

ヨハネ 16:19-33

S: ヨハネ 16:26-27 「その日には、あなたがたはわたしの名によって求めるのです。わたしはあなたがたに代わって父に願ってあげようとは言いません。それはあなたがたがわたしを愛し、また、わたしを神から出てきた者と信じたので、父ご自身があなたがたを愛しておられるからです。」

O: Well this would certainly seem to take care of any thought of asking any dead saint to pray for you! Jesus gives us His name to use in prayer, but that's not asking Him to ask the Father things for us. This passage makes that very clear. It does say in Hebrews 7:25 that Jesus intercedes for us, but that's not the same as “one cushion prayers,” that is, having to bounce requests off of Him to get them to the Father. How much more, then, does this passage eliminate praying to Mary or any other person to pray to the Father for us! I can understand intellectually how the practice arose, but it is certainly extra-biblical and is grounded in a lack of both understanding and faith. I love my Catholic brothers and sisters, and I pray for them that their eyes would be opened to understand this. Any time we put layers between us and God we are running into grave danger. Jesus says, here and elsewhere, that what God requires is faith in Jesus, not some ecclesiastical bureaucracy.


A: This is certainly how I was raised, which is precisely the objection my Catholic brothers and sisters would have. They would say I don't understand them because of my upbringing, but I appeal to Scripture. However, I must not come across as conceited about my “better revelