具体的なところを挙げるのが難しいです。回復、修復、癒しのためには悔い改めが必要であるという箇所に感銘を受けます。The Amplified Translationではまた違った訳がされています。誰にでも回復の時が必要ですが、必要条件は悔い改めです。悔い改めがないと、「罪の自業自得」で苦しむだけです。時に気持ちが重く硬くなり、それがなぜか分からない時があります。そういう時は、考えることをやめ、聖霊様にこれまでの行い、思いを教えていただきましょう。そうすることで何を悔い改めるべきかが明らかにされます。悔い改めの必要を知らないままでは、悔い改めができません。聖霊様は私たちを助けようと待っておられます。イエスの仕事の一つが「罪について、義について、裁きについて」だとイエスは語っています。(ヨハネ16:8~11)もし心が重苦しいなら、悔い改めのため聖霊様を呼び求めましょう。
A: I've certainly experienced this! There have been times when I've wanted to change but I haven't known how. The Holy Spirit has been faithful to show me the attitudes and actions that have stood in the way of His free flow through me. I've got to keep this awareness, keeping my repentance up-to-date, if I want to be effective and know the joy of the Lord. The Holy Spirit will indeed be a “river of living water welling up from within me” (John 7:37-38) if I will give Him full permission to lead me to repentance.
P: Father, this is so timely, yet it is never “out of season.” There are those around me who are complaining of their dryness, yet they are not yet willing to repent. Part of that is that they haven't let the Holy Spirit shine on them sufficiently to show them the root causes of their malaise, so they aren't sure of what to repent. I pray that You would give them courage to open up to Your light completely, so the puss pockets from those old, festering wounds may be cleaned out and they be set free to walk in joyful wholeness. Father, we're all wounded, and we don't see that holding onto our wounds is something we need to repent of. Give us all the courage to repent and let go, so that we may all experience the refreshing You intend, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。「遅きに失する」ことはありません。今日の御言葉をタイムリーに与えてくださっています。私の周りには乾いた心の人たちがいます。それでいて悔い改めをしようとしません。その理由の一部は、彼らが問題の真の核心を聖霊様に照らしてもらおうとしないからです。そのため、何を悔い改めるべきかが分かっていないのです。光を当てていただくために、彼らがあなたに心を十分開くように祈ります。化膿した古傷が癒され、完全な喜びの内を自由に歩けますように。お父様、あなたこそが大きく傷ついておられるのです。そしてその傷をつけたのが自分たちであることに私たちは気がつかないでいます。悔い改めを求められているのです。全ての人が悔い改め、解き放ち、あなたの御心に叶って新たにされますように。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。ハレルヤ!
使徒 2:1-21
S: 使徒 2:17-18 「神が言われる。終わりの日に、わたしの霊をすべての人に注ぐ。すると、あなたがたの息子や娘は預言し、青年は幻を見、老人は夢を見る。その日、わたしのしもべにも、はしためにも、わたしの霊を注ぐ。すると、彼らは預言する。」
O: There are no age barriers or gender barriers to the work of the Holy Spirit. Rather, all are necessary for the fulfillment of God's plan. That in itself was revolutionary when Joel first prophesied it and when Peter quoted it, and it's revolutionary even in many churches today. As Amos said (Amos 3:8) “The lion has roared – who will not fear? The Sovereign LORD has spoken – who can but prophesy?” When God is speaking, everyone who hears Him should be relaying what they have heard to those who have not heard. Every believer should expect to hear from God and be prepared to communicate what they have heard to others.
O: 聖霊の働きに年齢や性別による障壁はありません。ただ必要なのは神様の御計画の成就のみです。ヨエルが始めに預言し、それをペテロが引用しましたが、大変画期的なことでした。今日でも多くの教会でなされていることは画期的と言えるでしょう。アモスが (アモス3:8)「獅子がほえる。誰が恐れないだろう。神である主が語られる。誰が預言しないでいられよう。」と語っています。神様の言葉を聞いたときは、聞いていない内容と結び付けて聞く必要があります。全ての信者は神様の言葉を期待し、それを人の伝えるよう整えるべきです。
A: This church is getting a good contingent of young men, but having hit 61 I'm the only certifiable old man around. We do have a good group of women, so our bases are covered as far as this passage goes! However, having the building materials isn't the same thing as having a house. We all need to be fully open to the flow of the Holy Spirit, ready and available for whatever He wants to say or do through us. That takes both sensitivity and courage, because sometimes what He tells us can scare us witless. As pastor, I need to be careful I don't miss the dreams the Lord has for me, and I need to encourage each of the believers in what the Lord is doing in and through them.
A: 教会には若い男性が集い、良い動きが見られます。この状況では61歳の私は確かに年齢を感じざるを得ません。女性陣もなかなかです。教会は今日の御言葉のように基礎ができています。しかし、建設のための建材が揃っていると言っても、家が直ちにできるわけではありません。聖霊に心を開き満たしてもらわねばなりません。神様のために働けるように準備を整えておかねばなりません。そのためには心を研ぎ澄まし、そして勇気を持っていなくてはなりません。時に神様からの指示に怖気ずくことがあるからです。牧師として、私は主が私に下さっている夢を逃すことのないように注意深くありたいと思います。そして主が信者に働いておられることを示し信者を勇気づけていきたいと思っています。
P: Father, thank You for what You are doing here. Thank You for those You brought to prayer meeting last night, and for the good fellowship and planning we could do. Guide us in following through with what You are showing us, rather than just saying, oh, that's nice. Thank You for the message You gave Piro for this past Sunday, and for the messages You will speak through Tora the two Sundays I will be in the US. I pray that we would all speak a unified message under Your direction, so that through the different mouths and different personalities the hearers, both physically present and otherwise, would hear what You are saying in the way each one can receive it, so that Your Word may be taken in, digested, and acted on, for the sake of the Body of Christ and for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
S: 使徒 2:17-18 「神が言われる。終わりの日に、わたしの霊をすべての人に注ぐ。すると、あなたがたの息子や娘は預言し、青年は幻を見、老人は夢を見る。その日、わたしのしもべにも、はしためにも、わたしの霊を注ぐ。すると、彼らは預言する。」
O: There are no age barriers or gender barriers to the work of the Holy Spirit. Rather, all are necessary for the fulfillment of God's plan. That in itself was revolutionary when Joel first prophesied it and when Peter quoted it, and it's revolutionary even in many churches today. As Amos said (Amos 3:8) “The lion has roared – who will not fear? The Sovereign LORD has spoken – who can but prophesy?” When God is speaking, everyone who hears Him should be relaying what they have heard to those who have not heard. Every believer should expect to hear from God and be prepared to communicate what they have heard to others.
O: 聖霊の働きに年齢や性別による障壁はありません。ただ必要なのは神様の御計画の成就のみです。ヨエルが始めに預言し、それをペテロが引用しましたが、大変画期的なことでした。今日でも多くの教会でなされていることは画期的と言えるでしょう。アモスが (アモス3:8)「獅子がほえる。誰が恐れないだろう。神である主が語られる。誰が預言しないでいられよう。」と語っています。神様の言葉を聞いたときは、聞いていない内容と結び付けて聞く必要があります。全ての信者は神様の言葉を期待し、それを人の伝えるよう整えるべきです。
A: This church is getting a good contingent of young men, but having hit 61 I'm the only certifiable old man around. We do have a good group of women, so our bases are covered as far as this passage goes! However, having the building materials isn't the same thing as having a house. We all need to be fully open to the flow of the Holy Spirit, ready and available for whatever He wants to say or do through us. That takes both sensitivity and courage, because sometimes what He tells us can scare us witless. As pastor, I need to be careful I don't miss the dreams the Lord has for me, and I need to encourage each of the believers in what the Lord is doing in and through them.
A: 教会には若い男性が集い、良い動きが見られます。この状況では61歳の私は確かに年齢を感じざるを得ません。女性陣もなかなかです。教会は今日の御言葉のように基礎ができています。しかし、建設のための建材が揃っていると言っても、家が直ちにできるわけではありません。聖霊に心を開き満たしてもらわねばなりません。神様のために働けるように準備を整えておかねばなりません。そのためには心を研ぎ澄まし、そして勇気を持っていなくてはなりません。時に神様からの指示に怖気ずくことがあるからです。牧師として、私は主が私に下さっている夢を逃すことのないように注意深くありたいと思います。そして主が信者に働いておられることを示し信者を勇気づけていきたいと思っています。
P: Father, thank You for what You are doing here. Thank You for those You brought to prayer meeting last night, and for the good fellowship and planning we could do. Guide us in following through with what You are showing us, rather than just saying, oh, that's nice. Thank You for the message You gave Piro for this past Sunday, and for the messages You will speak through Tora the two Sundays I will be in the US. I pray that we would all speak a unified message under Your direction, so that through the different mouths and different personalities the hearers, both physically present and otherwise, would hear what You are saying in the way each one can receive it, so that Your Word may be taken in, digested, and acted on, for the sake of the Body of Christ and for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
ヨハネ 20:19-31
S: ヨハネ 20:30-31 この書に書かれていないが、まだほかの多くのしるしをも、イエスは弟子たちの前で行われた。しかし、これらのことが書かれたのは、イエスが神の子キリストであることを、あなたがたが信じるため、また、あなたがたが信じて、イエスの御名によっていのちを得るためである。
O: We don't have to tell all we know for it to be effective; the Holy Spirit will guide us. A new Christian might indeed tell everything they know of Christ in sharing Him with a friend or family member, but someone who has walked with Him for many years couldn't begin to do that. John was providing a written record and so didn't have most of the limitations normally found in a witnessing encounter, but even so he was selective, focusing particularly on those things that hadn't been recorded by the other Gospel writers. The point is that the Holy Spirit is a very effective Editor In Chief, if we will give Him that liberty. We should never fear knowing too much about Christ!
O: 伝道を効果的にするために、私たちの知識全てを語らなければならないということはありません。それは聖霊様が導いて下さるからです。クリスチャンになったばかりの人は、家族や友人にキリストを証しするために、知っていることの全てを話そうとしますが、キリストとともに長く歩んでいるクリスチャンはそうはしないでしょう。書物を用いたヨハネは証しは、やり易かったでしょう。しかし、それでも、ヨハネは他の福音作者が記録していないことについては、大変慎重に話題を選びました。ここで大切なことは最も効果的な編集者はキリストにある聖霊様だということです。ですから、キリストについて知識が豊富であることに恐れる必要はありません。
A: This is something I've had trouble with. Having built up a store of Bible knowledge since childhood, and having the personality and gifting of a teacher, I tend to dump too much on anyone who shows interest in Christ. I think I'm getting better about it, but I still tend to use too many Scriptures in my sermons, for example, and I'm concerned that I scare some people away by giving them more information than they have the capacity to receive. I've got to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit for Him to direct how much I'm to share with whom, and when and how. I know that if I will do that, He will cause me to bear fruit.
A: 私はこの点、問題を持っています。子供のこ頃から聖書の知識をため込んでいますし、教師としての賜物も頂いています。そのため、キリストに関心を示しそうな人には誰にでも、ついどっさり話込んでしまいます。その傾向も少しは良くなってはいるようですが、説教ではあまりに多くの聖書箇所を用い過ぎているようです。聞き手が理解できる以上のことを多く話しすぎているのはないかと思うほどです。ですから、誰と、いつ、どのように分かち合うべきかの聖霊様の指示に耳を澄ませていたいと思います。私がそうできた時、私を用いた実りがあることでしょう。
P: Father, thank You for the opportunities you gave Cathy and me to share Christ at the meeting in Mie Prefecture over the past three days. Thank You for putting brakes on my mouth and fountains in my eyes, because my tears opened the way for Your words through me. Thank You for the two opportunities that I had to share Christ with the whole group in a semi-formal setting, and for the private conversations that Cathy had that likewise brought tears to her hearers. I pray that everything You said through us, by word or action, would be sealed in the hearts of those who saw and heard, drawing them to You for their salvation, or Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。この三日間、三重県の会合で、家内と私にキリストを分かち合う機会を与えてくださり感謝します。語りすぎないよう私の口を戒め、涙腺を守ってくださり有難うございます。涙がきっかけとなり、あなたの言葉が私を通して流れ出ました。セミフォーマルな集まりでキリスト分かち合えたこと、家内がプライベートな会話の中で分かち合えたこと、この二つの機会を感謝します。家内の話に涙して聞いてくださる方もいました。言葉において、行動において、あなたが私たちを通して語ってくださったことの全てが、今回、私たちの話を聞いてくださった方全ての心に入り込むように祈ります。そして彼らをあなたへと引き寄せ、救いへと導いてください。あなたのご栄光のために。有難うございます。ハレルヤ!
S: ヨハネ 20:30-31 この書に書かれていないが、まだほかの多くのしるしをも、イエスは弟子たちの前で行われた。しかし、これらのことが書かれたのは、イエスが神の子キリストであることを、あなたがたが信じるため、また、あなたがたが信じて、イエスの御名によっていのちを得るためである。
O: We don't have to tell all we know for it to be effective; the Holy Spirit will guide us. A new Christian might indeed tell everything they know of Christ in sharing Him with a friend or family member, but someone who has walked with Him for many years couldn't begin to do that. John was providing a written record and so didn't have most of the limitations normally found in a witnessing encounter, but even so he was selective, focusing particularly on those things that hadn't been recorded by the other Gospel writers. The point is that the Holy Spirit is a very effective Editor In Chief, if we will give Him that liberty. We should never fear knowing too much about Christ!
O: 伝道を効果的にするために、私たちの知識全てを語らなければならないということはありません。それは聖霊様が導いて下さるからです。クリスチャンになったばかりの人は、家族や友人にキリストを証しするために、知っていることの全てを話そうとしますが、キリストとともに長く歩んでいるクリスチャンはそうはしないでしょう。書物を用いたヨハネは証しは、やり易かったでしょう。しかし、それでも、ヨハネは他の福音作者が記録していないことについては、大変慎重に話題を選びました。ここで大切なことは最も効果的な編集者はキリストにある聖霊様だということです。ですから、キリストについて知識が豊富であることに恐れる必要はありません。
A: This is something I've had trouble with. Having built up a store of Bible knowledge since childhood, and having the personality and gifting of a teacher, I tend to dump too much on anyone who shows interest in Christ. I think I'm getting better about it, but I still tend to use too many Scriptures in my sermons, for example, and I'm concerned that I scare some people away by giving them more information than they have the capacity to receive. I've got to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit for Him to direct how much I'm to share with whom, and when and how. I know that if I will do that, He will cause me to bear fruit.
A: 私はこの点、問題を持っています。子供のこ頃から聖書の知識をため込んでいますし、教師としての賜物も頂いています。そのため、キリストに関心を示しそうな人には誰にでも、ついどっさり話込んでしまいます。その傾向も少しは良くなってはいるようですが、説教ではあまりに多くの聖書箇所を用い過ぎているようです。聞き手が理解できる以上のことを多く話しすぎているのはないかと思うほどです。ですから、誰と、いつ、どのように分かち合うべきかの聖霊様の指示に耳を澄ませていたいと思います。私がそうできた時、私を用いた実りがあることでしょう。
P: Father, thank You for the opportunities you gave Cathy and me to share Christ at the meeting in Mie Prefecture over the past three days. Thank You for putting brakes on my mouth and fountains in my eyes, because my tears opened the way for Your words through me. Thank You for the two opportunities that I had to share Christ with the whole group in a semi-formal setting, and for the private conversations that Cathy had that likewise brought tears to her hearers. I pray that everything You said through us, by word or action, would be sealed in the hearts of those who saw and heard, drawing them to You for their salvation, or Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。この三日間、三重県の会合で、家内と私にキリストを分かち合う機会を与えてくださり感謝します。語りすぎないよう私の口を戒め、涙腺を守ってくださり有難うございます。涙がきっかけとなり、あなたの言葉が私を通して流れ出ました。セミフォーマルな集まりでキリスト分かち合えたこと、家内がプライベートな会話の中で分かち合えたこと、この二つの機会を感謝します。家内の話に涙して聞いてくださる方もいました。言葉において、行動において、あなたが私たちを通して語ってくださったことの全てが、今回、私たちの話を聞いてくださった方全ての心に入り込むように祈ります。そして彼らをあなたへと引き寄せ、救いへと導いてください。あなたのご栄光のために。有難うございます。ハレルヤ!
使徒 1:1-11
S: 使徒 1:7-8 「いつとか、どんなときとかいうことは、あなたがたは知らなくてもよいのです。それは、父がご自分の権威をもってお定めになっています。しかし、聖霊があなたがたの上に臨まれるよき、あなたがたは力を受けます。そして、エルサレム、ユダヤとサマリヤの全土、および地の果てにまで、わたしの証人となります。」
O: Timing is a big issue for human beings, because we live in time and we can't really see beyond it, unless God gives us dreams and visions. The ability to accept delayed gratification is a major indicator of maturity. An infant wants something at that moment, and cannot understand or be satisfied with the idea that it might happen in a few minutes. Spiritually speaking, most of us aren't far removed from infancy! Jesus' disciples had seen many Scriptures fulfilled in and by Jesus, but they were still chomping at the bit for the rest of the package, not remembering how badly they had misunderstood the very promises they had seen fulfilled. I think this is one of the biggest benefits of things like Christmas and birthdays: they teach little children that good things are going to come, but you have to wait for them. Jesus answered His disciples' questions about the fulfillment of Scriptural promises by giving them another promise that would be fulfilled in a much shorter time frame, and is still being fulfilled. We don't know God's timing without special revelation, and we often misinterpret that when we get it. God calls us to trust, obedience, and maturity.
O: 時間の枠の中に生きている人間にとっては、神様が夢やビジョンで見させて下さらない限り、時間を超越して先を見ることができません。ですから、人間にとってタイミングは大きな問題です。幼児は物を欲しがりますが、数分後には飽きてしまうことに気がつきません。霊的には私たちの殆どが大して幼児と変わりません!イエスの弟子たちはイエスが聖書の多くの個所を成就したことを、つぶさに見ながらも、不満を言いました。それまで成就された約束を正しく理解せずに、それがどれほどまずかったかを思い出せずにいました。クリスマスや誕生日まで欲しいものを待つことを幼い子に教えるには、こうしたことは格好でしょう。イエスは弟子達からの聖書の約束の成就の質問について、さらに約束を与えることで答えています。既に成就されつつあり、短い時間枠の中でなされると答えています。私たちに神様のタイミングは知る由もありません。特別な啓示が与えられたとしても、しばしば誤った解釈をしがちです。ただ、神様は私たちに信頼し、従い、そして成熟するように求めておられるのです。
A: I find myself in the middle of this struggle almost constantly. We have been given wonderful promises for this church and this nation, and yet they seem so far from fulfillment. I need to focus on trust and obedience, without losing the hope and expectation of all that God has spoken to me. That's a lot easier to say than to do! If I am focused on the “not yet,” then I will fail to see, enjoy, and appreciate the things God is doing right now. One of the greatest blessings for Cathy and me of the meeting we just attended was the outpouring of appreciation for what we have done. I need to recognize my own hunger for appreciation and not be ashamed of it, but at the same time recognize that my reward is with God and that will be enough, whether or not appreciation is ever expressed to me on earth. In terms of this church, I need to focus on the good things that are happening and not let myself be whipped around by the negatives. God's promises are real, they are good, and they will be fulfilled in His right time.
A: 私は常にこの問題と格闘しています。この教会と日本のために素晴らしい約束を与えられていながら、成就がほど遠いことに思えるのです。そういう時こそ、信頼と服従に集中すべきです。神様が私に語ってくださった期待と希望を失うようなことがあってはいけません。しかし、これは言うは易し、行うは難しです!「まだ、まだ」にばかり固執していては、神様が今なさっておられることを見失い、味わえず、感謝することができなくなります。家内と私が参加した会合での最大の祝福は、これまでの私たち夫婦の働きに対して大きな感謝が寄せられたことです。感謝への渇望、それを恥じないことをしっかり認識し、しかし同時に神様と共にいることで十分報われていることを認識すべきです。この地上で私が感謝されようがされまいが問題ではありません。この教会に関しては、否定的な側面を見て悲しむのではなく、良い面に目を向けたいと思っています。神様の約束は真実です。そして良いものです。神様の時に成就されるのみです。
P: Father, thank You for this Word this morning. The devil wants me to look at myself and look at the negatives in my situation, and You call me to look at Jesus and look at all You are doing around me. Help me lay firm hold on the promises, the hope that You have given me and so grow up into Christ Jesus my Head, so that Your plans may indeed be fulfilled in Your timing for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
S: 使徒 1:7-8 「いつとか、どんなときとかいうことは、あなたがたは知らなくてもよいのです。それは、父がご自分の権威をもってお定めになっています。しかし、聖霊があなたがたの上に臨まれるよき、あなたがたは力を受けます。そして、エルサレム、ユダヤとサマリヤの全土、および地の果てにまで、わたしの証人となります。」
O: Timing is a big issue for human beings, because we live in time and we can't really see beyond it, unless God gives us dreams and visions. The ability to accept delayed gratification is a major indicator of maturity. An infant wants something at that moment, and cannot understand or be satisfied with the idea that it might happen in a few minutes. Spiritually speaking, most of us aren't far removed from infancy! Jesus' disciples had seen many Scriptures fulfilled in and by Jesus, but they were still chomping at the bit for the rest of the package, not remembering how badly they had misunderstood the very promises they had seen fulfilled. I think this is one of the biggest benefits of things like Christmas and birthdays: they teach little children that good things are going to come, but you have to wait for them. Jesus answered His disciples' questions about the fulfillment of Scriptural promises by giving them another promise that would be fulfilled in a much shorter time frame, and is still being fulfilled. We don't know God's timing without special revelation, and we often misinterpret that when we get it. God calls us to trust, obedience, and maturity.
O: 時間の枠の中に生きている人間にとっては、神様が夢やビジョンで見させて下さらない限り、時間を超越して先を見ることができません。ですから、人間にとってタイミングは大きな問題です。幼児は物を欲しがりますが、数分後には飽きてしまうことに気がつきません。霊的には私たちの殆どが大して幼児と変わりません!イエスの弟子たちはイエスが聖書の多くの個所を成就したことを、つぶさに見ながらも、不満を言いました。それまで成就された約束を正しく理解せずに、それがどれほどまずかったかを思い出せずにいました。クリスマスや誕生日まで欲しいものを待つことを幼い子に教えるには、こうしたことは格好でしょう。イエスは弟子達からの聖書の約束の成就の質問について、さらに約束を与えることで答えています。既に成就されつつあり、短い時間枠の中でなされると答えています。私たちに神様のタイミングは知る由もありません。特別な啓示が与えられたとしても、しばしば誤った解釈をしがちです。ただ、神様は私たちに信頼し、従い、そして成熟するように求めておられるのです。
A: I find myself in the middle of this struggle almost constantly. We have been given wonderful promises for this church and this nation, and yet they seem so far from fulfillment. I need to focus on trust and obedience, without losing the hope and expectation of all that God has spoken to me. That's a lot easier to say than to do! If I am focused on the “not yet,” then I will fail to see, enjoy, and appreciate the things God is doing right now. One of the greatest blessings for Cathy and me of the meeting we just attended was the outpouring of appreciation for what we have done. I need to recognize my own hunger for appreciation and not be ashamed of it, but at the same time recognize that my reward is with God and that will be enough, whether or not appreciation is ever expressed to me on earth. In terms of this church, I need to focus on the good things that are happening and not let myself be whipped around by the negatives. God's promises are real, they are good, and they will be fulfilled in His right time.
A: 私は常にこの問題と格闘しています。この教会と日本のために素晴らしい約束を与えられていながら、成就がほど遠いことに思えるのです。そういう時こそ、信頼と服従に集中すべきです。神様が私に語ってくださった期待と希望を失うようなことがあってはいけません。しかし、これは言うは易し、行うは難しです!「まだ、まだ」にばかり固執していては、神様が今なさっておられることを見失い、味わえず、感謝することができなくなります。家内と私が参加した会合での最大の祝福は、これまでの私たち夫婦の働きに対して大きな感謝が寄せられたことです。感謝への渇望、それを恥じないことをしっかり認識し、しかし同時に神様と共にいることで十分報われていることを認識すべきです。この地上で私が感謝されようがされまいが問題ではありません。この教会に関しては、否定的な側面を見て悲しむのではなく、良い面に目を向けたいと思っています。神様の約束は真実です。そして良いものです。神様の時に成就されるのみです。
P: Father, thank You for this Word this morning. The devil wants me to look at myself and look at the negatives in my situation, and You call me to look at Jesus and look at all You are doing around me. Help me lay firm hold on the promises, the hope that You have given me and so grow up into Christ Jesus my Head, so that Your plans may indeed be fulfilled in Your timing for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
ヨハネ 19:1-16
S: ヨハネ 19:15 ピラトは彼らに言った。「あなたがたの王を私が十字架につけるのですか。」祭司長たちは答えた。「カイザルのほかには、私たちに王はありません。」
O: It really comes down to this: who is your King, your Lord. Trying to have Jesus like Santa, a benevolent granter of wishes, just doesn't work. He is certainly benevolent and He does answer prayer, but He is first and foremost Lord, and He is holy. So many people stumble on this point. Actually, I think it would be fair to say we all stumble on it at times, but the difference between salvation and destruction is the grounding commitment to Jesus as Lord. Particularly in America there is very little grasp of that. I agree that democracy is a good form of government, but it has eliminated the idea of an absolute ruler, which makes God's sovereignty a little harder to grasp. The irony of the situation of this verse is extreme: the supposedly religious leaders of the Jewish people were proclaiming that their only Lord was a pagan, blasphemous emperor! The Bible tells us to be good citizens of the physical country in which we live, but our highest priority and allegiance must be to Christ.
A: Being born and raised between two countries is perhaps an advantage for me, but it doesn't deal with my need for a fundamental commitment to Jesus' Lordship. That's the issue God addressed in Denver, way back in 1972. I got the commitment straight at that point, but I've certainly had my stumbles in the implementation from time to time in the years since then. I've got to keep Christ in focus in my heart and life, not just saying He's my Lord but living like it in the smallest details. That's a lot easier to say than to do, but His grace is sufficient for me, so I've got to rely on Him to fulfill what He requires of me.
A: 二つの国で生まれ、育った私は恐らくその恩恵を受けています。そのことに関係なく、主であるイエスへの献身は必要なことです。1972年に遡りますが、神様がその問題について語ってくれました。その時、私はすぐそのままに献身を誓ったのですが、それ以後、時に躓くことがありました。ですから心と暮らしの中にキリストを据え、焦点を合わせているべきでしょう。ただイエスが私の主であると言うだけでなく、日々暮らしの中のあらゆる点でそうした生き方をするべきです。これは口で言うは易しいのですが、実行することは簡単ではありません。イエスの恵みは私には十分すぎるほどです。イエス様が私に望んでおられることならば成就するために働き、イエスに信頼していきます。
P: Father, thank You for Your all-sufficient grace. Help me not take it lightly, but be active in my obedience, and repentance when it is called for. Thank You for all You have done while we've been at this meeting. Thank You for Your presence and anointing on the church in Omura in our absence, and for speaking through us in various ways to various people here. I pray that in our remaining hours with these families, Your love and grace would shine clearly through us to draw them to You, so that they too may choose life by committing themselves to Jesus as Lord. Thank You. Praise God!
P: お父様。あなたの十分すぎるほどの大きな恵みを感謝します。軽んじることなく、従順に、そして積極的に働くよう助けてください。求めに応じて悔い改めることができますように。この会合に私たちが来ている間のことを感謝します。私たちの留守の間、大村の教会にあなたがいてくださり、油注いでくださったことを感謝します。ここでも、私たちを通して様々な形で様々な人たちに話してくださいました。ここでの残りの時間、ご家族とともに祝されますように。あなたの愛と恵みが私たちを通して輝き、彼らがあなたへと引き寄せられますように。イエスを主として献身する生き方を選択するように彼らを助けてください。有難うございます。神様を賛美します!
S: ヨハネ 19:15 ピラトは彼らに言った。「あなたがたの王を私が十字架につけるのですか。」祭司長たちは答えた。「カイザルのほかには、私たちに王はありません。」
O: It really comes down to this: who is your King, your Lord. Trying to have Jesus like Santa, a benevolent granter of wishes, just doesn't work. He is certainly benevolent and He does answer prayer, but He is first and foremost Lord, and He is holy. So many people stumble on this point. Actually, I think it would be fair to say we all stumble on it at times, but the difference between salvation and destruction is the grounding commitment to Jesus as Lord. Particularly in America there is very little grasp of that. I agree that democracy is a good form of government, but it has eliminated the idea of an absolute ruler, which makes God's sovereignty a little harder to grasp. The irony of the situation of this verse is extreme: the supposedly religious leaders of the Jewish people were proclaiming that their only Lord was a pagan, blasphemous emperor! The Bible tells us to be good citizens of the physical country in which we live, but our highest priority and allegiance must be to Christ.
A: Being born and raised between two countries is perhaps an advantage for me, but it doesn't deal with my need for a fundamental commitment to Jesus' Lordship. That's the issue God addressed in Denver, way back in 1972. I got the commitment straight at that point, but I've certainly had my stumbles in the implementation from time to time in the years since then. I've got to keep Christ in focus in my heart and life, not just saying He's my Lord but living like it in the smallest details. That's a lot easier to say than to do, but His grace is sufficient for me, so I've got to rely on Him to fulfill what He requires of me.
A: 二つの国で生まれ、育った私は恐らくその恩恵を受けています。そのことに関係なく、主であるイエスへの献身は必要なことです。1972年に遡りますが、神様がその問題について語ってくれました。その時、私はすぐそのままに献身を誓ったのですが、それ以後、時に躓くことがありました。ですから心と暮らしの中にキリストを据え、焦点を合わせているべきでしょう。ただイエスが私の主であると言うだけでなく、日々暮らしの中のあらゆる点でそうした生き方をするべきです。これは口で言うは易しいのですが、実行することは簡単ではありません。イエスの恵みは私には十分すぎるほどです。イエス様が私に望んでおられることならば成就するために働き、イエスに信頼していきます。
P: Father, thank You for Your all-sufficient grace. Help me not take it lightly, but be active in my obedience, and repentance when it is called for. Thank You for all You have done while we've been at this meeting. Thank You for Your presence and anointing on the church in Omura in our absence, and for speaking through us in various ways to various people here. I pray that in our remaining hours with these families, Your love and grace would shine clearly through us to draw them to You, so that they too may choose life by committing themselves to Jesus as Lord. Thank You. Praise God!
P: お父様。あなたの十分すぎるほどの大きな恵みを感謝します。軽んじることなく、従順に、そして積極的に働くよう助けてください。求めに応じて悔い改めることができますように。この会合に私たちが来ている間のことを感謝します。私たちの留守の間、大村の教会にあなたがいてくださり、油注いでくださったことを感謝します。ここでも、私たちを通して様々な形で様々な人たちに話してくださいました。ここでの残りの時間、ご家族とともに祝されますように。あなたの愛と恵みが私たちを通して輝き、彼らがあなたへと引き寄せられますように。イエスを主として献身する生き方を選択するように彼らを助けてください。有難うございます。神様を賛美します!
ヨハネ 18:28-40
S: ヨハネ 18:37-38 「真理に属する者はみな、わたしの声に聞き従います。」ピラトはイエスに言った。「真理とは何ですか。」
O: Truth is enormously important, but its very definition is under attack these days. Recent polls show that a majority of Americans, at any rate, now say that there is no such thing as absolute truth. This has been the result of a concerted effort on the part of what was originally a small number of essentially atheistic educators, and it wasn't even noticed by most Bible-believing Christians until it had snowballed. The devil knows the Bible is true, and that's why he attacks it so strongly. After all, it spells out his eventual complete defeat! Jesus' statement is therefore all the more striking: “Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to me.” (The NIV “is on the side of truth” is really watered down from the Greek.) Another side of this issue is the matter of honesty. “White” lies, or as the Japanese call them, “kind” lies, break down the whole concept of Truth, and that too is part of the devil's plan. The English expression, “truth hurts,” can be very accurate, but avoiding truth for the sake of avoiding pain can have severe consequences down the road. Paul's admonition to “speak the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15, 25) is of great importance.
O: 真実はとてつもなく重要ですが、その定義は最近とみに攻撃にさらされています。最近の調査では絶対的真理などないと大半のアメリカ人が答えています。少数の無神論教育者がもたらした結果ですが、問題が大きくなるまで、聖書を信じるクリスチャンでさえ気がつきません。悪魔は聖書が真理であることを知っているからこそ、強く攻撃してくるのです。最終的に悪魔は敗北する羽目になるのですが!ですから「誰でも真理に属する者はみな、私の声に聞き従います。」というイエスの言葉が、より重要実を帯びてきます。(NIVで使われている「真理の側」という表現は元のギリシヤ語の意味より弱くなっています。)この節でもう一つ大切なことは正直さに関わることです。「悪気のない」嘘、あるいは日本の「思いやりのある」嘘で、真理の本当の意味は歪曲されています。これもまた悪魔の計画です。英語では「真実は痛みをもたらす」が言いえて妙な表現です。痛みを避けるために真理を避けることは痛烈な結果を生むことになります。「愛をもって真理を語る」(エペソ4:15.25)というパウロの諫めの重要性を痛感させられます。
A: I have the enormous advantage of being raised by a father whose guiding principles included absolute honesty. I have talked with Japanese Christians, even, who were given pause just hearing that statement; “absolute honesty” comes across as a foreign idea. However, that's no reason to back down from it! I must be careful not to forget “in love,” but I also must not back down from speaking the truth. Self-righteousness can be a very big problem in this situation, and I must be on my guard. I've got to be honest with myself and with God as well, and that means recognizing my own weaknesses and failures. If I don't walk in honest humility, the truth that I speak will come across as conceit and condemnation rather than as love.
P: Father, this is a constant challenge for me. Help me place love first, without backing down from truth. Help me love people enough to speak Your truth to them even when it means risking rejection. That fear has kept me from speaking Your truth more times than I like to think about. Help me be a vessel of Your truth and Your love, so that people may be set free for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。これは常に私を襲う難題です。まず、愛を第一義に置き、真理から引き下がることのないように助けてください。たとえ拒絶される危険を孕んでるとしても、あなたの真理を愛を持って語れるように助けてください。恐れのためにあなたの真理を語れずにいるのです。あなたの真理と愛を伝える器となるように助けてください。人々が解放され救われ、あなたのご栄光が輝きますように。感謝します。ハレルヤ!
S: ヨハネ 18:37-38 「真理に属する者はみな、わたしの声に聞き従います。」ピラトはイエスに言った。「真理とは何ですか。」
O: Truth is enormously important, but its very definition is under attack these days. Recent polls show that a majority of Americans, at any rate, now say that there is no such thing as absolute truth. This has been the result of a concerted effort on the part of what was originally a small number of essentially atheistic educators, and it wasn't even noticed by most Bible-believing Christians until it had snowballed. The devil knows the Bible is true, and that's why he attacks it so strongly. After all, it spells out his eventual complete defeat! Jesus' statement is therefore all the more striking: “Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to me.” (The NIV “is on the side of truth” is really watered down from the Greek.) Another side of this issue is the matter of honesty. “White” lies, or as the Japanese call them, “kind” lies, break down the whole concept of Truth, and that too is part of the devil's plan. The English expression, “truth hurts,” can be very accurate, but avoiding truth for the sake of avoiding pain can have severe consequences down the road. Paul's admonition to “speak the truth in love” (Ephesians 4:15, 25) is of great importance.
O: 真実はとてつもなく重要ですが、その定義は最近とみに攻撃にさらされています。最近の調査では絶対的真理などないと大半のアメリカ人が答えています。少数の無神論教育者がもたらした結果ですが、問題が大きくなるまで、聖書を信じるクリスチャンでさえ気がつきません。悪魔は聖書が真理であることを知っているからこそ、強く攻撃してくるのです。最終的に悪魔は敗北する羽目になるのですが!ですから「誰でも真理に属する者はみな、私の声に聞き従います。」というイエスの言葉が、より重要実を帯びてきます。(NIVで使われている「真理の側」という表現は元のギリシヤ語の意味より弱くなっています。)この節でもう一つ大切なことは正直さに関わることです。「悪気のない」嘘、あるいは日本の「思いやりのある」嘘で、真理の本当の意味は歪曲されています。これもまた悪魔の計画です。英語では「真実は痛みをもたらす」が言いえて妙な表現です。痛みを避けるために真理を避けることは痛烈な結果を生むことになります。「愛をもって真理を語る」(エペソ4:15.25)というパウロの諫めの重要性を痛感させられます。
A: I have the enormous advantage of being raised by a father whose guiding principles included absolute honesty. I have talked with Japanese Christians, even, who were given pause just hearing that statement; “absolute honesty” comes across as a foreign idea. However, that's no reason to back down from it! I must be careful not to forget “in love,” but I also must not back down from speaking the truth. Self-righteousness can be a very big problem in this situation, and I must be on my guard. I've got to be honest with myself and with God as well, and that means recognizing my own weaknesses and failures. If I don't walk in honest humility, the truth that I speak will come across as conceit and condemnation rather than as love.
P: Father, this is a constant challenge for me. Help me place love first, without backing down from truth. Help me love people enough to speak Your truth to them even when it means risking rejection. That fear has kept me from speaking Your truth more times than I like to think about. Help me be a vessel of Your truth and Your love, so that people may be set free for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。これは常に私を襲う難題です。まず、愛を第一義に置き、真理から引き下がることのないように助けてください。たとえ拒絶される危険を孕んでるとしても、あなたの真理を愛を持って語れるように助けてください。恐れのためにあなたの真理を語れずにいるのです。あなたの真理と愛を伝える器となるように助けてください。人々が解放され救われ、あなたのご栄光が輝きますように。感謝します。ハレルヤ!
ヨハネ 17:1-26
S: ヨハネ 17:20-21 「わたしは、ただこの人々のためだけでなく、彼らのことばによってわたしを信じる人々のためにもお願いします。それは、父よ、あなたがわたしにおられ、わたしがあなたにいるように、彼らがみな一つとなるためです。また、彼らもわたしたちにおるようになるためです。そのことによって、あなたがわたしを遣わされたことを、世が信じるためなのです。」
O: When Jesus prayed so clearly and strongly for unity among those who would believe because of His disciple's words, why is it that unity in the body of Christ is taken so lightly by so many? The devil works full time against that unity, because as Jesus said, when it is displayed, people believe in Him! We get confused about what unity really is, and think it is something to be enforced by rules and structures and organization, when Jesus explicitly said He meant the unity enjoyed by the Godhead. You can't get any more organic than that. Unity among Christians is created by mutual submission to and filling by the Holy Spirit. Here too we get caught up in definitions and labels, when the Spirit Himself isn't interested in such things. The biggest obstacle to unity is self-centeredness, manifested as pride. When our hearts are individually genuinely centered on Christ, we have unity.
O: 弟子の言葉で信者となるであろう人が一つになるために、イエスは明白に強く祈っています。それなのに、なぜキリスト体の一体化が、こうも軽んじられるのでしょうか。それは悪魔がキリストの一体化を妨害しょうと常に働いているからです。一体が現れた時に人々がイエスを信じだろうと言われたため、悪魔が妨害するのです。そして、私たちも一つになることに混乱を覚えています。何か規則や組織のようなもので縛られるように思いがちです。しかし、イエスは神性によって喜びを味わう統一であると教えました。それ以上の有機体はありえないでしょう。クリスチャン一つになることは、互いがイエスに服従し、聖霊によって満たされることです。ここでもまた、定義やレッテルに陥りがちですが、聖霊様ご自身はそのようなことに関心を持ってはおられません。キリストの体を建てるために大きな妨げとなっているのは、プライドという形で表面化しますが、つまり思い上がりです。一人ひとりの思いが真にキリストに据えられているならば、私たちは一つになることができるのです。
A: I feel I work toward unity, but I'm sure there's much more I could be doing. The fellowship among the churches of Omura is a sweet thing in the Lord's eyes, but it has a great deal of room for improvement. I desire that each of my brothers and sisters come to the level of intimacy with the Lord that I have, and much deeper, but I must not go around trying to “fix” them. That would destroy unity! I need to pray with Jesus for unity, and I need to be proactive in reaching out to all who call on Jesus' name in truth.
P: Father, we've had some successes in this area but the resistance is strong, and we've got a long way to go. I ask for a revelation of Your desire for unity to be given to each of the leaders in the Body of Christ here in Omura, so that we may submit to one another with joy because we are genuinely submitted to You. And Father, we need that unity in each congregation as well. May Your love so flow among us that all barriers will be washed away, for Your glory and the salvation of many. Thank You. Praise God!
P: お父様。一つになることでは、多少の成功を見てはいますが、反対の声も根強くあり、まだ道のりは長いようです。キリストの体である大村の教会指導者たちに統一のための啓示を与えてくださるように祈ります。喜びを持って互いがあなたに従えますように。本当に心から私たちはあなたに従っているのですから。そしてそれぞれの教会組織も一つになるよう助けてください。あなたの愛が私たちにあふれ出て、全ての壁が洗い流されますように。あなたのご栄光と多くの人の救いのために。有難うございます。神様を賛美します!
S: ヨハネ 17:20-21 「わたしは、ただこの人々のためだけでなく、彼らのことばによってわたしを信じる人々のためにもお願いします。それは、父よ、あなたがわたしにおられ、わたしがあなたにいるように、彼らがみな一つとなるためです。また、彼らもわたしたちにおるようになるためです。そのことによって、あなたがわたしを遣わされたことを、世が信じるためなのです。」
O: When Jesus prayed so clearly and strongly for unity among those who would believe because of His disciple's words, why is it that unity in the body of Christ is taken so lightly by so many? The devil works full time against that unity, because as Jesus said, when it is displayed, people believe in Him! We get confused about what unity really is, and think it is something to be enforced by rules and structures and organization, when Jesus explicitly said He meant the unity enjoyed by the Godhead. You can't get any more organic than that. Unity among Christians is created by mutual submission to and filling by the Holy Spirit. Here too we get caught up in definitions and labels, when the Spirit Himself isn't interested in such things. The biggest obstacle to unity is self-centeredness, manifested as pride. When our hearts are individually genuinely centered on Christ, we have unity.
O: 弟子の言葉で信者となるであろう人が一つになるために、イエスは明白に強く祈っています。それなのに、なぜキリスト体の一体化が、こうも軽んじられるのでしょうか。それは悪魔がキリストの一体化を妨害しょうと常に働いているからです。一体が現れた時に人々がイエスを信じだろうと言われたため、悪魔が妨害するのです。そして、私たちも一つになることに混乱を覚えています。何か規則や組織のようなもので縛られるように思いがちです。しかし、イエスは神性によって喜びを味わう統一であると教えました。それ以上の有機体はありえないでしょう。クリスチャン一つになることは、互いがイエスに服従し、聖霊によって満たされることです。ここでもまた、定義やレッテルに陥りがちですが、聖霊様ご自身はそのようなことに関心を持ってはおられません。キリストの体を建てるために大きな妨げとなっているのは、プライドという形で表面化しますが、つまり思い上がりです。一人ひとりの思いが真にキリストに据えられているならば、私たちは一つになることができるのです。
A: I feel I work toward unity, but I'm sure there's much more I could be doing. The fellowship among the churches of Omura is a sweet thing in the Lord's eyes, but it has a great deal of room for improvement. I desire that each of my brothers and sisters come to the level of intimacy with the Lord that I have, and much deeper, but I must not go around trying to “fix” them. That would destroy unity! I need to pray with Jesus for unity, and I need to be proactive in reaching out to all who call on Jesus' name in truth.
P: Father, we've had some successes in this area but the resistance is strong, and we've got a long way to go. I ask for a revelation of Your desire for unity to be given to each of the leaders in the Body of Christ here in Omura, so that we may submit to one another with joy because we are genuinely submitted to You. And Father, we need that unity in each congregation as well. May Your love so flow among us that all barriers will be washed away, for Your glory and the salvation of many. Thank You. Praise God!
P: お父様。一つになることでは、多少の成功を見てはいますが、反対の声も根強くあり、まだ道のりは長いようです。キリストの体である大村の教会指導者たちに統一のための啓示を与えてくださるように祈ります。喜びを持って互いがあなたに従えますように。本当に心から私たちはあなたに従っているのですから。そしてそれぞれの教会組織も一つになるよう助けてください。あなたの愛が私たちにあふれ出て、全ての壁が洗い流されますように。あなたのご栄光と多くの人の救いのために。有難うございます。神様を賛美します!
ヨハネ 16:19-33
S: ヨハネ 16:26-27 「その日には、あなたがたはわたしの名によって求めるのです。わたしはあなたがたに代わって父に願ってあげようとは言いません。それはあなたがたがわたしを愛し、また、わたしを神から出てきた者と信じたので、父ご自身があなたがたを愛しておられるからです。」
O: Well this would certainly seem to take care of any thought of asking any dead saint to pray for you! Jesus gives us His name to use in prayer, but that's not asking Him to ask the Father things for us. This passage makes that very clear. It does say in Hebrews 7:25 that Jesus intercedes for us, but that's not the same as “one cushion prayers,” that is, having to bounce requests off of Him to get them to the Father. How much more, then, does this passage eliminate praying to Mary or any other person to pray to the Father for us! I can understand intellectually how the practice arose, but it is certainly extra-biblical and is grounded in a lack of both understanding and faith. I love my Catholic brothers and sisters, and I pray for them that their eyes would be opened to understand this. Any time we put layers between us and God we are running into grave danger. Jesus says, here and elsewhere, that what God requires is faith in Jesus, not some ecclesiastical bureaucracy.
A: This is certainly how I was raised, which is precisely the objection my Catholic brothers and sisters would have. They would say I don't understand them because of my upbringing, but I appeal to Scripture. However, I must not come across as conceited about my “better revelation.” That would certainly defeat my desire and purpose that they come into direct intimacy with the Father who loves them. Actually, though Protestants are much less likely to pray to the dead, the tendency to ask a “better” Christian to pray for you is certainly evident. I am not to refuse to pray for people, but I need to encourage them to believe and pray themselves. Even our own daughters have said, “When Mama and Daddy pray, things happen.” I need to work to help people understand that God wants to answer their prayers just as much as He wants to answer mine! People will never discover the delight of prayer until they understand that the Father really loves them and is listening.
P: Father, I get so frustrated on this issue at times. I can't force people to understand and believe and therefore pray, as much as I would like to. Help me be as patient with them as You are with me. Man! That's a mouthful! You have been incredibly patient with me; help me indeed extend to others the grace You have poured out on me. I do ask that You anoint my lips to speak as persuasively as possible, so that barriers to understanding and faith may be removed and many, many come into the intimacy with You that You desire, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。この問題で不愉快になることがあります。強制的に、人に理解させ、信じさせ、祈らせることはできません。あなたが私に忍耐強くあられるように私も彼らに忍耐を持てるように助けてください。本当に、あなたはとてつもなく私に忍耐を持っておられます。あなたの私への恵みのように、私も人々に忍耐強くありますように。どうぞ私の口に油を注ぎ、説き伏せる話ができますように。そして信仰と理解の妨げが取り去られ、多くの人があなたと親しく交われますように。それがあなたの望みなのですから。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。ハレルヤ!
S: ヨハネ 16:26-27 「その日には、あなたがたはわたしの名によって求めるのです。わたしはあなたがたに代わって父に願ってあげようとは言いません。それはあなたがたがわたしを愛し、また、わたしを神から出てきた者と信じたので、父ご自身があなたがたを愛しておられるからです。」
O: Well this would certainly seem to take care of any thought of asking any dead saint to pray for you! Jesus gives us His name to use in prayer, but that's not asking Him to ask the Father things for us. This passage makes that very clear. It does say in Hebrews 7:25 that Jesus intercedes for us, but that's not the same as “one cushion prayers,” that is, having to bounce requests off of Him to get them to the Father. How much more, then, does this passage eliminate praying to Mary or any other person to pray to the Father for us! I can understand intellectually how the practice arose, but it is certainly extra-biblical and is grounded in a lack of both understanding and faith. I love my Catholic brothers and sisters, and I pray for them that their eyes would be opened to understand this. Any time we put layers between us and God we are running into grave danger. Jesus says, here and elsewhere, that what God requires is faith in Jesus, not some ecclesiastical bureaucracy.
A: This is certainly how I was raised, which is precisely the objection my Catholic brothers and sisters would have. They would say I don't understand them because of my upbringing, but I appeal to Scripture. However, I must not come across as conceited about my “better revelation.” That would certainly defeat my desire and purpose that they come into direct intimacy with the Father who loves them. Actually, though Protestants are much less likely to pray to the dead, the tendency to ask a “better” Christian to pray for you is certainly evident. I am not to refuse to pray for people, but I need to encourage them to believe and pray themselves. Even our own daughters have said, “When Mama and Daddy pray, things happen.” I need to work to help people understand that God wants to answer their prayers just as much as He wants to answer mine! People will never discover the delight of prayer until they understand that the Father really loves them and is listening.
P: Father, I get so frustrated on this issue at times. I can't force people to understand and believe and therefore pray, as much as I would like to. Help me be as patient with them as You are with me. Man! That's a mouthful! You have been incredibly patient with me; help me indeed extend to others the grace You have poured out on me. I do ask that You anoint my lips to speak as persuasively as possible, so that barriers to understanding and faith may be removed and many, many come into the intimacy with You that You desire, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。この問題で不愉快になることがあります。強制的に、人に理解させ、信じさせ、祈らせることはできません。あなたが私に忍耐強くあられるように私も彼らに忍耐を持てるように助けてください。本当に、あなたはとてつもなく私に忍耐を持っておられます。あなたの私への恵みのように、私も人々に忍耐強くありますように。どうぞ私の口に油を注ぎ、説き伏せる話ができますように。そして信仰と理解の妨げが取り去られ、多くの人があなたと親しく交われますように。それがあなたの望みなのですから。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。ハレルヤ!
ヨハネ 15:18-27
S: ヨハネ 15:26-27 「わたしが父のもとから遣わす助け主、すなわち父から出る真理の御霊が来たとき、その御霊がわたしについてあかしします。あなたがたもあかしするのです。初めからわたしといっしょにいたからです。」
O: Two things stand out to me here. The first is that any spirit that fails to testify of and glorify Jesus isn't the Holy Spirit. These days many people are enamored of spiritual things, but without the discernment to know what is holy and what is evil. As Paul said, the devil delights to appear as an angel of light so as to deceive people (2 Corinthians 11:14), so we need criteria that get past appearances. (Of course, someone who is on close terms with the Holy Spirit is going to see through such deception immediately.) Jesus is our standard, for belief and action.
The second thing that strikes me is that the same thing can be said of true Christians: they testify of and glorify Jesus. It's perhaps not as rigid a criteria, since Christians are weak and imperfect, but I think it's fair to question the salvation of someone who never talks about Jesus or who is always seeking glory for themselves. This is something we should apply to ourselves first: do I testify of Jesus and give Him glory?
O: ここでは二つのことが学べます。イまず。エスの栄光を与えない証しならば、それは聖霊によるものではありません。最近、霊的なことに沢山の人が惹かれていますが、聖霊と悪魔の見定めができていません。パウロは、サタンさえ光の御使いに変身すると教えていますが2コリント11:14)、判断できる基準を持っていなくてはいけません。(もちろん、聖霊様と親しくある人にとっては欺きを見破るのはたやすいことです。)私たちには、イエスが信仰と行動の基準です。二つ目は、一つ目のことと同様に、真のクリスチャンはイエスを証ししイエスに栄光を与えるものであるという教えです。クリスチャンは弱く不完全ですから、さほど厳しい基準ではありません。しかし、イエスを全く語ったことのない人や、自分の栄光ばかりを追い求めている人は救いについて一考すべきでしょう。まず、イエスに栄光を帰するために証しをしているだろかと自問してみてください。
A: As Tora commented not long ago, my Observations often tend toward Applications! This is certainly something I need to apply in my own life, but as a pastor I need to encourage the believers to testify for the glory of Christ. As Chu Kosaka sings in the song, “You Are Wonderful,” if we don't praise God, who will? If we don't talk about God, who's going to encounter Him? I don't consider myself gifted and called as an evangelist, but that doesn't mean I'm not to do the work of an evangelist, as Paul told Timothy. (2 Timothy 4:5) That is an understanding that I was slow to accept myself, so I need to be both patient and persistent in working to help the believers get it.
A: 最近、トラさんに指摘されたことですが、私の観察は適用になりがちです。これこそ、私自身の生活に適用すべきことでしょう。しかし私は牧師として信者がキリストの栄光を証しするように奨励しなくてはいけません。小坂忠さんの歌に「君はすばらしい」という曲があります。私たちが神を賛美せずして誰がするのでしょう?神について私たちが語らなければ、どうやって神と出会うのでしょうか?私は自分が伝道者として召され、賜物を与えられているとは思いませんが、だからと言って伝道の働きをしなくてよいわけではないのです。パウロもテモテに教えています(2テモテ4:5)。これらは私にも理解するのに時間を要しました。ですから信者が理解するまで忍耐強く教えていきたいと思っています。
P: Father, thank You that You have now sent someone to this congregation who is called and gifted as an evangelist, but keep the rest of us from sloughing off and expecting him to do it all! I pray that every member of this body would understand their responsibility and privilege of being witnesses of what You have done in and for us. I pray that people will be bolder and bolder, not just in Testimony Time in our worship services but in every opportunity You give us in our daily lives, so that as many as possible may hear, repent, and believe, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。伝道の賜物のある人を召し、この群れに送ってくださっています。有難うございます。私たちが泥沼から這い出てその人物に期待できますように!この教会の各信者が自分の責任を知り、あなたのみ業の証人となる特権をじかくするように助けてください。彼らがますます大胆になり、証しや礼拝のときだけでなく、日々あらゆる機会を用いて伝道できますように。それによって多くの人が、聞き、悔い改め、信じ、救われますように。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。ハレルヤ!
S: ヨハネ 15:26-27 「わたしが父のもとから遣わす助け主、すなわち父から出る真理の御霊が来たとき、その御霊がわたしについてあかしします。あなたがたもあかしするのです。初めからわたしといっしょにいたからです。」
O: Two things stand out to me here. The first is that any spirit that fails to testify of and glorify Jesus isn't the Holy Spirit. These days many people are enamored of spiritual things, but without the discernment to know what is holy and what is evil. As Paul said, the devil delights to appear as an angel of light so as to deceive people (2 Corinthians 11:14), so we need criteria that get past appearances. (Of course, someone who is on close terms with the Holy Spirit is going to see through such deception immediately.) Jesus is our standard, for belief and action.
The second thing that strikes me is that the same thing can be said of true Christians: they testify of and glorify Jesus. It's perhaps not as rigid a criteria, since Christians are weak and imperfect, but I think it's fair to question the salvation of someone who never talks about Jesus or who is always seeking glory for themselves. This is something we should apply to ourselves first: do I testify of Jesus and give Him glory?
O: ここでは二つのことが学べます。イまず。エスの栄光を与えない証しならば、それは聖霊によるものではありません。最近、霊的なことに沢山の人が惹かれていますが、聖霊と悪魔の見定めができていません。パウロは、サタンさえ光の御使いに変身すると教えていますが2コリント11:14)、判断できる基準を持っていなくてはいけません。(もちろん、聖霊様と親しくある人にとっては欺きを見破るのはたやすいことです。)私たちには、イエスが信仰と行動の基準です。二つ目は、一つ目のことと同様に、真のクリスチャンはイエスを証ししイエスに栄光を与えるものであるという教えです。クリスチャンは弱く不完全ですから、さほど厳しい基準ではありません。しかし、イエスを全く語ったことのない人や、自分の栄光ばかりを追い求めている人は救いについて一考すべきでしょう。まず、イエスに栄光を帰するために証しをしているだろかと自問してみてください。
A: As Tora commented not long ago, my Observations often tend toward Applications! This is certainly something I need to apply in my own life, but as a pastor I need to encourage the believers to testify for the glory of Christ. As Chu Kosaka sings in the song, “You Are Wonderful,” if we don't praise God, who will? If we don't talk about God, who's going to encounter Him? I don't consider myself gifted and called as an evangelist, but that doesn't mean I'm not to do the work of an evangelist, as Paul told Timothy. (2 Timothy 4:5) That is an understanding that I was slow to accept myself, so I need to be both patient and persistent in working to help the believers get it.
A: 最近、トラさんに指摘されたことですが、私の観察は適用になりがちです。これこそ、私自身の生活に適用すべきことでしょう。しかし私は牧師として信者がキリストの栄光を証しするように奨励しなくてはいけません。小坂忠さんの歌に「君はすばらしい」という曲があります。私たちが神を賛美せずして誰がするのでしょう?神について私たちが語らなければ、どうやって神と出会うのでしょうか?私は自分が伝道者として召され、賜物を与えられているとは思いませんが、だからと言って伝道の働きをしなくてよいわけではないのです。パウロもテモテに教えています(2テモテ4:5)。これらは私にも理解するのに時間を要しました。ですから信者が理解するまで忍耐強く教えていきたいと思っています。
P: Father, thank You that You have now sent someone to this congregation who is called and gifted as an evangelist, but keep the rest of us from sloughing off and expecting him to do it all! I pray that every member of this body would understand their responsibility and privilege of being witnesses of what You have done in and for us. I pray that people will be bolder and bolder, not just in Testimony Time in our worship services but in every opportunity You give us in our daily lives, so that as many as possible may hear, repent, and believe, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。伝道の賜物のある人を召し、この群れに送ってくださっています。有難うございます。私たちが泥沼から這い出てその人物に期待できますように!この教会の各信者が自分の責任を知り、あなたのみ業の証人となる特権をじかくするように助けてください。彼らがますます大胆になり、証しや礼拝のときだけでなく、日々あらゆる機会を用いて伝道できますように。それによって多くの人が、聞き、悔い改め、信じ、救われますように。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。ハレルヤ!
ヨハネ 15:1-17
S: ヨハネ 15:5 「わたしはぶどうの木で、あなたがたは枝です。人がわたしにとどまり、わたしもその人の中にとどまっているなら、そういう人は多くの実を結びます。わたしを離れては、あなたがたは何もすることができないからです。」
O: Here we have the heart of being “in Christ.” The illustration that Jesus used is extremely pointed and was quite familiar to His disciples, though not quite as much to us in an urban setting. We can no more produce fruit, that is, have worthwhile results in our lives, if we are separated from Christ than a piece of grape vine could bear grapes after it was cut off from the main vine. The reason this was such an apt illustration is that grape vines are pruned extensively each year, and are also capable of bearing fruit in almost shocking abundance. We think too little about the pruning that is necessary in our lives, and are shocked and upset when it happens, mourning what is taken away instead of rejoicing in anticipation of the fruit that is to come. Not just that, we sometimes want to spend a little time away from the vine, not noticing until later the withering and fruitlessness that starts immediately.
O: まさにこれが「キリストのうちにある」ことの真髄です。イエスが使ったこのたとえは弟子たちには馴染みがあり、さらに大変よく用いられる表現でもあります。もっとも現在の都市的な状況と当時の環境は違ってはいましたが。キリストから離れては実を結ぶことはできません。命に値する実です。大元の葡萄の木から切り落とされて葡萄は実りません。葡萄の木は毎年手入れをされます。葡萄に実るはずの蔓の数はおびただしい数に上ります。そうした手入れは私たちに必要なことですが、あまりにも見落としがちです。本来なら実のりの期待と喜びに満ちるはずなのですが、実際に切り落とされると、驚き、困惑し、嘆きます。葡萄の木からしばし離れたいと思うことがありますが、すぐさまにも実らずにしおれ、その時に初めて気がつくのです。
A: I've had my own fruitless periods, which makes it all the more painful to watch people I love drawing away from Christ. Christ and the Church are certainly not identical, but it is His body, and it is rare indeed for someone to withdraw from fellowship without pulling back from Christ Himself. I need to do all I can to draw such people back in love, just as Jesus told the parable of the lost sheep, but at the same time I must realize that I can't make their decisions for them. I need to teach, encourage, admonish and love with all diligence, so that as many as possible may be brought into full discipleship, for an abundant harvest in God's kingdom.
A: 私も実りを失った時期があります。だからこそ、なおさらキリストから離れていく人たちを見るのは辛いのです。キリストと教会は同じではありませんが、聖なる体としては一つです。キリストから離れずして、なお交わりを遠ざけると言うの有りえないことです。迷子の羊のたとえでイエスが教えたように、そうした人たちを愛を持って引き戻したいと思います。しかし、私には彼らの心を変えることはできません。ですから精神誠意、教え、励まし、諫め、愛していきます。多くの人がしっかりとした弟子となり神の御国の豊かな実りを見るためです。
P: Father, thank You for the fruit that has been appearing recently around here. Help me not resist Your pruning but rather rejoice in the harvest that is to come, as You just wrote through me a minute ago. Help me interact with people in Your love, drawing them into closer intimacy with You so that Your Spirit may flow more abundantly through them. Lord, You know that's my desire for myself as well. May I be so connected to, so established in You that my fruit will be all that You desire, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。最近、実りが見えてきました。感謝します。あなたの刈り入れに抗うのではなく、来るべき収穫を喜ぶように助けて下さい。ついさっき、あなたが私を通して書きおしえてくださったようにです。あなたの愛で人々と心が通い合いますように。聖霊が豊かに注がれ、より親しい交わりが持てますように。主よ、あなたは私の望みを御存じです。私の実があなたの望むように実り、あなたのうちに形成され繋がっていますように。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。ハレルヤ!
S: ヨハネ 15:5 「わたしはぶどうの木で、あなたがたは枝です。人がわたしにとどまり、わたしもその人の中にとどまっているなら、そういう人は多くの実を結びます。わたしを離れては、あなたがたは何もすることができないからです。」
O: Here we have the heart of being “in Christ.” The illustration that Jesus used is extremely pointed and was quite familiar to His disciples, though not quite as much to us in an urban setting. We can no more produce fruit, that is, have worthwhile results in our lives, if we are separated from Christ than a piece of grape vine could bear grapes after it was cut off from the main vine. The reason this was such an apt illustration is that grape vines are pruned extensively each year, and are also capable of bearing fruit in almost shocking abundance. We think too little about the pruning that is necessary in our lives, and are shocked and upset when it happens, mourning what is taken away instead of rejoicing in anticipation of the fruit that is to come. Not just that, we sometimes want to spend a little time away from the vine, not noticing until later the withering and fruitlessness that starts immediately.
O: まさにこれが「キリストのうちにある」ことの真髄です。イエスが使ったこのたとえは弟子たちには馴染みがあり、さらに大変よく用いられる表現でもあります。もっとも現在の都市的な状況と当時の環境は違ってはいましたが。キリストから離れては実を結ぶことはできません。命に値する実です。大元の葡萄の木から切り落とされて葡萄は実りません。葡萄の木は毎年手入れをされます。葡萄に実るはずの蔓の数はおびただしい数に上ります。そうした手入れは私たちに必要なことですが、あまりにも見落としがちです。本来なら実のりの期待と喜びに満ちるはずなのですが、実際に切り落とされると、驚き、困惑し、嘆きます。葡萄の木からしばし離れたいと思うことがありますが、すぐさまにも実らずにしおれ、その時に初めて気がつくのです。
A: I've had my own fruitless periods, which makes it all the more painful to watch people I love drawing away from Christ. Christ and the Church are certainly not identical, but it is His body, and it is rare indeed for someone to withdraw from fellowship without pulling back from Christ Himself. I need to do all I can to draw such people back in love, just as Jesus told the parable of the lost sheep, but at the same time I must realize that I can't make their decisions for them. I need to teach, encourage, admonish and love with all diligence, so that as many as possible may be brought into full discipleship, for an abundant harvest in God's kingdom.
A: 私も実りを失った時期があります。だからこそ、なおさらキリストから離れていく人たちを見るのは辛いのです。キリストと教会は同じではありませんが、聖なる体としては一つです。キリストから離れずして、なお交わりを遠ざけると言うの有りえないことです。迷子の羊のたとえでイエスが教えたように、そうした人たちを愛を持って引き戻したいと思います。しかし、私には彼らの心を変えることはできません。ですから精神誠意、教え、励まし、諫め、愛していきます。多くの人がしっかりとした弟子となり神の御国の豊かな実りを見るためです。
P: Father, thank You for the fruit that has been appearing recently around here. Help me not resist Your pruning but rather rejoice in the harvest that is to come, as You just wrote through me a minute ago. Help me interact with people in Your love, drawing them into closer intimacy with You so that Your Spirit may flow more abundantly through them. Lord, You know that's my desire for myself as well. May I be so connected to, so established in You that my fruit will be all that You desire, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。最近、実りが見えてきました。感謝します。あなたの刈り入れに抗うのではなく、来るべき収穫を喜ぶように助けて下さい。ついさっき、あなたが私を通して書きおしえてくださったようにです。あなたの愛で人々と心が通い合いますように。聖霊が豊かに注がれ、より親しい交わりが持てますように。主よ、あなたは私の望みを御存じです。私の実があなたの望むように実り、あなたのうちに形成され繋がっていますように。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。ハレルヤ!
ヨハネ 14:15-31
S: ヨハネ 14:25-26 「このことをわたしは、あなたがたとといっしょいにる間に、あなたがたに話しました。しかし、助け主、すなわち、父がお遣わしになる聖霊は、あなたがたにすべてのことを教え、また、わたしがあなたがたに話したすべてのことを思い出させてくださいます。」
O: This is certainly an encouraging thing to have in the middle of this long Upper Room Discourse! Jesus said so many vitally important things over the space of a few hours, it would be overwhelming to try to remember them all in our own strength. The help of the Holy Spirit doesn't eliminate our responsibility to seek to digest and absorb all that God speaks to us by His Word and otherwise, but it does remove the pressure of thinking “I've got to do it.” That said, we need to remember that we can't be reminded of something we've never read in the first place. God does speak to us prophetically with words that aren't in Scripture, as I know well, but He never says anything that contradicts the Bible. If we want the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us, we need to take in the Bible on a daily basis, giving the Holy Spirit as much material to work with as possible, so that He can remind us of what we need when we need it.
O: これは大変励ましとなるみ言葉です。イエスはわずか数時間の間に多くの重要なことを教えましたが、それを私たちのだけの力で覚えようとすると大変です。聖霊によって神様が語ってくださるのですが、イエスの語ったすべてを理解し、吸収するためには聖霊様が助けてくださいます。そうでなければ、「やらなくてはいけない」という思いになるでしょう。まず、読んでいないものは思い出せないことを知る必要があります。神様は聖書にない言葉で預言的に語られますが、聖書に反するようなことは決して語られません。それは私がよく知っています。聖霊様の導きを求めるなら、日々聖書を読んで取り入れなくてはなりません。そうすることで聖霊様も現実に働いてくださり、私たちに必要なことをその時に応じて思い出させて下さるのです。
A: I have been blessed above and beyond the vast majority of people by having been immersed in Scripture from birth, so to speak, but I must not take that for granted or treat it lightly. I've got to read and study the Word each morning, not just skim over it, so that it will work deeper and deeper into the core of my being. The evangelistic billboard, “Have you read My book? There will be a test,” is clever, but it leaves out the reality that we are being tested constantly by our circumstances. I need to communicate to the believers what a blessing and privilege it is to be able to read the Word each morning and take it in. When I think of how sporadic my own devotions were for so much of my younger life I can't condemn them for not “getting with the program,” but I certainly want them to enjoy what I do.
P: Father, thank You yet again for Your patience with me. Thank You for Your Spirit to teach and guide me. Thank You for the privilege of introducing You, Your Word, and Your Spirit to others. As You have me say in my faith declarations, help me indeed hear, listen to, and obey Your Spirit more and more fully day by day, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
P: お父様。私への忍耐をまたまた感謝します。あなたの御霊が私を導いてくださっていることを感謝します。あなたを、御言葉を、御霊を人に教えることのできる特権を有難うございます。あなたは私に語らせて下さいますが、その時もどうか信仰を持って、日々、心からしっかりと聞きいれ、聖霊様に従うように助けてください。感謝します。神様を賛美します!
S: ヨハネ 14:25-26 「このことをわたしは、あなたがたとといっしょいにる間に、あなたがたに話しました。しかし、助け主、すなわち、父がお遣わしになる聖霊は、あなたがたにすべてのことを教え、また、わたしがあなたがたに話したすべてのことを思い出させてくださいます。」
O: This is certainly an encouraging thing to have in the middle of this long Upper Room Discourse! Jesus said so many vitally important things over the space of a few hours, it would be overwhelming to try to remember them all in our own strength. The help of the Holy Spirit doesn't eliminate our responsibility to seek to digest and absorb all that God speaks to us by His Word and otherwise, but it does remove the pressure of thinking “I've got to do it.” That said, we need to remember that we can't be reminded of something we've never read in the first place. God does speak to us prophetically with words that aren't in Scripture, as I know well, but He never says anything that contradicts the Bible. If we want the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us, we need to take in the Bible on a daily basis, giving the Holy Spirit as much material to work with as possible, so that He can remind us of what we need when we need it.
O: これは大変励ましとなるみ言葉です。イエスはわずか数時間の間に多くの重要なことを教えましたが、それを私たちのだけの力で覚えようとすると大変です。聖霊によって神様が語ってくださるのですが、イエスの語ったすべてを理解し、吸収するためには聖霊様が助けてくださいます。そうでなければ、「やらなくてはいけない」という思いになるでしょう。まず、読んでいないものは思い出せないことを知る必要があります。神様は聖書にない言葉で預言的に語られますが、聖書に反するようなことは決して語られません。それは私がよく知っています。聖霊様の導きを求めるなら、日々聖書を読んで取り入れなくてはなりません。そうすることで聖霊様も現実に働いてくださり、私たちに必要なことをその時に応じて思い出させて下さるのです。
A: I have been blessed above and beyond the vast majority of people by having been immersed in Scripture from birth, so to speak, but I must not take that for granted or treat it lightly. I've got to read and study the Word each morning, not just skim over it, so that it will work deeper and deeper into the core of my being. The evangelistic billboard, “Have you read My book? There will be a test,” is clever, but it leaves out the reality that we are being tested constantly by our circumstances. I need to communicate to the believers what a blessing and privilege it is to be able to read the Word each morning and take it in. When I think of how sporadic my own devotions were for so much of my younger life I can't condemn them for not “getting with the program,” but I certainly want them to enjoy what I do.
P: Father, thank You yet again for Your patience with me. Thank You for Your Spirit to teach and guide me. Thank You for the privilege of introducing You, Your Word, and Your Spirit to others. As You have me say in my faith declarations, help me indeed hear, listen to, and obey Your Spirit more and more fully day by day, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
P: お父様。私への忍耐をまたまた感謝します。あなたの御霊が私を導いてくださっていることを感謝します。あなたを、御言葉を、御霊を人に教えることのできる特権を有難うございます。あなたは私に語らせて下さいますが、その時もどうか信仰を持って、日々、心からしっかりと聞きいれ、聖霊様に従うように助けてください。感謝します。神様を賛美します!
ヨハネ 14:1-14
S: ヨハネ 14:10
O: Jesus said things like this many times throughout His ministry, but it is a mystery that we have trouble grasping. Actually, it is central to the whole theme of my father's dissertation, from which these readings are drawn. Jesus was in the Father, but the Father was also in Him, as He says here, and that doesn't fit Newtonian physics! There is obviously a reality that is much greater than the physical that is operating here, but it has to be experienced to be grasped. Christians speak glibly about “Jesus in my heart,” and things like that, but non-Christians really can't get a handle on what is being said and meant. It is only when we choose to repent and believe that this glorious reality comes to life in us. We might not be able to explain it, but we know it's real!
A: My heart's desire is to so be in Christ, and He in me by His Spirit, that I indeed speak only His words and work His works. As He said in verse 12, if I am planted in Him by faith I will indeed work His works, which I certainly desire, but my focus and gifting is in the area of words. I know that the relationship isn't mechanical, like a microphone and speaker, but dynamic: I've got to choose to be connected and resonant. I know from reading the different writers of the Bible that when God speaks through me it will have my flavor, but I want the content, the nutrition, so to speak, to be God entirely. I don't want to contribute any junk food! I want this to be operative when I am speaking in a church context, of course, but I also want it to be operative everywhere else. I want my daily conversation to be prophetic, so that God's Word will accomplish everything for which He sends it. (Isaiah 55:10-11)
A: 私の思いはキリストの内にいることです。聖霊によってキリストは私の内におられます。これはキリストの言葉と働きによってはっきり言えることです。イエスが12節でイエスを信じる者はイエスの行うわざを行うと教えていますが、それこそが私の望みであり、そのために言葉の領域で賜物を与えられているのですから焦点を合わせています。関係というものはマイクやスピーカーのように機械的なものではありません。ダイナミックです。繋がって共鳴するようにせねばなりません。聖書の中の他の書を読んでいる時に神様が私を通して語ってくださいました。趣のある内容でしたが、私の求めることはもっと栄養味のあるもの、つまり神様そのもの全てです。くだらない食べ物のために働きたくはありません!教会でも他のあらゆる場所でも、話す時には十分に伝わってほしいと願っています。私の日々の会話がまさに預言的なものとなり、神の望む事を成し遂げ、神の送ったことを成就することを望んでいます。(イザヤ55:10~11)
P: Father, I've tasted this, which is what makes me hungry for more. Thank You for what You spoke through me yesterday, morning and evening. Thank You for the fruit of that, with H making an open commitment to Christ. I pray Your protection and guidance for her, not simply in the timing of her baptism but in every step of her life from now on, so that she may be and do all that You created her for, for her great blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
S: ヨハネ 14:10
O: Jesus said things like this many times throughout His ministry, but it is a mystery that we have trouble grasping. Actually, it is central to the whole theme of my father's dissertation, from which these readings are drawn. Jesus was in the Father, but the Father was also in Him, as He says here, and that doesn't fit Newtonian physics! There is obviously a reality that is much greater than the physical that is operating here, but it has to be experienced to be grasped. Christians speak glibly about “Jesus in my heart,” and things like that, but non-Christians really can't get a handle on what is being said and meant. It is only when we choose to repent and believe that this glorious reality comes to life in us. We might not be able to explain it, but we know it's real!
A: My heart's desire is to so be in Christ, and He in me by His Spirit, that I indeed speak only His words and work His works. As He said in verse 12, if I am planted in Him by faith I will indeed work His works, which I certainly desire, but my focus and gifting is in the area of words. I know that the relationship isn't mechanical, like a microphone and speaker, but dynamic: I've got to choose to be connected and resonant. I know from reading the different writers of the Bible that when God speaks through me it will have my flavor, but I want the content, the nutrition, so to speak, to be God entirely. I don't want to contribute any junk food! I want this to be operative when I am speaking in a church context, of course, but I also want it to be operative everywhere else. I want my daily conversation to be prophetic, so that God's Word will accomplish everything for which He sends it. (Isaiah 55:10-11)
A: 私の思いはキリストの内にいることです。聖霊によってキリストは私の内におられます。これはキリストの言葉と働きによってはっきり言えることです。イエスが12節でイエスを信じる者はイエスの行うわざを行うと教えていますが、それこそが私の望みであり、そのために言葉の領域で賜物を与えられているのですから焦点を合わせています。関係というものはマイクやスピーカーのように機械的なものではありません。ダイナミックです。繋がって共鳴するようにせねばなりません。聖書の中の他の書を読んでいる時に神様が私を通して語ってくださいました。趣のある内容でしたが、私の求めることはもっと栄養味のあるもの、つまり神様そのもの全てです。くだらない食べ物のために働きたくはありません!教会でも他のあらゆる場所でも、話す時には十分に伝わってほしいと願っています。私の日々の会話がまさに預言的なものとなり、神の望む事を成し遂げ、神の送ったことを成就することを望んでいます。(イザヤ55:10~11)
P: Father, I've tasted this, which is what makes me hungry for more. Thank You for what You spoke through me yesterday, morning and evening. Thank You for the fruit of that, with H making an open commitment to Christ. I pray Your protection and guidance for her, not simply in the timing of her baptism but in every step of her life from now on, so that she may be and do all that You created her for, for her great blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
ヨハネ 13:31-38
S: ヨハネ 13:34-35 「あなたがたに新しい戒めを与えましょう。互いに愛し合いなさい。わたしがあなたがたを愛したように、あなたがたも互いに愛し合いなさい。もし互いの間に愛があるなら、それによってあなたがたがわたしの弟子であることを、すべての人が認めるのです。」
O: How often we forget that love is a command, and that it can be commanded! This is one of the clearest indicators that agape isn't the emotional love that we're used to: emotions can't be commanded, but decisions can. The more we understand God's love for us, the deeper will be our commitment to love Him, and to love our neighbor. Our understanding of love is so shallow! However, the closer we get to God, the deeper our understanding, and our love, will be. It was said of the 1st century Christians that they really knew how to die, since so many were martyred, and they really knew how to love each other. They had no fear of death because they had the hope of resurrection and the assurance of eternal life, and they accepted and obeyed Jesus' command given here. They were no more perfect than we are today, but they knew and were committed to a perfect God, which is what He calls us to as well.
O: 私たちは愛するように命じられているのに非常にしばしば忘れています。これは私たちが慣れ親しんでいる好き嫌いの愛とは異なる、アガペの愛を示すようにと教えているのです。感情は命じられて発するものではありませんが、意思決定なら別です。神様が私たちをどれほど愛してくださっているかを知れば知るほど、神様を愛し仕える気持ちが深くなるでしょう。そして隣人さえも愛せるようになります。それにしても私たちの持つ愛の概念の何と浅いことでしょうか!しかし、神様に近づくほどに、理解と愛が深まるのです。1世紀のクリスチャンは、殉教が多くあったため、死に方を心得ており、互いに愛し合うことを知っていたと言われています。彼らは死後の復活と永遠の命を確信していたので、死に対する恐れは持っていませんでした。イエスを受け入れ、従うことで到達できた心境です。彼らは今日の私たちと同じく不完全な人間でしたが、完全なる神を知り献身したのです。それこそが神様が私たちに求めておられることです。
A: I need to remember how imperfect the early Church was, and not grumble or be distressed at the state of this church! The churches in Corinth and Galatia actually had more problems, and more serious problems, than we do. I need to trust God and rejoice! I also need to grow in my understanding and application of agape, both in my immediate context and as an example to the believers. We indeed need to grow in the choice to love, which will include forgiveness. If we will follow through with obedience, then the emotions will follow.
A: 初期の教会が不完全であったことを思うと、この教会の現状に不平を言ってばかりもいられません。コリントとガラテアの教会は実はもっと問題を抱えていました。その問題は私たちが今抱えてることよりもさらに深刻でした。私は神様を信頼し、喜んでいましょう!アガペについてさらに知り、応用したいと思います。私自身が知り、信者にの良い手本となりたいのです。成長して、愛するという選択をすべきです。それには赦すことも含まれます。それらを神への従順で行う時、感情も当然ついてくるのです。
P: Father, thank You for this further insight into this extremely familiar passage. Help me communicate this to the believers, in words as well as in action. Lord, we love ourselves and each other far too little! We don't love enough to make the hard choices, to risk rejection or even inconvenience, and so fail to speak the truth as You tell us to. Forgive us. Forgive me for my many failures to love properly, for failing to set a sufficient example so that the believers would have a better idea of how to love. Thank You for the perfect example that Jesus set for us. Help me, help us to follow that example indeed, in full obedience to His command, so that all of Your purposes for us may be fulfilled, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。よく知られた節ですが、深く読むとることができ再認識できました。有難うございます。信者たちの心に、この御言葉が通じるように言動において助けてください。主よ、私たちは自己を愛しますが、互いに愛し合うことが少なすぎます。拒絶や不都合を恐れているのです。そのため生じるかもしれない困難な選択を選べるほどには十分でないのです。愛が足りないのです。ですからあなたが私に語るように命じておられる真実を語れません。私たちを赦して下さい。正しい愛し方ができないために多くの間違いばかりを犯しています。愛がどういうものか分からずにいる信者に良い手本となれないでいるのです。しかし、イエス様という完ぺきな手本を送ってくださいました。有難うございます。イエスに従い、心から神の命令に従えるように助けてください。あなたの目的が全て成就しますように。あなたのご栄光のために。有難うございます。ハレルヤ!
S: ヨハネ 13:34-35 「あなたがたに新しい戒めを与えましょう。互いに愛し合いなさい。わたしがあなたがたを愛したように、あなたがたも互いに愛し合いなさい。もし互いの間に愛があるなら、それによってあなたがたがわたしの弟子であることを、すべての人が認めるのです。」
O: How often we forget that love is a command, and that it can be commanded! This is one of the clearest indicators that agape isn't the emotional love that we're used to: emotions can't be commanded, but decisions can. The more we understand God's love for us, the deeper will be our commitment to love Him, and to love our neighbor. Our understanding of love is so shallow! However, the closer we get to God, the deeper our understanding, and our love, will be. It was said of the 1st century Christians that they really knew how to die, since so many were martyred, and they really knew how to love each other. They had no fear of death because they had the hope of resurrection and the assurance of eternal life, and they accepted and obeyed Jesus' command given here. They were no more perfect than we are today, but they knew and were committed to a perfect God, which is what He calls us to as well.
O: 私たちは愛するように命じられているのに非常にしばしば忘れています。これは私たちが慣れ親しんでいる好き嫌いの愛とは異なる、アガペの愛を示すようにと教えているのです。感情は命じられて発するものではありませんが、意思決定なら別です。神様が私たちをどれほど愛してくださっているかを知れば知るほど、神様を愛し仕える気持ちが深くなるでしょう。そして隣人さえも愛せるようになります。それにしても私たちの持つ愛の概念の何と浅いことでしょうか!しかし、神様に近づくほどに、理解と愛が深まるのです。1世紀のクリスチャンは、殉教が多くあったため、死に方を心得ており、互いに愛し合うことを知っていたと言われています。彼らは死後の復活と永遠の命を確信していたので、死に対する恐れは持っていませんでした。イエスを受け入れ、従うことで到達できた心境です。彼らは今日の私たちと同じく不完全な人間でしたが、完全なる神を知り献身したのです。それこそが神様が私たちに求めておられることです。
A: I need to remember how imperfect the early Church was, and not grumble or be distressed at the state of this church! The churches in Corinth and Galatia actually had more problems, and more serious problems, than we do. I need to trust God and rejoice! I also need to grow in my understanding and application of agape, both in my immediate context and as an example to the believers. We indeed need to grow in the choice to love, which will include forgiveness. If we will follow through with obedience, then the emotions will follow.
A: 初期の教会が不完全であったことを思うと、この教会の現状に不平を言ってばかりもいられません。コリントとガラテアの教会は実はもっと問題を抱えていました。その問題は私たちが今抱えてることよりもさらに深刻でした。私は神様を信頼し、喜んでいましょう!アガペについてさらに知り、応用したいと思います。私自身が知り、信者にの良い手本となりたいのです。成長して、愛するという選択をすべきです。それには赦すことも含まれます。それらを神への従順で行う時、感情も当然ついてくるのです。
P: Father, thank You for this further insight into this extremely familiar passage. Help me communicate this to the believers, in words as well as in action. Lord, we love ourselves and each other far too little! We don't love enough to make the hard choices, to risk rejection or even inconvenience, and so fail to speak the truth as You tell us to. Forgive us. Forgive me for my many failures to love properly, for failing to set a sufficient example so that the believers would have a better idea of how to love. Thank You for the perfect example that Jesus set for us. Help me, help us to follow that example indeed, in full obedience to His command, so that all of Your purposes for us may be fulfilled, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。よく知られた節ですが、深く読むとることができ再認識できました。有難うございます。信者たちの心に、この御言葉が通じるように言動において助けてください。主よ、私たちは自己を愛しますが、互いに愛し合うことが少なすぎます。拒絶や不都合を恐れているのです。そのため生じるかもしれない困難な選択を選べるほどには十分でないのです。愛が足りないのです。ですからあなたが私に語るように命じておられる真実を語れません。私たちを赦して下さい。正しい愛し方ができないために多くの間違いばかりを犯しています。愛がどういうものか分からずにいる信者に良い手本となれないでいるのです。しかし、イエス様という完ぺきな手本を送ってくださいました。有難うございます。イエスに従い、心から神の命令に従えるように助けてください。あなたの目的が全て成就しますように。あなたのご栄光のために。有難うございます。ハレルヤ!
ヨハネ 13:1-20
S: ヨハネ 13:3-4 イエスは、父が万物を自分の手に渡されたことと、ご自分が神から出て神に行くことを知られ、夕食の席から立ち上がって、上着を脱ぎ、手ぬぐいを取って腰にまとわれた。
O: So much depends on our understanding of who we are and what we are doing! Jesus, who was without question the most powerful human being ever to exist, took on this most menial – some would have said degrading – task precisely because He knew who He was. He wasn't threatened by appearances. We don't want to appear weak, or anything else negative, but Jesus didn't care what people thought of Him because His sense of self-worth wasn't based on anything but what the Father said about Him. Society doesn't know how to deal with an attitude like that, and is likely to call it conceit; we want people to be swayed by what we say about them! However, there is great peace in knowing and accepting God's view of us. As Paul said in Romans 12, we need a sober self-evaluation, and then we need to give all we know of ourselves to God. If we will do that, we won't draw back from any task He gives us, either because it is “beneath” us or because it is too difficult.
O: 自分が何者で何をしているかの自覚によって多くは左右されます!イエスは疑いなくこれまで存在した人間の中で最も力ある方でした。これに反対の声を上げる人がいるかもしれませんが、精神面でも強さを発揮して働いた方です。それは御自分という者を分かっておられたからです。イエスは人からどう見られるかを気にしておられません。私たちは人から弱いと思われたり、マイナス面を知られるのを好みません。しかし、イエスは人の視線を気になさいませんでした。それはイエスの自己価値観が他ならず、御父が御子であるイエスに語ったことに基づいていたからです。世間ではこうしたあり方に、どうするべきかを知らず、ただの自己満足だと評しがちです。しかし私たちは一般の人の持つそうした考えを変えてほしいのです。そのために話をしているのです。神様の私たちに対する思いを受け入れると大きな平安があります。パウロがローマ書12で、しっかりと自己を評価し、神にその自分を全て捧げること。それが私たちの内部からであっても困難なことであっても、決して後退することはない、と教えています。
A: Like my father, I have had a struggle in this area. There have been times I have overstepped what God has prepared me to do, and there have been times when I have drawn back when God was saying to move forward. The difference between knowing the abilities you have and being conceited about them can be very small indeed! I have the added problem that sometimes I can do something, but I'm not the best person for the job. Likewise, my doing everything I can do both wears me out and deprives others of the opportunity to grow in their gifting. As a pastor/teacher/counselor I am constantly dealing with people's warped views of themselves, and I see the enormous damage that causes. I need God's wisdom and anointing to help them open their eyes to see themselves accurately. True humility and true assurance come in no other way. There is no substitute for the grace and power of God, in this area or any other!
A: 私も父同様にこの分野で苦労しています。神様の御用意から逸脱し、前進するよう神様から言われても後退したことがあります。自分の能力を知ることと、うぬぼれることは紙一重です。私はたとえ自分が最適ではなくとも自分でできると思い、さらに問題を増加させたこともあります。私が疲弊したり、あるいは人の賜物成長になるせっかくの機会を奪ったりしています。牧師、教師、カウンセラーとして私が見るのは、彼らの持つ歪曲化した自己像です。そこには大きなダメージがあります。彼らが心を開いて自分自身をしっかり見えるように神の知恵と油注ぎを求めます。真の謙遜と真の確信は神様以外にないのです。どの領域においても、神の恵みとみ力に代わるものはありません。
P: Father, thank You for how You have created, called and anointed me. Help me continue to grow in my understanding, appreciation, and application of that, and enable me to help others likewise to see how You have created, called, and anointed them. I see so many people – the majority of people I deal with every day – who are terribly stunted and bound in this area. Help me break the cultural bonds that tell people not to say, or even think, anything good about themselves. May this church be a place of joy and liberation, with neither pride nor false humility, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。私を創り、召し、油注ぎを感謝します。私がますます成長して理解し、感謝し、応用し、人を助けるように助けてください。私が関わる殆どの人たちはこの領域で躓いています。どうか文化面にある鎖を解けるように助けてください。この文化は人に口を閉じること、良い自己イメージを持たない風潮だからです。この教会が喜び、解放の場となりますように。決してプライドや偽の謙遜の場となりませんように。あなたのご栄光のために。有難うございます。ハレルヤ!
S: ヨハネ 13:3-4 イエスは、父が万物を自分の手に渡されたことと、ご自分が神から出て神に行くことを知られ、夕食の席から立ち上がって、上着を脱ぎ、手ぬぐいを取って腰にまとわれた。
O: So much depends on our understanding of who we are and what we are doing! Jesus, who was without question the most powerful human being ever to exist, took on this most menial – some would have said degrading – task precisely because He knew who He was. He wasn't threatened by appearances. We don't want to appear weak, or anything else negative, but Jesus didn't care what people thought of Him because His sense of self-worth wasn't based on anything but what the Father said about Him. Society doesn't know how to deal with an attitude like that, and is likely to call it conceit; we want people to be swayed by what we say about them! However, there is great peace in knowing and accepting God's view of us. As Paul said in Romans 12, we need a sober self-evaluation, and then we need to give all we know of ourselves to God. If we will do that, we won't draw back from any task He gives us, either because it is “beneath” us or because it is too difficult.
O: 自分が何者で何をしているかの自覚によって多くは左右されます!イエスは疑いなくこれまで存在した人間の中で最も力ある方でした。これに反対の声を上げる人がいるかもしれませんが、精神面でも強さを発揮して働いた方です。それは御自分という者を分かっておられたからです。イエスは人からどう見られるかを気にしておられません。私たちは人から弱いと思われたり、マイナス面を知られるのを好みません。しかし、イエスは人の視線を気になさいませんでした。それはイエスの自己価値観が他ならず、御父が御子であるイエスに語ったことに基づいていたからです。世間ではこうしたあり方に、どうするべきかを知らず、ただの自己満足だと評しがちです。しかし私たちは一般の人の持つそうした考えを変えてほしいのです。そのために話をしているのです。神様の私たちに対する思いを受け入れると大きな平安があります。パウロがローマ書12で、しっかりと自己を評価し、神にその自分を全て捧げること。それが私たちの内部からであっても困難なことであっても、決して後退することはない、と教えています。
A: Like my father, I have had a struggle in this area. There have been times I have overstepped what God has prepared me to do, and there have been times when I have drawn back when God was saying to move forward. The difference between knowing the abilities you have and being conceited about them can be very small indeed! I have the added problem that sometimes I can do something, but I'm not the best person for the job. Likewise, my doing everything I can do both wears me out and deprives others of the opportunity to grow in their gifting. As a pastor/teacher/counselor I am constantly dealing with people's warped views of themselves, and I see the enormous damage that causes. I need God's wisdom and anointing to help them open their eyes to see themselves accurately. True humility and true assurance come in no other way. There is no substitute for the grace and power of God, in this area or any other!
A: 私も父同様にこの分野で苦労しています。神様の御用意から逸脱し、前進するよう神様から言われても後退したことがあります。自分の能力を知ることと、うぬぼれることは紙一重です。私はたとえ自分が最適ではなくとも自分でできると思い、さらに問題を増加させたこともあります。私が疲弊したり、あるいは人の賜物成長になるせっかくの機会を奪ったりしています。牧師、教師、カウンセラーとして私が見るのは、彼らの持つ歪曲化した自己像です。そこには大きなダメージがあります。彼らが心を開いて自分自身をしっかり見えるように神の知恵と油注ぎを求めます。真の謙遜と真の確信は神様以外にないのです。どの領域においても、神の恵みとみ力に代わるものはありません。
P: Father, thank You for how You have created, called and anointed me. Help me continue to grow in my understanding, appreciation, and application of that, and enable me to help others likewise to see how You have created, called, and anointed them. I see so many people – the majority of people I deal with every day – who are terribly stunted and bound in this area. Help me break the cultural bonds that tell people not to say, or even think, anything good about themselves. May this church be a place of joy and liberation, with neither pride nor false humility, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。私を創り、召し、油注ぎを感謝します。私がますます成長して理解し、感謝し、応用し、人を助けるように助けてください。私が関わる殆どの人たちはこの領域で躓いています。どうか文化面にある鎖を解けるように助けてください。この文化は人に口を閉じること、良い自己イメージを持たない風潮だからです。この教会が喜び、解放の場となりますように。決してプライドや偽の謙遜の場となりませんように。あなたのご栄光のために。有難うございます。ハレルヤ!
ヨハネ 12:20-36
S: ヨハネ 12:36 「あなたがたに光がある間に、光の子どもとなるために、光を信じなさい。」
O: God gives everyone an opportunity to believe, but many do not take advantage of it. Jesus' point here is that the opportunity for faith doesn't last forever; this is something He said several times. If we step out and accept the faith God offers to us, we discover the magnificence of His grace and pass from death to life. If for whatever reason we reject that gift of faith, we discover too late that we have rejected life itself. As Jesus did here, many places in the Bible use light as the metaphor for life in God, including Isaiah, Paul, and John in his letters. By extension, it goes all the way back to Genesis, where God's first creative act was to say, “Let there be light.” Rejecting the light is rejecting God. This is why openness and honesty are of such importance. A study of the Biblical use of light would probably teach us a great deal!
O: 神様は全ての人が信じるように機会を与えて下さっていますが、多くの人はその恩恵にあずかっていません。イエスは信仰のチャンスが永続するものではないことを、ここで教えています。イエスはこの教えをは他の個所でも数回示しています。道を外れても神への信仰を持つなら、神様の大きな恵みを見、死から命へと至ります。ところが、何らかの理由で信仰の賜物を手放してしまうなら、命そのものを失い手遅れとなるのです。イエスがここでも言っていますが、聖書では光が神の命の喩えとして表現されています。イザヤ、パウロ、ヨハネもそう記しています。さらに拡大して見ると、創世記で神様が創造の時に「光あれ」と言われたことに気付きます。光を拒むことは神を拒むことです。心を開くこと、誠実さが大切な所以です。聖書の学びで光を用いるのは偉大なことを学ぶためです。
A: I have the constant tension of knowing that the people with whom I am trying to share Christ don't have unlimited time in which to receive Him. I shouldn't let that become an unbearable burden, since I can't save anyone on my own anyway, but I must not be so laid back that I fail to share. The danger of Calvinistic theology is that it puts so much emphasis on God's predestination and foreknowledge that it can remove our participation from God's plan of salvation. God indeed sees the end from the beginning, so He knows who will believe and who will cooperate with Him, but that in no way negates our free will: the opportunity and responsibility to be a co-laborer with God in the salvation of mankind. (1 Corinthians 3:9, Colossians 1:29) I need to convey this privilege and this urgency to the believers, so that together we may be available and useful to God in bringing His kingdom to this city and this nation.
A: キリストをともに分かち合おうと試みても、そのための時間が持てない人がいますが、そうした人達との間に軋轢があります。私の力で誰をも救うことなどできないのですから、押しつぶされるほどの軋轢にならないようしています。が、安心してくつろぐことはできません。分かち合いたいからです。神の予定説と予知を強調するカルビン派神学は、神の救いから人々を遠ざける危険性をはらんでいます。実に始めから終りまでを御存じの神様は信じる者、協力する者を御存じです。しかし、神の救いの働きに参画するチャンスや責任がなくなるわけではないのです。(1コリント3:9、コロサイ1:29)この特権を今すぐに信者に分かってもらい、日本と大村に神様の御国をもたらすために私たちが一丸となって用いられるべきなのです。
P: Father, thank You for all You are doing in and among us. Thank You for the changes You are working in me. Help me rejoice to participate in those changes, so that I may likewise rejoice to be useful to You in what You are doing all around me. Help me walk as Your child, a child of the light, taking Your light everywhere I go, so that more and more people may come out of darkness into the light, not just for initial salvation but for liberty in every area of their lives, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
S: ヨハネ 12:36 「あなたがたに光がある間に、光の子どもとなるために、光を信じなさい。」
O: God gives everyone an opportunity to believe, but many do not take advantage of it. Jesus' point here is that the opportunity for faith doesn't last forever; this is something He said several times. If we step out and accept the faith God offers to us, we discover the magnificence of His grace and pass from death to life. If for whatever reason we reject that gift of faith, we discover too late that we have rejected life itself. As Jesus did here, many places in the Bible use light as the metaphor for life in God, including Isaiah, Paul, and John in his letters. By extension, it goes all the way back to Genesis, where God's first creative act was to say, “Let there be light.” Rejecting the light is rejecting God. This is why openness and honesty are of such importance. A study of the Biblical use of light would probably teach us a great deal!
O: 神様は全ての人が信じるように機会を与えて下さっていますが、多くの人はその恩恵にあずかっていません。イエスは信仰のチャンスが永続するものではないことを、ここで教えています。イエスはこの教えをは他の個所でも数回示しています。道を外れても神への信仰を持つなら、神様の大きな恵みを見、死から命へと至ります。ところが、何らかの理由で信仰の賜物を手放してしまうなら、命そのものを失い手遅れとなるのです。イエスがここでも言っていますが、聖書では光が神の命の喩えとして表現されています。イザヤ、パウロ、ヨハネもそう記しています。さらに拡大して見ると、創世記で神様が創造の時に「光あれ」と言われたことに気付きます。光を拒むことは神を拒むことです。心を開くこと、誠実さが大切な所以です。聖書の学びで光を用いるのは偉大なことを学ぶためです。
A: I have the constant tension of knowing that the people with whom I am trying to share Christ don't have unlimited time in which to receive Him. I shouldn't let that become an unbearable burden, since I can't save anyone on my own anyway, but I must not be so laid back that I fail to share. The danger of Calvinistic theology is that it puts so much emphasis on God's predestination and foreknowledge that it can remove our participation from God's plan of salvation. God indeed sees the end from the beginning, so He knows who will believe and who will cooperate with Him, but that in no way negates our free will: the opportunity and responsibility to be a co-laborer with God in the salvation of mankind. (1 Corinthians 3:9, Colossians 1:29) I need to convey this privilege and this urgency to the believers, so that together we may be available and useful to God in bringing His kingdom to this city and this nation.
A: キリストをともに分かち合おうと試みても、そのための時間が持てない人がいますが、そうした人達との間に軋轢があります。私の力で誰をも救うことなどできないのですから、押しつぶされるほどの軋轢にならないようしています。が、安心してくつろぐことはできません。分かち合いたいからです。神の予定説と予知を強調するカルビン派神学は、神の救いから人々を遠ざける危険性をはらんでいます。実に始めから終りまでを御存じの神様は信じる者、協力する者を御存じです。しかし、神の救いの働きに参画するチャンスや責任がなくなるわけではないのです。(1コリント3:9、コロサイ1:29)この特権を今すぐに信者に分かってもらい、日本と大村に神様の御国をもたらすために私たちが一丸となって用いられるべきなのです。
P: Father, thank You for all You are doing in and among us. Thank You for the changes You are working in me. Help me rejoice to participate in those changes, so that I may likewise rejoice to be useful to You in what You are doing all around me. Help me walk as Your child, a child of the light, taking Your light everywhere I go, so that more and more people may come out of darkness into the light, not just for initial salvation but for liberty in every area of their lives, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
ヨハネ 11:29-44
S: ヨハネ 11:41-42 そこで、彼らは石を取りのけた。イエスは目を上げて、言われた。「父よ。わたしの願いを聞いてくださったことを感謝いたします。わたしは、あなたがいつもわたしの願いを聞いてくださつことを知っておりました。しかしわたしは、回りにいる群衆のために、この人々が、あなたがわたしをお遣わしになったことを信じるようになるために、こう申したのです。」
O: Sometimes, public prayers are for the benefit of those within earshot. I have stressed in my teaching that all prayer is to be genuinely addressed to God, and we don't have to be anxious about what those around us are hearing or thinking, but the fact remains that our words have an impact on those who are hearing them. However, there's a difference between that awareness and trying to be “skillful” in our prayers. The only “skill” involved in prayer is having an intimate relationship with the One to whom you are praying, and that is built up with time and commitment. When we are on “first name basis,” so to speak, with God, then prayer will be the most natural thing ever, and the Holy Spirit will be free to pray through us for the benefit of everyone involved.
O: 公での祈りはその場にいる人の益になることを祈る時がありますが、私は全ての祈りは心から神様に話しかけるものだと強調して教えたいです。周りの人がどう思おうが気にする必要はありません。しかし、私たちの祈る言葉が聞く人に印象を与えることは事実です。それを自覚していのることと、「上手く」祈ることには大きな隔たりがあります。祈りにおいて「上手く」祈ることは神様との親しい関係を築き、時間と献身を構築できます。神様との親しい関係を持って祈るならば、大変自然に祈ることができ、聖霊様がみんなのために働いて下さるのです。
A: I find myself not knowing how to preach on prayer. It comes so naturally to me that I have trouble connecting with those who struggle to pray. Again, because I feel so little difference between praying silently and out loud, I have trouble identifying with those who have trouble opening their mouths to pray. This has become something of an issue in this church, with people dreading occasions when they think they might be called on to pray in public, and for the life of me I can't understand that. I need to help them understand that public prayer is an opportunity to give glory to God and bless those who are hearing, but it isn't a time to be focused on yourself and how you are perceived. I strongly desire that we be a praying people, but it is obvious that I can't bring that about in my own strength, and even that I don't know how to cooperate with the Lord in this area.
A: 私は祈り方についてどう教えるべきか分かりません。私には祈ることがあまりにも当然過ぎていて、祈り方で困っている人がよく分からないからです。私は静かに祈ることと声に出して祈ることに違いがあるとは思いませんので、誰が声に出して祈れないことで困っているか分かりません。それはこの教会での問題でもあります。公での祈りを求められることを不快に思っている人たちがいるからです。それも私には全く理解できないことです。公での祈りが神様に栄光を与え、聞く人に祝福を与える良い機会であること、祈る自分に焦点を当てるのではないことを分かってほしいのです。私達が祈りの集団となることを強く望んでいますが、私は無力です。主にあって祈りの分野で信者を一致させる方法も見つけられないでいます。
P: Father, I confess my inability. I pray that You would pour Your Spirit out on this congregation so that everyone will discover the joy of open communication with You. I pray that they would discover the privilege of intercession and the assurance of Your Spirit praying through them. Help them trust You enough to open their hearts to You in prayer, whether anyone is around them or not, so that You can use their words to accomplish Your will both in what they are praying for and in the hearts of those who are hearing, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
P: お父様。非力を痛感しています。聖霊様が個の群れに注がれ、心を開いてあなたと交わることの喜びを見つけるように助けてください。信者がとりなしの祈りの特権とあなたの御霊によって祈ることを確信できるように祈ります。心を開いてあなたに祈り、あなたを信頼できるように助けてください。彼らの祈りをあなたの御心にかなって成就させてください。祈り手と聞き手のために働いてください。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。神様を賛美します!
S: ヨハネ 11:41-42 そこで、彼らは石を取りのけた。イエスは目を上げて、言われた。「父よ。わたしの願いを聞いてくださったことを感謝いたします。わたしは、あなたがいつもわたしの願いを聞いてくださつことを知っておりました。しかしわたしは、回りにいる群衆のために、この人々が、あなたがわたしをお遣わしになったことを信じるようになるために、こう申したのです。」
O: Sometimes, public prayers are for the benefit of those within earshot. I have stressed in my teaching that all prayer is to be genuinely addressed to God, and we don't have to be anxious about what those around us are hearing or thinking, but the fact remains that our words have an impact on those who are hearing them. However, there's a difference between that awareness and trying to be “skillful” in our prayers. The only “skill” involved in prayer is having an intimate relationship with the One to whom you are praying, and that is built up with time and commitment. When we are on “first name basis,” so to speak, with God, then prayer will be the most natural thing ever, and the Holy Spirit will be free to pray through us for the benefit of everyone involved.
O: 公での祈りはその場にいる人の益になることを祈る時がありますが、私は全ての祈りは心から神様に話しかけるものだと強調して教えたいです。周りの人がどう思おうが気にする必要はありません。しかし、私たちの祈る言葉が聞く人に印象を与えることは事実です。それを自覚していのることと、「上手く」祈ることには大きな隔たりがあります。祈りにおいて「上手く」祈ることは神様との親しい関係を築き、時間と献身を構築できます。神様との親しい関係を持って祈るならば、大変自然に祈ることができ、聖霊様がみんなのために働いて下さるのです。
A: I find myself not knowing how to preach on prayer. It comes so naturally to me that I have trouble connecting with those who struggle to pray. Again, because I feel so little difference between praying silently and out loud, I have trouble identifying with those who have trouble opening their mouths to pray. This has become something of an issue in this church, with people dreading occasions when they think they might be called on to pray in public, and for the life of me I can't understand that. I need to help them understand that public prayer is an opportunity to give glory to God and bless those who are hearing, but it isn't a time to be focused on yourself and how you are perceived. I strongly desire that we be a praying people, but it is obvious that I can't bring that about in my own strength, and even that I don't know how to cooperate with the Lord in this area.
A: 私は祈り方についてどう教えるべきか分かりません。私には祈ることがあまりにも当然過ぎていて、祈り方で困っている人がよく分からないからです。私は静かに祈ることと声に出して祈ることに違いがあるとは思いませんので、誰が声に出して祈れないことで困っているか分かりません。それはこの教会での問題でもあります。公での祈りを求められることを不快に思っている人たちがいるからです。それも私には全く理解できないことです。公での祈りが神様に栄光を与え、聞く人に祝福を与える良い機会であること、祈る自分に焦点を当てるのではないことを分かってほしいのです。私達が祈りの集団となることを強く望んでいますが、私は無力です。主にあって祈りの分野で信者を一致させる方法も見つけられないでいます。
P: Father, I confess my inability. I pray that You would pour Your Spirit out on this congregation so that everyone will discover the joy of open communication with You. I pray that they would discover the privilege of intercession and the assurance of Your Spirit praying through them. Help them trust You enough to open their hearts to You in prayer, whether anyone is around them or not, so that You can use their words to accomplish Your will both in what they are praying for and in the hearts of those who are hearing, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
P: お父様。非力を痛感しています。聖霊様が個の群れに注がれ、心を開いてあなたと交わることの喜びを見つけるように助けてください。信者がとりなしの祈りの特権とあなたの御霊によって祈ることを確信できるように祈ります。心を開いてあなたに祈り、あなたを信頼できるように助けてください。彼らの祈りをあなたの御心にかなって成就させてください。祈り手と聞き手のために働いてください。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。神様を賛美します!
ヨハネ 11:1-28
S: ヨハネ 11:25-27 イエスは言われた。「わたしは、よみがえりです。いのちです。わたしを信じる者は、死んでも生きるのです。また、生きていてわたしを信じる者は、決して死ぬことがありません。このことを信じますか。」彼女はイエスに言った。「はい。主よ。私は、あなたが世に来られる神の子キリストである、と信じております。」
O: Martha is often given the short end of the stick when we talk about her and her sister Mary, but in verse 5 she is given priority, and here she shows great understanding of what Jesus was saying, as well as magnificent faith. Her very practical mind couldn't quite imagine that Jesus would cause her brother to walk out of the tomb, but she was absolutely committed to Jesus as Lord, and was convinced that He was the Son of God. Verses 25-26 are rightly used at funerals all the time, because they are a glorious promise that obliterates the fear of death. However, Jesus' question at the end is also of vital importance: “Do you believe this?” Failure to believe God's word doesn't make it any less true, but it can remove us from being beneficiaries. Jesus is indeed the Savior of the whole world, but the condition for becoming one of the saved is repentance and faith.
O: 姉のマリアに比べて、マルタは貧乏くじを引いたとしばしば言われますが、5節ではそうではありません。ここでは、マリアはイエスの語ったことを確かな信仰で、イエスの話を理解していることが読み取れます。マリアの兄弟が墓から出てくるようイエスがなさることを、マリアの現実的な心では完全には想像できませんでしたが、それでもイエスに完全に仕え、神の御子であると確信していました。25~26節には葬儀の場面の描写がありますが、それは栄光ある約束が死への怖れを失くすことを教えるためです。最後にイエスは「あなたはこれを信じるか?」という非常に大切な問いをしています。神様の御言葉を信じないと真実から離れ神様からの恩恵を受けられなくなります。イエスは全世界の救い主であり、悔い改めと信仰によって救われるのです。
A: Those who really understand this are committed to drawing as many as possible into repentance and faith. This is why P was so heartbroken that his uncle died without making that commitment: he understands how this works. I need to strive to bring the other believers to the same understanding he has, so that they will all be active in drawing their families and friends to Christ. There are many barriers to personal evangelism in Japan, but nothing the Holy Spirit can't overcome if we will be available. I've got to believe and trust that He can and will inspire the believers to share their faith, and so work to equip them with tools for the job.
A: これをしっかりと分かり献身しているなら多くの人を悔い改めと信仰に導きます。Pさんのおじさんはキリストに改心することなく亡くなりました。そのためPは心が痛んでいます。Pは信仰の意味をを分かっているからです。他の信者にもPのように分かってほしいと思います。そうすることで信者は家族や友人をキリストへと引き寄せることができるでしょう。この国での個人伝道は難しく、妨げが多くありますが、聖霊によるなら克服できないことなどありません。イエスを信じ、信頼していきます。イエスが信者を勇気づけ、信仰を分かち、信者を働かせてくださることを確信しています。
P: Father, I continue to ask Your comfort for P in his loss, and Your guidance and anointing as he seeks in this time to communicate Christ to his family. Thank You for the insight You spoke through him in the Personal Evangelism class Sunday afternoon, and that he wanted to end the class on a hopeful note, rather than just being focused on how hard things are in Japan. I pray that all of us would have a firm grasp both of the Gospel and of Your power, so that we will be bold and untiring in drawing people into Your kingdom, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。おじさんを失くしたPの心を慰めてください。彼の家族がキリストを求めるように導き、油を注いでください。日曜午後、個人伝道のクラスで彼に語ってくださり有難うございます。終わる頃には彼は日本の伝道の困難さよりも、希望を持てたのです。福音とあなたの御力を全ての人がしっかりと分かるように祈ります。そして私たちが疲弊することなく、人々にあなたの御国を大胆に伝えていけますように。彼らの救いとあなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。ハレルヤ!
S: ヨハネ 11:25-27 イエスは言われた。「わたしは、よみがえりです。いのちです。わたしを信じる者は、死んでも生きるのです。また、生きていてわたしを信じる者は、決して死ぬことがありません。このことを信じますか。」彼女はイエスに言った。「はい。主よ。私は、あなたが世に来られる神の子キリストである、と信じております。」
O: Martha is often given the short end of the stick when we talk about her and her sister Mary, but in verse 5 she is given priority, and here she shows great understanding of what Jesus was saying, as well as magnificent faith. Her very practical mind couldn't quite imagine that Jesus would cause her brother to walk out of the tomb, but she was absolutely committed to Jesus as Lord, and was convinced that He was the Son of God. Verses 25-26 are rightly used at funerals all the time, because they are a glorious promise that obliterates the fear of death. However, Jesus' question at the end is also of vital importance: “Do you believe this?” Failure to believe God's word doesn't make it any less true, but it can remove us from being beneficiaries. Jesus is indeed the Savior of the whole world, but the condition for becoming one of the saved is repentance and faith.
O: 姉のマリアに比べて、マルタは貧乏くじを引いたとしばしば言われますが、5節ではそうではありません。ここでは、マリアはイエスの語ったことを確かな信仰で、イエスの話を理解していることが読み取れます。マリアの兄弟が墓から出てくるようイエスがなさることを、マリアの現実的な心では完全には想像できませんでしたが、それでもイエスに完全に仕え、神の御子であると確信していました。25~26節には葬儀の場面の描写がありますが、それは栄光ある約束が死への怖れを失くすことを教えるためです。最後にイエスは「あなたはこれを信じるか?」という非常に大切な問いをしています。神様の御言葉を信じないと真実から離れ神様からの恩恵を受けられなくなります。イエスは全世界の救い主であり、悔い改めと信仰によって救われるのです。
A: Those who really understand this are committed to drawing as many as possible into repentance and faith. This is why P was so heartbroken that his uncle died without making that commitment: he understands how this works. I need to strive to bring the other believers to the same understanding he has, so that they will all be active in drawing their families and friends to Christ. There are many barriers to personal evangelism in Japan, but nothing the Holy Spirit can't overcome if we will be available. I've got to believe and trust that He can and will inspire the believers to share their faith, and so work to equip them with tools for the job.
A: これをしっかりと分かり献身しているなら多くの人を悔い改めと信仰に導きます。Pさんのおじさんはキリストに改心することなく亡くなりました。そのためPは心が痛んでいます。Pは信仰の意味をを分かっているからです。他の信者にもPのように分かってほしいと思います。そうすることで信者は家族や友人をキリストへと引き寄せることができるでしょう。この国での個人伝道は難しく、妨げが多くありますが、聖霊によるなら克服できないことなどありません。イエスを信じ、信頼していきます。イエスが信者を勇気づけ、信仰を分かち、信者を働かせてくださることを確信しています。
P: Father, I continue to ask Your comfort for P in his loss, and Your guidance and anointing as he seeks in this time to communicate Christ to his family. Thank You for the insight You spoke through him in the Personal Evangelism class Sunday afternoon, and that he wanted to end the class on a hopeful note, rather than just being focused on how hard things are in Japan. I pray that all of us would have a firm grasp both of the Gospel and of Your power, so that we will be bold and untiring in drawing people into Your kingdom, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。おじさんを失くしたPの心を慰めてください。彼の家族がキリストを求めるように導き、油を注いでください。日曜午後、個人伝道のクラスで彼に語ってくださり有難うございます。終わる頃には彼は日本の伝道の困難さよりも、希望を持てたのです。福音とあなたの御力を全ての人がしっかりと分かるように祈ります。そして私たちが疲弊することなく、人々にあなたの御国を大胆に伝えていけますように。彼らの救いとあなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。ハレルヤ!
ヨハネ 10:22-42
S: ヨハネ 10:37 「もしわたしが、わたしの父のみわざを行っていないのなら、わたしを信じないでいなさい。」
O: Talk about a bold witness! No one today can make that claim fully, but in a sense every Christian should take this to heart for themselves. What we do is a demonstration of who we are and a validation of what we say. If we are living like God's children, demonstrating His love, grace, and power, then people are going to pay attention and believe what we say. If we are living like everyone else, our words will have little impact. Jesus said that we are to evaluate teachers of all sorts by the fruit of their lives, and the same is true of us. If we want people to take us seriously, we've got to give them reason to do so by how we live. Jesus said that those who believe in Him would do what He did, and even greater things (John 14:12). How does our faith rate on that standard?
O: 大胆な証しですね!今日、このように明言できる人はいませんが、実は全てのクリスチャンの心に刻んでほしい内容です。行いは全て自分自身であることを現すものであり、言ったことを表明するものです。もし、神の子どものように生きるのであれば、神様の愛、恵み、力を示す生き方でなくてはいけません。そうすることで見ている人は信者の言葉に注意を払います。もしそうした生き方をしないならば、人に良い影響を与えることなどできません。イエスは、命の実によって教師の質を判断すべきだと教えましたが、それは私たちにも言えることです。もし、人に私たちの思いを真剣に聞いてほしいと望むなら、生き方を示すことでそうさせるべきです。イエスを信じる者は御心を行い、さらに大きな御業を行う(ヨハネ14:12)で言っています。さあ、その基準にかんがみて私たちはどうでしょうか?
A: Talk about preaching to myself! The yardstick I must constantly apply to myself is that of Jesus Himself; I must not settle for less. The question, “What would Jesus do?” was trivialized by being reduced to the initials WWJD and being plastered on all sorts of “Christian” goods. Somehow I don't think Jesus would use a WWJD coffee mug, and wrist band, and key chain, and on and on. Instead, He would be focused on watching and hearing the Father and doing and saying what He saw and heard. That's what I want and need to be doing, yet I let so many things get in the way. I need to so focus on Jesus that what I am gives weight to what I say, so that people will be inescapably confronted with the truth and so be set free, for their salvation and the glory of God.
A: これは実は私自身が学ぶべきことです。自分を図る指針は常にイエスを基準にし、それ以下でもそれ以上であってもいけません。「もしイエス様だったらどうなさるだろう?」の大義は当初のそれよりも矮小化されています。本来、「もしイエス様だったら・・・」の考えは全てのクリスチャンの指針となるべきものです。コーヒーカップたリストバンド、キーホルダーの飾り言葉になり下がっていますが、果たしてイエスがそれを喜ぶでしょうか。イエスが望んでいるのは、むしろ、御父の声を聞くことでしょう。それこそが私の望むことであり、行うべきことですが、妨げが多くあります。イエスにのみ焦点を定め、私の語る言葉もイエスに重きを置くべきです。人々が真実と向き合い、解放され、救いへと導かれるでしょう。全ては神様のご栄光のためです。
P: Father, thank You for the degree to which my life does reflect Jesus. I pray that I would continue to grow in Christ-likeness so that more and more people will be brought into Your kingdom, for Your pleasure and glory. Thank You. Praise God!
P: お父様。私は人生をイエスに照らして見ることができています。有難うございます。キリストに似た者としてますます成長するように助けてください。あなたの御国に多くの人が導かれますように。あなたがはそれを喜び、ご栄光を帰せられますように。神様を賛美します!
S: ヨハネ 10:37 「もしわたしが、わたしの父のみわざを行っていないのなら、わたしを信じないでいなさい。」
O: Talk about a bold witness! No one today can make that claim fully, but in a sense every Christian should take this to heart for themselves. What we do is a demonstration of who we are and a validation of what we say. If we are living like God's children, demonstrating His love, grace, and power, then people are going to pay attention and believe what we say. If we are living like everyone else, our words will have little impact. Jesus said that we are to evaluate teachers of all sorts by the fruit of their lives, and the same is true of us. If we want people to take us seriously, we've got to give them reason to do so by how we live. Jesus said that those who believe in Him would do what He did, and even greater things (John 14:12). How does our faith rate on that standard?
O: 大胆な証しですね!今日、このように明言できる人はいませんが、実は全てのクリスチャンの心に刻んでほしい内容です。行いは全て自分自身であることを現すものであり、言ったことを表明するものです。もし、神の子どものように生きるのであれば、神様の愛、恵み、力を示す生き方でなくてはいけません。そうすることで見ている人は信者の言葉に注意を払います。もしそうした生き方をしないならば、人に良い影響を与えることなどできません。イエスは、命の実によって教師の質を判断すべきだと教えましたが、それは私たちにも言えることです。もし、人に私たちの思いを真剣に聞いてほしいと望むなら、生き方を示すことでそうさせるべきです。イエスを信じる者は御心を行い、さらに大きな御業を行う(ヨハネ14:12)で言っています。さあ、その基準にかんがみて私たちはどうでしょうか?
A: Talk about preaching to myself! The yardstick I must constantly apply to myself is that of Jesus Himself; I must not settle for less. The question, “What would Jesus do?” was trivialized by being reduced to the initials WWJD and being plastered on all sorts of “Christian” goods. Somehow I don't think Jesus would use a WWJD coffee mug, and wrist band, and key chain, and on and on. Instead, He would be focused on watching and hearing the Father and doing and saying what He saw and heard. That's what I want and need to be doing, yet I let so many things get in the way. I need to so focus on Jesus that what I am gives weight to what I say, so that people will be inescapably confronted with the truth and so be set free, for their salvation and the glory of God.
A: これは実は私自身が学ぶべきことです。自分を図る指針は常にイエスを基準にし、それ以下でもそれ以上であってもいけません。「もしイエス様だったらどうなさるだろう?」の大義は当初のそれよりも矮小化されています。本来、「もしイエス様だったら・・・」の考えは全てのクリスチャンの指針となるべきものです。コーヒーカップたリストバンド、キーホルダーの飾り言葉になり下がっていますが、果たしてイエスがそれを喜ぶでしょうか。イエスが望んでいるのは、むしろ、御父の声を聞くことでしょう。それこそが私の望むことであり、行うべきことですが、妨げが多くあります。イエスにのみ焦点を定め、私の語る言葉もイエスに重きを置くべきです。人々が真実と向き合い、解放され、救いへと導かれるでしょう。全ては神様のご栄光のためです。
P: Father, thank You for the degree to which my life does reflect Jesus. I pray that I would continue to grow in Christ-likeness so that more and more people will be brought into Your kingdom, for Your pleasure and glory. Thank You. Praise God!
P: お父様。私は人生をイエスに照らして見ることができています。有難うございます。キリストに似た者としてますます成長するように助けてください。あなたの御国に多くの人が導かれますように。あなたがはそれを喜び、ご栄光を帰せられますように。神様を賛美します!
ヨハネ 9:1-25
S: ヨハネ 9:25 彼は答えた。「あの方が罪人かどうか、私は知りません。ただ一つのことを知っています。私は盲目であったのに、今は見えるということです。」
O: As has been said, a man with a theory will not win out over a man with an experience. The man born blind wasn't the least interested in the Pharisees' quibbles over whether Jesus had broken the Sabbath by making mud; he had been healed, and he knew it. This is why it is important for Christians, especially those with less dramatic conversion stories, to know and understand what has happened to them. If we don't know, we can't explain it to someone else! Also, the devil does his best to convince even real Christians that nothing has really changed in them after all, so there too we need to know what has happened to us, letting the truth be our first line of defense.
O: 机上の理論より実際の経験談の方が説得力を持つとはよく言われることです。生まれつき目が見えなかったこの男は、イエスが安息日に、泥を塗って働いたことに対するパリサイ人の論争に関心はともかく、彼は癒され、実感したのです。クリスチャンになる時にさほど劇的な経験をしていない人にとって、こうした出来事を知り理解することは大切です。知らないと、人に教えることもできません!悪魔は真のクリスチャンにさえ、結局は何も変わらないのだと教え込もうと躍起になります。ですからよく理解し、守りのためにこの真実を第一番に置き心していましょう。
A: This is exactly in line with the discussion in the personal evangelism class yesterday. People aren't interested in theories, they want to know what has happened to you, because only then will they believe it might make a difference for them. I am at a real disadvantage here because of growing up in a strongly Christian home; I've known about Christ from the time I knew about anything. However, I can testify to the stupidity of spiritual pride, and the magnificence of God's grace in the face of it. As someone with teacher gifting, I tend to give people too much information about the theological underpinnings of everything, when what I need to do is tell them that I, too, was hopeless without an active, personal relationship with Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I can tell them that head knowledge isn't bad, and can indeed be very helpful, but it is no substitute for heart commitment.
A: これは昨日、個人伝道のクラスで話した内容そのものです。人は理論に関心を持ちません。彼らが知りたいのは起こっている出来事です。そのことによってしか、意味を成さないと彼らは考えるからです。信仰篤いクリスチャンホームで育った私は、その点、不都合です。物心つく前からキリストを知っていたからです。しかし、霊的プライドを持つことの愚かさ、さらに神の恵みの大きさについてならはっきりと証しできます。教える賜物を持つ私は、あまりに神学的な情報を与え過ぎるきらいがあります。そんな時は主であり救い主であるイエス・キリストとの個人的な関係抜きでは絶望的でした。頭による理解も悪くはありません。確かに大きな助けとはなるでしょう。しかし、真に大切なのは心からの献身です。
P: Father, thank You for Your timing, and for how everything fits together so beautifully. Thank You for the two services yesterday, for who came to each and for what went on. Thank You for what You spoke through me, and for those who received it. Thank You for P's comments about the morning message, and for his introducing himself as my disciple in the evening service. That really touched me. Help me be faithful to You by being faithful to him, as he is pledging to be faithful to me. Thank You for those at the evening service who aren't yet baptized believers, and for how the message obviously impacted them. I pray that Your Spirit would take those words and continue to work them into their hearts, bringing them to full commitment soon. I pray that all of us together would know what You have done for us, and act and speak accordingly, bringing many more into Your kingdom for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
S: ヨハネ 9:25 彼は答えた。「あの方が罪人かどうか、私は知りません。ただ一つのことを知っています。私は盲目であったのに、今は見えるということです。」
O: As has been said, a man with a theory will not win out over a man with an experience. The man born blind wasn't the least interested in the Pharisees' quibbles over whether Jesus had broken the Sabbath by making mud; he had been healed, and he knew it. This is why it is important for Christians, especially those with less dramatic conversion stories, to know and understand what has happened to them. If we don't know, we can't explain it to someone else! Also, the devil does his best to convince even real Christians that nothing has really changed in them after all, so there too we need to know what has happened to us, letting the truth be our first line of defense.
O: 机上の理論より実際の経験談の方が説得力を持つとはよく言われることです。生まれつき目が見えなかったこの男は、イエスが安息日に、泥を塗って働いたことに対するパリサイ人の論争に関心はともかく、彼は癒され、実感したのです。クリスチャンになる時にさほど劇的な経験をしていない人にとって、こうした出来事を知り理解することは大切です。知らないと、人に教えることもできません!悪魔は真のクリスチャンにさえ、結局は何も変わらないのだと教え込もうと躍起になります。ですからよく理解し、守りのためにこの真実を第一番に置き心していましょう。
A: This is exactly in line with the discussion in the personal evangelism class yesterday. People aren't interested in theories, they want to know what has happened to you, because only then will they believe it might make a difference for them. I am at a real disadvantage here because of growing up in a strongly Christian home; I've known about Christ from the time I knew about anything. However, I can testify to the stupidity of spiritual pride, and the magnificence of God's grace in the face of it. As someone with teacher gifting, I tend to give people too much information about the theological underpinnings of everything, when what I need to do is tell them that I, too, was hopeless without an active, personal relationship with Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I can tell them that head knowledge isn't bad, and can indeed be very helpful, but it is no substitute for heart commitment.
A: これは昨日、個人伝道のクラスで話した内容そのものです。人は理論に関心を持ちません。彼らが知りたいのは起こっている出来事です。そのことによってしか、意味を成さないと彼らは考えるからです。信仰篤いクリスチャンホームで育った私は、その点、不都合です。物心つく前からキリストを知っていたからです。しかし、霊的プライドを持つことの愚かさ、さらに神の恵みの大きさについてならはっきりと証しできます。教える賜物を持つ私は、あまりに神学的な情報を与え過ぎるきらいがあります。そんな時は主であり救い主であるイエス・キリストとの個人的な関係抜きでは絶望的でした。頭による理解も悪くはありません。確かに大きな助けとはなるでしょう。しかし、真に大切なのは心からの献身です。
P: Father, thank You for Your timing, and for how everything fits together so beautifully. Thank You for the two services yesterday, for who came to each and for what went on. Thank You for what You spoke through me, and for those who received it. Thank You for P's comments about the morning message, and for his introducing himself as my disciple in the evening service. That really touched me. Help me be faithful to You by being faithful to him, as he is pledging to be faithful to me. Thank You for those at the evening service who aren't yet baptized believers, and for how the message obviously impacted them. I pray that Your Spirit would take those words and continue to work them into their hearts, bringing them to full commitment soon. I pray that all of us together would know what You have done for us, and act and speak accordingly, bringing many more into Your kingdom for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
ヨハネ 8:12-30
S: ヨハネ 8:12, 29 イエスはまた彼らに語って言われた。「わたしは、世の光です。わたしに従う者は、決してやみの中を歩むことがなく、いのちの光を持つのです。わたしを遣わした方はわたしとともにおられます。わたしをひとり残されることはありません。わたしがいつも、そのみこころにかなうことを行うからです。」
O: Virtually everything the Bible talks about is relational: the Godhead within Itself, God and man, person to person. As it says in Amos, good relationships require agreement (Amos 3:3). Jesus stayed in perfect fellowship with the Father because He always did the Father's will. We in turn walk in the light when we follow (are obedient to) Jesus. When there's a difference of opinion between a person and God, guess who's right? We are created for fellowship, because God Himself is relational, and He made us in His own image. We don't experience this perfectly on earth, either with God or with one another, but it is certainly a glorious goal to strive toward and a consummate anticipation of heaven.
O: 聖書が述べているのは実質的に関係です。内なる神性です。神と人、人と人の関係です。アモスには、仲が悪くていっしょに歩けない(アモス3:3)と書いてあります。イエスは御父と完全な関係を保ちました。御父の御心にいつも従いました。私たちもイエスに従うなら、光の内を歩みます。人と神の間に違う考えが生じたとしましょう。どちらが正しいでしょうか?人間は交わるように創られたのです。それは神様御自身が関係を持つ方であり、人は神に似せて創られたからです。対象が神であろうとも人であろうとも、このことを完ぺきにこの地上で経験することはできません。しかし、天においての完全なる希望を持ちながら栄光あるゴールを目指すことはできるのです。
A: I have struggled with this in various ways all my life, as I guess we all do. As a child I was hungry for fellowship but felt rejected in various settings, leading me in turn to act like or even believe that I didn't need fellowship, that I was somehow “above” that. I now understand far better that fellowship is what life is all about, but I still have to deal with rejection in various ways. I must not reject in turn, but rather extend to all the grace that God has given me in Christ. As a pastor, fellowship is at the heart of my commission: I am to call and draw people into fellowship with Christ and with one another in His Body. I clearly have no wisdom, power, or skill in myself to do so, but if I will abide in Christ myself, in growing fellowship, He will do it through me.
A: 恐らく他の方も同様でしょうが、私はこれまでこの分野で大変でした。子どもの頃は、交わりに飢えていましたが、殆どの場合、拒絶されているように感じました。そのため、交わりなど不要であるとさえ思ったほどです。それでも何とか「それ以上」にやることができはしました。今、思うのですが、交わりは命そのものです。しかし、今でも多くの点でやはり拒まれているように感じます。それで今度は私が拒絶をするのではなく、キリストにあって与えられた恵みを人々に与えたいと望んでいます。牧師として、交わりは献身の中心だと考えます。キリストの体となるように人を導くのが私の務めです。私には明らかに知恵がありません。力も能力さえもないのです。けれどもキリストにとどまるならば、交わりにおいても成長するでしょう。神様が私を通して成してくださいます。
P: Father, thank You that when I drove around to the churches this morning I could see that Pastor Wakabayashi is speaking on “Unity in Christ” this morning. Thank You that You keep it all straight and You build up the Church, the Body of Christ. Help us all have the unity You desire for us, within each local body and among the churches as well, growing out of a deepening fellowship with You by Your Spirit, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。今朝、幾つかの教会を回れたことを感謝します。今朝、若林牧師の説教は「キリストにある一致」であることはありがたいことです。キリストの体として教会を建て上げ、全てをまっ直ぐに整えて下ることを感謝します。あなたの望んでおられる一致が見られるように助けてください。この地区の個々の教会と、全ての教会があなたと聖霊によって一層、深い交わりができますように。あなたのご栄光のために。有難うございます。ハレルヤ!
S: ヨハネ 8:12, 29 イエスはまた彼らに語って言われた。「わたしは、世の光です。わたしに従う者は、決してやみの中を歩むことがなく、いのちの光を持つのです。わたしを遣わした方はわたしとともにおられます。わたしをひとり残されることはありません。わたしがいつも、そのみこころにかなうことを行うからです。」
O: Virtually everything the Bible talks about is relational: the Godhead within Itself, God and man, person to person. As it says in Amos, good relationships require agreement (Amos 3:3). Jesus stayed in perfect fellowship with the Father because He always did the Father's will. We in turn walk in the light when we follow (are obedient to) Jesus. When there's a difference of opinion between a person and God, guess who's right? We are created for fellowship, because God Himself is relational, and He made us in His own image. We don't experience this perfectly on earth, either with God or with one another, but it is certainly a glorious goal to strive toward and a consummate anticipation of heaven.
O: 聖書が述べているのは実質的に関係です。内なる神性です。神と人、人と人の関係です。アモスには、仲が悪くていっしょに歩けない(アモス3:3)と書いてあります。イエスは御父と完全な関係を保ちました。御父の御心にいつも従いました。私たちもイエスに従うなら、光の内を歩みます。人と神の間に違う考えが生じたとしましょう。どちらが正しいでしょうか?人間は交わるように創られたのです。それは神様御自身が関係を持つ方であり、人は神に似せて創られたからです。対象が神であろうとも人であろうとも、このことを完ぺきにこの地上で経験することはできません。しかし、天においての完全なる希望を持ちながら栄光あるゴールを目指すことはできるのです。
A: I have struggled with this in various ways all my life, as I guess we all do. As a child I was hungry for fellowship but felt rejected in various settings, leading me in turn to act like or even believe that I didn't need fellowship, that I was somehow “above” that. I now understand far better that fellowship is what life is all about, but I still have to deal with rejection in various ways. I must not reject in turn, but rather extend to all the grace that God has given me in Christ. As a pastor, fellowship is at the heart of my commission: I am to call and draw people into fellowship with Christ and with one another in His Body. I clearly have no wisdom, power, or skill in myself to do so, but if I will abide in Christ myself, in growing fellowship, He will do it through me.
A: 恐らく他の方も同様でしょうが、私はこれまでこの分野で大変でした。子どもの頃は、交わりに飢えていましたが、殆どの場合、拒絶されているように感じました。そのため、交わりなど不要であるとさえ思ったほどです。それでも何とか「それ以上」にやることができはしました。今、思うのですが、交わりは命そのものです。しかし、今でも多くの点でやはり拒まれているように感じます。それで今度は私が拒絶をするのではなく、キリストにあって与えられた恵みを人々に与えたいと望んでいます。牧師として、交わりは献身の中心だと考えます。キリストの体となるように人を導くのが私の務めです。私には明らかに知恵がありません。力も能力さえもないのです。けれどもキリストにとどまるならば、交わりにおいても成長するでしょう。神様が私を通して成してくださいます。
P: Father, thank You that when I drove around to the churches this morning I could see that Pastor Wakabayashi is speaking on “Unity in Christ” this morning. Thank You that You keep it all straight and You build up the Church, the Body of Christ. Help us all have the unity You desire for us, within each local body and among the churches as well, growing out of a deepening fellowship with You by Your Spirit, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。今朝、幾つかの教会を回れたことを感謝します。今朝、若林牧師の説教は「キリストにある一致」であることはありがたいことです。キリストの体として教会を建て上げ、全てをまっ直ぐに整えて下ることを感謝します。あなたの望んでおられる一致が見られるように助けてください。この地区の個々の教会と、全ての教会があなたと聖霊によって一層、深い交わりができますように。あなたのご栄光のために。有難うございます。ハレルヤ!
ヨハネ 7:14-24
S: ヨハネ 7:17 「だれでも神のみこころを行おうと願うなら、その人には、この教えが神から出たものか、わたしが自分から語っているかがわかります。」
O: So much depends on our attitude! The honest desire and intent to serve God is essential for hearing His voice. This issue is one of the prime hindrances to hearing Him. We say we want Him to speak to us, to guide us, but we aren't committed to doing whatever He says. We say we want to hear from Him, but what we really want is for Him to rubber stamp whatever we want or have decided. We can't seem to get away from trying to run our own lives. That's why the central point in Joy Dawson's teaching on prayer is also the most difficult: to die to whatever issue you are praying about. When we really relinquish control, God is more than willing to guide us in the very best way. Unfortunately, all too often, when we discover that what God has planned doesn't agree with what we had thought, we snatch it back in order to “do our own thing.” I'm reminded of the Israelites going to Egypt after the assassination of Gedaliah, even though they came to Jeremiah and said they would do whatever God spoke through him, and he told them clearly they were not to go. (Jeremiah 41-42)
O: 私たちの態度が問題なのです。神様を心から望み求め、使えることは神様の声を聞くための大切な要素です。これができていないと神様からの語りかけを聞く大きな妨げとなります。神様に語ってほしい、導いてほしい、と望みながらも、実際は神様に従っていません。神の声を望みながら、実際私たちのしていることはお定まりのことばかりです。人というものは自分で生き方を制御する欲求から逃れられないようです。Joy Dawson'の祈りについての中心的な教えが続いているのは、そのためです。自己の人生の制御をやめた時こそ、神様は最良の方法で導いてくださいます。神様の御計画が私たちの思っていたものとは違うこともしばしばです。そして、「自分でやるのだ」と意を決してしまいます。ゲダルヤ殺害の後のイスラエル人のエジプト行きを思い出します。エレミヤを訪ね、主の御言葉通りに行うと言ったイスラエル人のことです。エレミヤは彼らに留まるように告げました。(エレミヤ41~42)
A: I've certainly had my struggles in this area, even though God's plans are always better than mine. Likewise, I see this tendency in just about everyone around me; we don't hear God because we aren't really committed to obeying Him. I'm not to condemn people because of this, but I am to strive to help them understand the foolishness of it. I had some success in that a few weeks ago when I was talking with K, when his emotions were pushing him to quit his job. He got over that, and is glad now that he didn't let his emotions rule. I need to work to help people understand that the key to hearing God is the commitment to obey Him, made firmly before we hear what He has to say.
P: Father, I've gotten myself into trouble so many times by doing my own thing instead of really listening to You, and it is painful to see others doing the same thing. I ask for Your grace, Your anointing, Your words and Your power to help them open their eyes to what is going on and make the commitment to obey You whatever You say. Sometimes they won't hear Your voice because You're speaking through me. I forgive them for that, and I ask Your grace and mercy for them. Help us be a body that is genuinely committed to You, expressed in prayer and obedience, so that all of Your plans for us may be fulfilled for our blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
S: ヨハネ 7:17 「だれでも神のみこころを行おうと願うなら、その人には、この教えが神から出たものか、わたしが自分から語っているかがわかります。」
O: So much depends on our attitude! The honest desire and intent to serve God is essential for hearing His voice. This issue is one of the prime hindrances to hearing Him. We say we want Him to speak to us, to guide us, but we aren't committed to doing whatever He says. We say we want to hear from Him, but what we really want is for Him to rubber stamp whatever we want or have decided. We can't seem to get away from trying to run our own lives. That's why the central point in Joy Dawson's teaching on prayer is also the most difficult: to die to whatever issue you are praying about. When we really relinquish control, God is more than willing to guide us in the very best way. Unfortunately, all too often, when we discover that what God has planned doesn't agree with what we had thought, we snatch it back in order to “do our own thing.” I'm reminded of the Israelites going to Egypt after the assassination of Gedaliah, even though they came to Jeremiah and said they would do whatever God spoke through him, and he told them clearly they were not to go. (Jeremiah 41-42)
O: 私たちの態度が問題なのです。神様を心から望み求め、使えることは神様の声を聞くための大切な要素です。これができていないと神様からの語りかけを聞く大きな妨げとなります。神様に語ってほしい、導いてほしい、と望みながらも、実際は神様に従っていません。神の声を望みながら、実際私たちのしていることはお定まりのことばかりです。人というものは自分で生き方を制御する欲求から逃れられないようです。Joy Dawson'の祈りについての中心的な教えが続いているのは、そのためです。自己の人生の制御をやめた時こそ、神様は最良の方法で導いてくださいます。神様の御計画が私たちの思っていたものとは違うこともしばしばです。そして、「自分でやるのだ」と意を決してしまいます。ゲダルヤ殺害の後のイスラエル人のエジプト行きを思い出します。エレミヤを訪ね、主の御言葉通りに行うと言ったイスラエル人のことです。エレミヤは彼らに留まるように告げました。(エレミヤ41~42)
A: I've certainly had my struggles in this area, even though God's plans are always better than mine. Likewise, I see this tendency in just about everyone around me; we don't hear God because we aren't really committed to obeying Him. I'm not to condemn people because of this, but I am to strive to help them understand the foolishness of it. I had some success in that a few weeks ago when I was talking with K, when his emotions were pushing him to quit his job. He got over that, and is glad now that he didn't let his emotions rule. I need to work to help people understand that the key to hearing God is the commitment to obey Him, made firmly before we hear what He has to say.
P: Father, I've gotten myself into trouble so many times by doing my own thing instead of really listening to You, and it is painful to see others doing the same thing. I ask for Your grace, Your anointing, Your words and Your power to help them open their eyes to what is going on and make the commitment to obey You whatever You say. Sometimes they won't hear Your voice because You're speaking through me. I forgive them for that, and I ask Your grace and mercy for them. Help us be a body that is genuinely committed to You, expressed in prayer and obedience, so that all of Your plans for us may be fulfilled for our blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
ヨハネ 6:59-69
S: ヨハネ 6:63-64 「いのちを与えるのは御霊です。肉は何の益ももたらしません。わたしがあなたがたに話したことばは、霊であり、またいのちです。しかし、あなたがたのうちには信じない者がいます。」
O: We are so quick to forget the truth that Jesus spoke here. We want to figure things out with our human intellect, fixing things ourselves, forgetting that the flesh is of no benefit. The path to peace, joy, and life is Jesus Christ Himself (John 14:6), and He comes to us by His Spirit. Going through physical routines, “serving God,” if you will, is not what imparts life to us. There is a world of difference between obedience to what God says to us by His Spirit and trying to “get on His good side” by doing religious things.
A: This is something I've got to keep in focus for myself, and it's something I've got to be consistent in teaching the believers. At the same time, I've got to remember that even Jesus had problems with people who didn't really receive the life-giving words He had to say. I am to seek always to speak God's truth in love by His Spirit, but I am not to despair when not everyone receives the words that come through me, and I am certainly not to let a lack of reception keep me from speaking. The Lord took care of that issue unequivocally with Ezekiel. (Ezekiel 33:1-9) People have free will and their decisions are up to them, but I must not bring their blood on my head by failing to speak the Word of the Lord to them.
A: 私自身が焦点を合わせ続け、そして信者にも常に教え続けていかねばならいことがあります。イエスでさえ、命を与えるイエスの言葉を受け入れなかった人に苦労しました。私はそのことを思い出すべきでしょう。聖霊によって神の真実を私はいつも求めています。私の語ることを全ての人が受け入れなかったとしても私は落胆してはいけませんし、語ることをやめてもいけません。エゼキエル(エゼキエル33:1~9)で主がこの問題を対等に取り扱ってくださいました。自由意思を持つ人間は決断権を持っています。しかし、主の御言葉を人に誤って伝えることで従わせることはできないのです。
P: Father, there are times when I feel like I'm butting my head against a wall, but You know that better than I do. Thank You for Your patience with me, when I have been so slow to hear and receive Your Word so many times. Help me be faithful as a carrier of Your Word, Your Spirit, so that as many as will may hear and receive and be saved, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
P: お父様。まるで壁に頭を打ち付けているかのようです。そう感じる時があります。しかし、あなたはそんなことは私よりも御存じです。私への忍耐を感謝します。あなたはもう何度も私に語って下さっているのです。私が聞くことに遅いだけなのです。あなたの御言葉、聖霊を誠実に伝えるように助けてください。そして多くの方が聞き、受け入れ、救われますように。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。神様を賛美します!
S: ヨハネ 6:63-64 「いのちを与えるのは御霊です。肉は何の益ももたらしません。わたしがあなたがたに話したことばは、霊であり、またいのちです。しかし、あなたがたのうちには信じない者がいます。」
O: We are so quick to forget the truth that Jesus spoke here. We want to figure things out with our human intellect, fixing things ourselves, forgetting that the flesh is of no benefit. The path to peace, joy, and life is Jesus Christ Himself (John 14:6), and He comes to us by His Spirit. Going through physical routines, “serving God,” if you will, is not what imparts life to us. There is a world of difference between obedience to what God says to us by His Spirit and trying to “get on His good side” by doing religious things.
A: This is something I've got to keep in focus for myself, and it's something I've got to be consistent in teaching the believers. At the same time, I've got to remember that even Jesus had problems with people who didn't really receive the life-giving words He had to say. I am to seek always to speak God's truth in love by His Spirit, but I am not to despair when not everyone receives the words that come through me, and I am certainly not to let a lack of reception keep me from speaking. The Lord took care of that issue unequivocally with Ezekiel. (Ezekiel 33:1-9) People have free will and their decisions are up to them, but I must not bring their blood on my head by failing to speak the Word of the Lord to them.
A: 私自身が焦点を合わせ続け、そして信者にも常に教え続けていかねばならいことがあります。イエスでさえ、命を与えるイエスの言葉を受け入れなかった人に苦労しました。私はそのことを思い出すべきでしょう。聖霊によって神の真実を私はいつも求めています。私の語ることを全ての人が受け入れなかったとしても私は落胆してはいけませんし、語ることをやめてもいけません。エゼキエル(エゼキエル33:1~9)で主がこの問題を対等に取り扱ってくださいました。自由意思を持つ人間は決断権を持っています。しかし、主の御言葉を人に誤って伝えることで従わせることはできないのです。
P: Father, there are times when I feel like I'm butting my head against a wall, but You know that better than I do. Thank You for Your patience with me, when I have been so slow to hear and receive Your Word so many times. Help me be faithful as a carrier of Your Word, Your Spirit, so that as many as will may hear and receive and be saved, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
P: お父様。まるで壁に頭を打ち付けているかのようです。そう感じる時があります。しかし、あなたはそんなことは私よりも御存じです。私への忍耐を感謝します。あなたはもう何度も私に語って下さっているのです。私が聞くことに遅いだけなのです。あなたの御言葉、聖霊を誠実に伝えるように助けてください。そして多くの方が聞き、受け入れ、救われますように。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。神様を賛美します!
ヨハネ 6:41-58
S: ヨハネ 6:56-57 わたしの肉を食べ、わたしの血を飲む者は、わたしのうちにとどまり、わたしも彼のうちにとどまります。生ける父がわたしを遣わし、わたしが父によって生きているように、わたしを食べる者も、わたしによって生きるのです。
O: It's no wonder lots of shallow followers left Jesus at this point! The things He was saying broke so many rules they couldn't keep count. On the face of it, it sounded like He was talking about cannibalism, with Him as the main course! After the Last Supper those who stuck with Him understood much better, but Jesus wasn't just talking about taking Communion, either. Jesus was talking about a depth of intimacy for which we don't have words. Paul used marriage in talking about Christ and the Church, and John did too, in Revelation, but that particular intimacy, if misunderstood, could lead to all sorts of extreme wrong behavior. The point is that Jesus becomes part of us and we become part of Him, yet each retains their individuality. The is one more bit of evidence that the Godhead operates in far more dimensions than we do! We have very little grasp of all that Jesus meant when He talked about “abiding in” Him, here and elsewhere. However, if we make the choice to abide, then He reveals it to us even as He brings it into glorious reality.
O: ここで信仰の浅い者がイエスを離れています。彼らには多くの規則があり守れずにいましたが、イエスの言葉によってそれらの規則が打ち壊されています。表面的には肉食について述べてあるように思えます。しかし、最後の晩餐後でイエスとともにいた者たちはよく理解したことですが、イエスは単に聖餐について語ったのではありません。言葉で表現できない深い交わりについて語ったのです。パウロにしても、黙示録でヨハネが述べたことにしても、交わりを誤解するなら間違ったあらゆる行いへと繋がってしまいます。ここで大切なことは、互いが個を保ちながらも、イエスが私たちの一部であり、私たちがイエスの一部であることです。これこそが私たちの理解を超えた神性の働きです!イエスのうちに「とどまる」という表現を私たちはよく理解できずにいますが、従う選択をするならば、栄光のうちに事実としてそのことを啓示してくださるのです。
A: I only see the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, but I have tasted enough that I am hungry for more. The problem comes with the fact that my flesh rebels against this. That's a major reason I'll be glad to be out of this body and into my resurrection body! At this point, abiding in Christ requires daily, and sometimes hourly or even moment-by-moment active commitment; it's not something that can be done once and forgotten. As I said recently in a message on choices, once a choice is made, it's easier to repeat that choice. I've got to be conscious and active in choosing God and resisting the devil, because the devil is constantly looking for me to drop my guard. When I'm abiding in Christ, I have no worries at all about the devil!
A: 私にはほんの氷山の一角しか見えていませんが、もっと知りたい欲求に渇望しています。しかし、肉体的な問題でそれができないでいます。この肉体を離れ、復活した体になることを待ち望んでいるのはそれが大きな理由です!今は、日々、いえ、毎時間ごと、一瞬一瞬ごとに、キリストのうちにとどまり、積極的な献身をしています。一旦献身し、忘れ去るというものではありません。選択について話した最近のメッセージでは、いったん選択をしたなら、その選択を持ち続けるのはたやすいことです。私は神を選ぶことを常に行い、常に私を引きずり落そうと企む悪魔に逆らいます。キリストのうちにある時、悪魔への心配など吹っ飛んでしまうのです。
P: Father, I want more and more of Christ, and as a pastor I desire that for each member of the flock as well. Thank You for bringing the song, “I Want More of Jesus,” to my mind just now, and for giving me a translation on the spot! Help me live out that song and lead the believers to do likewise, giving all we know of ourselves to all we know of You on a continual, daily basis, so that as Christ is formed in us, many more may be brought into Your kingdom, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。さらにさらにキリストを求めています。牧師として信者の全てにもそうあるよう望んでいます。「I Want More of Jesus」の歌を有難うございます。今、この歌が心に浮かびました。そして瞬時にして日本語訳を思いつきました!この歌の通りに生き、信者を導けますように。分かっているだけの自分を、分かっただけのあなたに捧げ、日々、従うように助けてください。キリストが私たちのうちに形作られ、御国に多くの人が導かれますように。彼らの救いとあなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。ハレルヤ!
S: ヨハネ 6:56-57 わたしの肉を食べ、わたしの血を飲む者は、わたしのうちにとどまり、わたしも彼のうちにとどまります。生ける父がわたしを遣わし、わたしが父によって生きているように、わたしを食べる者も、わたしによって生きるのです。
O: It's no wonder lots of shallow followers left Jesus at this point! The things He was saying broke so many rules they couldn't keep count. On the face of it, it sounded like He was talking about cannibalism, with Him as the main course! After the Last Supper those who stuck with Him understood much better, but Jesus wasn't just talking about taking Communion, either. Jesus was talking about a depth of intimacy for which we don't have words. Paul used marriage in talking about Christ and the Church, and John did too, in Revelation, but that particular intimacy, if misunderstood, could lead to all sorts of extreme wrong behavior. The point is that Jesus becomes part of us and we become part of Him, yet each retains their individuality. The is one more bit of evidence that the Godhead operates in far more dimensions than we do! We have very little grasp of all that Jesus meant when He talked about “abiding in” Him, here and elsewhere. However, if we make the choice to abide, then He reveals it to us even as He brings it into glorious reality.
O: ここで信仰の浅い者がイエスを離れています。彼らには多くの規則があり守れずにいましたが、イエスの言葉によってそれらの規則が打ち壊されています。表面的には肉食について述べてあるように思えます。しかし、最後の晩餐後でイエスとともにいた者たちはよく理解したことですが、イエスは単に聖餐について語ったのではありません。言葉で表現できない深い交わりについて語ったのです。パウロにしても、黙示録でヨハネが述べたことにしても、交わりを誤解するなら間違ったあらゆる行いへと繋がってしまいます。ここで大切なことは、互いが個を保ちながらも、イエスが私たちの一部であり、私たちがイエスの一部であることです。これこそが私たちの理解を超えた神性の働きです!イエスのうちに「とどまる」という表現を私たちはよく理解できずにいますが、従う選択をするならば、栄光のうちに事実としてそのことを啓示してくださるのです。
A: I only see the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, but I have tasted enough that I am hungry for more. The problem comes with the fact that my flesh rebels against this. That's a major reason I'll be glad to be out of this body and into my resurrection body! At this point, abiding in Christ requires daily, and sometimes hourly or even moment-by-moment active commitment; it's not something that can be done once and forgotten. As I said recently in a message on choices, once a choice is made, it's easier to repeat that choice. I've got to be conscious and active in choosing God and resisting the devil, because the devil is constantly looking for me to drop my guard. When I'm abiding in Christ, I have no worries at all about the devil!
A: 私にはほんの氷山の一角しか見えていませんが、もっと知りたい欲求に渇望しています。しかし、肉体的な問題でそれができないでいます。この肉体を離れ、復活した体になることを待ち望んでいるのはそれが大きな理由です!今は、日々、いえ、毎時間ごと、一瞬一瞬ごとに、キリストのうちにとどまり、積極的な献身をしています。一旦献身し、忘れ去るというものではありません。選択について話した最近のメッセージでは、いったん選択をしたなら、その選択を持ち続けるのはたやすいことです。私は神を選ぶことを常に行い、常に私を引きずり落そうと企む悪魔に逆らいます。キリストのうちにある時、悪魔への心配など吹っ飛んでしまうのです。
P: Father, I want more and more of Christ, and as a pastor I desire that for each member of the flock as well. Thank You for bringing the song, “I Want More of Jesus,” to my mind just now, and for giving me a translation on the spot! Help me live out that song and lead the believers to do likewise, giving all we know of ourselves to all we know of You on a continual, daily basis, so that as Christ is formed in us, many more may be brought into Your kingdom, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。さらにさらにキリストを求めています。牧師として信者の全てにもそうあるよう望んでいます。「I Want More of Jesus」の歌を有難うございます。今、この歌が心に浮かびました。そして瞬時にして日本語訳を思いつきました!この歌の通りに生き、信者を導けますように。分かっているだけの自分を、分かっただけのあなたに捧げ、日々、従うように助けてください。キリストが私たちのうちに形作られ、御国に多くの人が導かれますように。彼らの救いとあなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。ハレルヤ!
ヨハネ 6:25-40
S: ヨハネ 6:40 「事実、わたしの父のみこころは、子を見て信じる者がみな永遠のいのちを持つことです。わたしはその人たちをひとりひとり終わりの日によみがえらせます。」
O: Wow! After teaching on the resurrection of the dead Sunday night, this verse really jumps out. It really is interesting that so few churches teach on resurrection; it's almost like they don't believe in it. Heaven is mentioned a great deal in some churches, but even there they don't seem to talk about resurrection much. That seems odd when Jesus Himself is so specific when He says that He will resurrect us. It's also interesting that Jesus is so clear in saying “This is my Father's will.” So many of us get tied in knots over “What is God's will?” when in various places the Bible spells out things that are His will. If we would focus on those, then we would gain understanding about the specific issues we are worried about. Here, Jesus says as plainly as possible that it is God's will to give eternal life to all who will look to Jesus in faith. When we have that assurance, all of our problems start to look much smaller!
A: As a pastor/teacher, my job is to help people look to Jesus more consistently and trust Him more fully. I certainly can't give them eternal life, but God's got that covered! If I will be faithful to communicate the Gospel, God will be faithful to fulfill it. There's a lot of work along the way but nothing to get anxious about, because God is God and Jesus has said He's going to resurrect us on the last day!
P: Father, thank You for all You've been teaching me recently about trusting You and refusing anxiety. Thank You for the growing, settled awareness that not only can I do nothing on my own, the more I relax and trust You, the more easily You can work in, around, and through me to accomplish not simply what I feel I have to do, but far above and beyond that. Thank You for all You enabled us to do yesterday, and for the assurance of all You're going to do through us today. Help me rest and delight in You today and each day, so that You may delight in me. Thank You. Praise God!
P: お父様。あなたを信じ、心配せずともよいと最近、教えてくださいました。有難うございます。私が無力であり、ただあなたに信頼していればよいことを学んでいます。そう確信して、成長していることを感謝します。あなたに信頼するほど、私のなすべき働きが成就し、私の歩みも楽になるのです。昨日のことを感謝します。今日も私たちを通して働いてくださることを感謝します。今日も、そして日々、あなたに頼り、休み、喜んでいるように助けてください。そしてあなたも私の内で喜んで下さるでしょう。感謝します。神様を賛美します!
S: ヨハネ 6:40 「事実、わたしの父のみこころは、子を見て信じる者がみな永遠のいのちを持つことです。わたしはその人たちをひとりひとり終わりの日によみがえらせます。」
O: Wow! After teaching on the resurrection of the dead Sunday night, this verse really jumps out. It really is interesting that so few churches teach on resurrection; it's almost like they don't believe in it. Heaven is mentioned a great deal in some churches, but even there they don't seem to talk about resurrection much. That seems odd when Jesus Himself is so specific when He says that He will resurrect us. It's also interesting that Jesus is so clear in saying “This is my Father's will.” So many of us get tied in knots over “What is God's will?” when in various places the Bible spells out things that are His will. If we would focus on those, then we would gain understanding about the specific issues we are worried about. Here, Jesus says as plainly as possible that it is God's will to give eternal life to all who will look to Jesus in faith. When we have that assurance, all of our problems start to look much smaller!
A: As a pastor/teacher, my job is to help people look to Jesus more consistently and trust Him more fully. I certainly can't give them eternal life, but God's got that covered! If I will be faithful to communicate the Gospel, God will be faithful to fulfill it. There's a lot of work along the way but nothing to get anxious about, because God is God and Jesus has said He's going to resurrect us on the last day!
P: Father, thank You for all You've been teaching me recently about trusting You and refusing anxiety. Thank You for the growing, settled awareness that not only can I do nothing on my own, the more I relax and trust You, the more easily You can work in, around, and through me to accomplish not simply what I feel I have to do, but far above and beyond that. Thank You for all You enabled us to do yesterday, and for the assurance of all You're going to do through us today. Help me rest and delight in You today and each day, so that You may delight in me. Thank You. Praise God!
P: お父様。あなたを信じ、心配せずともよいと最近、教えてくださいました。有難うございます。私が無力であり、ただあなたに信頼していればよいことを学んでいます。そう確信して、成長していることを感謝します。あなたに信頼するほど、私のなすべき働きが成就し、私の歩みも楽になるのです。昨日のことを感謝します。今日も私たちを通して働いてくださることを感謝します。今日も、そして日々、あなたに頼り、休み、喜んでいるように助けてください。そしてあなたも私の内で喜んで下さるでしょう。感謝します。神様を賛美します!
ヨハネ 5:19-30
S: ヨハネ 5:24 まことに、まことに、あなたがたに告げます。わたしのことばを聞いて、わたしを遣わした方を信じる者は、永遠のいのちを持ち、さばきに会うことがなく、死からいのちに移っているのです。
O: Once again we have the heart of the Gospel, which is expressed in different ways in various places throughout the Bible, but is still the same Gospel. The way Jesus expressed it here, it is clear that if we don't receive what He says to us then we are rejecting Father God as well. This is why non-messianic Jews are in deep trouble! There are Christians who seem to think that Jews are saved by being Jewish, but Jesus and Paul both make it very clear that isn't the case. However, when a Jew does open their heart to receive the Son, then they discover the Father that they previously knew only by hearsay and ritual. And the glorious part of it all is that everyone who believes what the Father has said through the Son has indeed passed from death to life, whatever that person's starting point might have been.
O: 聖書の様々な箇所で異なった表現をされていますが、聖書の核心はここに書かれている福音です。イエスの言葉を受け入れないならば、それは御父を拒むことでもあるとイエスは教えています。メシヤ思考を持たないユダヤ人が困惑したのは、このためです!ユダヤ人は救われると考えているクリスチャンがいるようですが、イエスとパウロは、そうではないことをはっきりと示しています。しかし、ある一人のユダヤ人が御子に心を開いた時、それまで異端と儀式によってのみ知っていた御父を知ることができました。御父が御子を通して語られたことを信じる者は、それがどういう始まり方であろうとも、実に死から命へと移るのです。
A: The point for me is both to receive and to proclaim this as the good news that it truly is. Japanese culture has a tradition of eternal judgment, as I believe every culture does, but the average Japanese dismisses that as superstition. I've got to tell them that, as their hearts are trying to tell them, it's not superstition at all, but that it's not like they've been told. The traditional Japanese/Chinese “Judge of the Dead” has very little in common with Christ! The mind-boggling truth of the Gospel is that our Judge has paid our penalty for us, even though that penalty is death. The problem is, we've got to believe and trust Him when He tells us He's done this, for it to be effective for us. I can't force anyone to believe and trust, but I'm called to present the good news to as many as possible as convincingly as possible, so that as many barriers to belief may be removed as possible. Final responsibility rests with each individual, but I am called to communicate the Gospel without man-made barriers, so that as many as will may believe and be saved.
P: Father, this is my constant battle, as You well know. Thank You for Your patience with me, and with all of us. Thank You for pointing out to me rently that my micromanagement is an unnecessary barrier for some in the flock. Show me how to encourage as well as correct, to come alongside rather than dictate from afar. Keep me from standing on my rights if so doing will be a barrier to someone who is weaker in faith. May we as a church indeed walk in life and not in death, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
S: ヨハネ 5:24 まことに、まことに、あなたがたに告げます。わたしのことばを聞いて、わたしを遣わした方を信じる者は、永遠のいのちを持ち、さばきに会うことがなく、死からいのちに移っているのです。
O: Once again we have the heart of the Gospel, which is expressed in different ways in various places throughout the Bible, but is still the same Gospel. The way Jesus expressed it here, it is clear that if we don't receive what He says to us then we are rejecting Father God as well. This is why non-messianic Jews are in deep trouble! There are Christians who seem to think that Jews are saved by being Jewish, but Jesus and Paul both make it very clear that isn't the case. However, when a Jew does open their heart to receive the Son, then they discover the Father that they previously knew only by hearsay and ritual. And the glorious part of it all is that everyone who believes what the Father has said through the Son has indeed passed from death to life, whatever that person's starting point might have been.
O: 聖書の様々な箇所で異なった表現をされていますが、聖書の核心はここに書かれている福音です。イエスの言葉を受け入れないならば、それは御父を拒むことでもあるとイエスは教えています。メシヤ思考を持たないユダヤ人が困惑したのは、このためです!ユダヤ人は救われると考えているクリスチャンがいるようですが、イエスとパウロは、そうではないことをはっきりと示しています。しかし、ある一人のユダヤ人が御子に心を開いた時、それまで異端と儀式によってのみ知っていた御父を知ることができました。御父が御子を通して語られたことを信じる者は、それがどういう始まり方であろうとも、実に死から命へと移るのです。
A: The point for me is both to receive and to proclaim this as the good news that it truly is. Japanese culture has a tradition of eternal judgment, as I believe every culture does, but the average Japanese dismisses that as superstition. I've got to tell them that, as their hearts are trying to tell them, it's not superstition at all, but that it's not like they've been told. The traditional Japanese/Chinese “Judge of the Dead” has very little in common with Christ! The mind-boggling truth of the Gospel is that our Judge has paid our penalty for us, even though that penalty is death. The problem is, we've got to believe and trust Him when He tells us He's done this, for it to be effective for us. I can't force anyone to believe and trust, but I'm called to present the good news to as many as possible as convincingly as possible, so that as many barriers to belief may be removed as possible. Final responsibility rests with each individual, but I am called to communicate the Gospel without man-made barriers, so that as many as will may believe and be saved.
P: Father, this is my constant battle, as You well know. Thank You for Your patience with me, and with all of us. Thank You for pointing out to me rently that my micromanagement is an unnecessary barrier for some in the flock. Show me how to encourage as well as correct, to come alongside rather than dictate from afar. Keep me from standing on my rights if so doing will be a barrier to someone who is weaker in faith. May we as a church indeed walk in life and not in death, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
ヨハネ 3:1-21
S: ヨハネ 3:20-21 悪いことをする者は光を憎み、その行いが明るみに出されることを恐れて、光のほうに来ない。しかし、真理を行う者は、光のほうに来る。その行いが神にあってなされたことが明らかにされるためである。
O: It should come as no surprise that Jesus' words are proven true every day. The simple fact of the matter is that evil loves illusion, deception, and darkness. People may revel in their pet sins, but they don't want others to know about them. The fact is that we all have ugly places in us, but the only way those will get cleaned up is for us to be honest with God and with ourselves about them, and sometimes that can be pretty painful. The act of honest confession is indeed “doing the truth,” as Jesus says here, and so is blessed by God. However, it takes both courage and faith to trust God to forgive and cleanse us. One thing that is a factor here is that walking in darkness, which we do to hide our sins, makes us blind. Often we look at what other people do and are amazed that they couldn't anticipate the consequences of their actions. What happened was that they were walking in darkness and literally couldn't see what was ahead. “Honesty is the best policy” isn't just an old proverb!
O: イエスの言葉が現在も真実だと、日々実感します。悪魔が好むのは嘘、欺き、そして闇です。人は自らの罪に逆らおうとしますが、その罪が他の人に知られるのを好みません。実際、私たち全てが自身の内部に醜い部分を持っているのですが、それを浄化するには、神と自分自身に誠実になることです。もっともそれが時に手痛いのですが。イエスがここで教えているように心からの告白は「真理を行う」ことであり、それによって神の加護を受けられます。しかし、そのためには赦し、聖めて下さる神様を信頼するための勇気と信仰が必要です。闇を歩くことは、罪を隠すことであり、それによって私たちは盲目となってしまいます。行いの結果を考えず行動する人を見て、しばしば驚かされますが、彼らは闇の中を歩んでおり、現実に、先のことが見えない(分からない)のです。「歴史に学べ」の言葉は今も真実です!
A: I have a struggle in this area as a pastor because of the intense privacy of Japanese society. Because historically they have chosen to live physically very close to each other, non-physical barriers are very deeply ingrained. People who are doing nothing to be ashamed of are still highly averse to anyone knowing their business. Frankly, I often don't know how to deal with this. This is perhaps the area in which I am least Japanese, because I was raised by a father who had absolute honesty as one of his guiding principles, and I feel that is very much in line with Scripture. TMI (too much information) is indeed undesirable at times, but transparency is a high goal. I need God's wisdom and guidance to lead the flock into the freedom that comes with transparency.
A: 日本社会はプライバシー優先ですので、私は牧師として苦労しています。歴史的に見ても、物理的に互いの存在は近くとも、精神的側面の壁が深く根付いています。行いに何ら恥じることのない人は、彼らの内情を知っている人を嫌悪します。正直なところ、私はそうした面への対応ができません。恐らく私が完全には日本人的ではないからでしょう。それは育児指針として父が正直さを重要視して私を育てたためでしょう。その価値観は聖書的だと思います。過度の情報は好ましくない時もありますが、透明性は最終目標とされるべきです。神の知恵と導きを求めます。教会の群れが透明性を持てますように。
P: Father, thank You for having Peter write“or even as a meddler”in the passage from yesterday's sermon (1 Peter 4:15). Keep me from “meddling” in my desire to help people open up! I have a real problem with telling more of other people's business than I should. Help me correct that so that they will feel more free to open up. I see such damage that has been done by the lack of healthy interpersonal connections, but I know that You ache over that more than I do. Help me trust You enough to be an effective encouragement to the believers to trust You as well, so that together we may walk in Your light, for our blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
P: お父様。昨日の説教で用いたペテロの言葉「みだりに干渉する者」(1ペテロ4:15)を有難うございます。人々を助けるために彼らの心を開きたい思いがありますが、私がどうぞ「干渉する者」となりませんように!私は必要以上に人のことを話してしまう癖があります。彼らがもっと自由に心を開くよう私を正してください。健全な対人関係が欠如し、そのためにダメージを受けていることを知っていますが、あなたは私以上に心を痛めておられます。信者があなたを信頼するよう私が励ましていけますように。そして、あなたの光の内をともに歩めますように。あなたの祝福とご栄光のために。感謝します。神様を賛美します!
S: ヨハネ 3:20-21 悪いことをする者は光を憎み、その行いが明るみに出されることを恐れて、光のほうに来ない。しかし、真理を行う者は、光のほうに来る。その行いが神にあってなされたことが明らかにされるためである。
O: It should come as no surprise that Jesus' words are proven true every day. The simple fact of the matter is that evil loves illusion, deception, and darkness. People may revel in their pet sins, but they don't want others to know about them. The fact is that we all have ugly places in us, but the only way those will get cleaned up is for us to be honest with God and with ourselves about them, and sometimes that can be pretty painful. The act of honest confession is indeed “doing the truth,” as Jesus says here, and so is blessed by God. However, it takes both courage and faith to trust God to forgive and cleanse us. One thing that is a factor here is that walking in darkness, which we do to hide our sins, makes us blind. Often we look at what other people do and are amazed that they couldn't anticipate the consequences of their actions. What happened was that they were walking in darkness and literally couldn't see what was ahead. “Honesty is the best policy” isn't just an old proverb!
O: イエスの言葉が現在も真実だと、日々実感します。悪魔が好むのは嘘、欺き、そして闇です。人は自らの罪に逆らおうとしますが、その罪が他の人に知られるのを好みません。実際、私たち全てが自身の内部に醜い部分を持っているのですが、それを浄化するには、神と自分自身に誠実になることです。もっともそれが時に手痛いのですが。イエスがここで教えているように心からの告白は「真理を行う」ことであり、それによって神の加護を受けられます。しかし、そのためには赦し、聖めて下さる神様を信頼するための勇気と信仰が必要です。闇を歩くことは、罪を隠すことであり、それによって私たちは盲目となってしまいます。行いの結果を考えず行動する人を見て、しばしば驚かされますが、彼らは闇の中を歩んでおり、現実に、先のことが見えない(分からない)のです。「歴史に学べ」の言葉は今も真実です!
A: I have a struggle in this area as a pastor because of the intense privacy of Japanese society. Because historically they have chosen to live physically very close to each other, non-physical barriers are very deeply ingrained. People who are doing nothing to be ashamed of are still highly averse to anyone knowing their business. Frankly, I often don't know how to deal with this. This is perhaps the area in which I am least Japanese, because I was raised by a father who had absolute honesty as one of his guiding principles, and I feel that is very much in line with Scripture. TMI (too much information) is indeed undesirable at times, but transparency is a high goal. I need God's wisdom and guidance to lead the flock into the freedom that comes with transparency.
A: 日本社会はプライバシー優先ですので、私は牧師として苦労しています。歴史的に見ても、物理的に互いの存在は近くとも、精神的側面の壁が深く根付いています。行いに何ら恥じることのない人は、彼らの内情を知っている人を嫌悪します。正直なところ、私はそうした面への対応ができません。恐らく私が完全には日本人的ではないからでしょう。それは育児指針として父が正直さを重要視して私を育てたためでしょう。その価値観は聖書的だと思います。過度の情報は好ましくない時もありますが、透明性は最終目標とされるべきです。神の知恵と導きを求めます。教会の群れが透明性を持てますように。
P: Father, thank You for having Peter write“or even as a meddler”in the passage from yesterday's sermon (1 Peter 4:15). Keep me from “meddling” in my desire to help people open up! I have a real problem with telling more of other people's business than I should. Help me correct that so that they will feel more free to open up. I see such damage that has been done by the lack of healthy interpersonal connections, but I know that You ache over that more than I do. Help me trust You enough to be an effective encouragement to the believers to trust You as well, so that together we may walk in Your light, for our blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!
P: お父様。昨日の説教で用いたペテロの言葉「みだりに干渉する者」(1ペテロ4:15)を有難うございます。人々を助けるために彼らの心を開きたい思いがありますが、私がどうぞ「干渉する者」となりませんように!私は必要以上に人のことを話してしまう癖があります。彼らがもっと自由に心を開くよう私を正してください。健全な対人関係が欠如し、そのためにダメージを受けていることを知っていますが、あなたは私以上に心を痛めておられます。信者があなたを信頼するよう私が励ましていけますように。そして、あなたの光の内をともに歩めますように。あなたの祝福とご栄光のために。感謝します。神様を賛美します!
ヨハネ 1:1-18
S: ヨハネ 1:16 私たちはみな、この方の満ち満ちた豊かさの中から、恵みの上にさらに恵みを受けたのである。
O: We need to face it: we are blessed. There is no human being alive who has not been greatly blessed by God, but the problem is, we don't recognize it. We are quick to seize on some perceived lack or need and immediately discount everything else God has done for us. However ingratitude is deadly, as the Israelites demonstrated in the wilderness. Paul says that ingratitude will be a characteristic of the Last Days, and by that measure at least, we certainly seem to be in them! We live in incredible luxury, particularly compared to only a generation or two ago, and yet our only thought is that we don't yet have the next big thing, or that our bank account isn't as fat as we would like, or so-and-so said something mean about us. As Paul told Timothy, godliness with contentment is great gain! It is part of the human condition to always press on to better, and that in itself is not a bad thing. It only becomes bad when we allow it to destroy our gratitude for what we have now. It is a truism that we only appreciate something when we lose it, and that is sad indeed. Sometimes God takes things from us so that we will appreciate what we have left. It is powerful indeed when someone like Mr. Ohno, who lost both his hands in an accident with farm machinery, says that it was so good that he lost them, because that made him appreciate his family and everything else.
A: I have certainly fallen into the trap of ingratitude at times. I have been incredibly blessed from generations back, and can claim to have earned only the minutest fraction of that. I accuse young people of not recognizing that they live in the lap of luxury, yet I fail to walk in that recognition myself all too often. I need to choose to focus on God and His abundance toward me, and abandon ungrateful grumbling forever!
P: Father, thank You indeed for the overflow of Your grace to me. I am so prone to get excited over some material thing yet fail to walk in continuous appreciation of the incredible spiritual blessings You have poured out on me in Christ. Forgive me. Thank You for the time of prayer and preparation that I had last night because I was unable to go to sleep quickly. Help me walk in gratitude throughout today, waiting on You so that You may renew my strength, appreciating each of the blessings You pour out on me and grumbling about nothing, so that You may be free to do in and through me all that You desire and intend, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
S: ヨハネ 1:16 私たちはみな、この方の満ち満ちた豊かさの中から、恵みの上にさらに恵みを受けたのである。
O: We need to face it: we are blessed. There is no human being alive who has not been greatly blessed by God, but the problem is, we don't recognize it. We are quick to seize on some perceived lack or need and immediately discount everything else God has done for us. However ingratitude is deadly, as the Israelites demonstrated in the wilderness. Paul says that ingratitude will be a characteristic of the Last Days, and by that measure at least, we certainly seem to be in them! We live in incredible luxury, particularly compared to only a generation or two ago, and yet our only thought is that we don't yet have the next big thing, or that our bank account isn't as fat as we would like, or so-and-so said something mean about us. As Paul told Timothy, godliness with contentment is great gain! It is part of the human condition to always press on to better, and that in itself is not a bad thing. It only becomes bad when we allow it to destroy our gratitude for what we have now. It is a truism that we only appreciate something when we lose it, and that is sad indeed. Sometimes God takes things from us so that we will appreciate what we have left. It is powerful indeed when someone like Mr. Ohno, who lost both his hands in an accident with farm machinery, says that it was so good that he lost them, because that made him appreciate his family and everything else.
O: 私たちは祝福を受けています。そのことにきち んと向き合いましょう。神様からの祝福を受けずに生きている人間など一人もいません。ただ、私たちがそのことに気がつかないでいるだけです。神様が与えて くださっているのに拘わらず、私たちは足りないもの、必要なものにばかり目が行きます。そうした感謝を持てない心は、イスラエル人が荒野での経験で分かる ように、危険です。パウロは感謝できない心は終末の日の特徴だと教えています。彼らを見ているとまさにその通りに思えてきます。親やその親の世代と比べる と、私たちは大変な贅沢のうちに生きていますが、気にかけることと言えば銀行残高や自分に関することばかりです。パウロがテモテに教えたように、心の安ら ぎある神性は大きな益となるものです!良いものに常に固執するのは人の習性で、それ自体は悪いことではありません。ただ、それまで持っていた感謝の念を失 くすとよくありません。失くしてから、はじめて有難さが分かるというのは自明の理であり、とても悲しいことです。神様は私たちに感謝する心を教えるため に、何かを取り上げることもなさいます。農器具の事故で両手を失くした大野さんという方がおられます。彼は両手を失ったからこそ、家族と全ての大切さに感 謝できたと語っておられますが、力強く響いてきます。
A: I have certainly fallen into the trap of ingratitude at times. I have been incredibly blessed from generations back, and can claim to have earned only the minutest fraction of that. I accuse young people of not recognizing that they live in the lap of luxury, yet I fail to walk in that recognition myself all too often. I need to choose to focus on God and His abundance toward me, and abandon ungrateful grumbling forever!
A:私も、感謝できない念に囚われ る時があります。もう何世代も前に遡って私は大きな祝福を得ているのに、そうでないように思ってしまいます。贅沢さを自覚できない若者を責めながら、私も しょっちゅう贅沢の認識を持てないでいます。私たちに豊かな与えを下さる神様に集中しているべきです。不敬に満ちた愚痴など捨て去らなくてはいけません。
P: Father, thank You indeed for the overflow of Your grace to me. I am so prone to get excited over some material thing yet fail to walk in continuous appreciation of the incredible spiritual blessings You have poured out on me in Christ. Forgive me. Thank You for the time of prayer and preparation that I had last night because I was unable to go to sleep quickly. Help me walk in gratitude throughout today, waiting on You so that You may renew my strength, appreciating each of the blessings You pour out on me and grumbling about nothing, so that You may be free to do in and through me all that You desire and intend, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様。私へのあなたからの 恵みを感謝します。物質的なことに気をそられがちで、あなたがキリストにあって与えてくださった信じられないほどの霊的な祝福の内を歩めないでいます。赦 して下さい。昨夜の祈りの時、準備の時を有難うございます。すぐに眠ることができなかったからです。今日も感謝して過ごせるように助けてください。あなた に仕え、私の強さを新たにし、あらゆる祝福を感謝し、不平をこぼすことがありませんように。そして、あなたの全ての望み、意図が私を通してなされますように。あなたのご栄光のために。有難うございます。ハレルヤ!
投稿 (Atom)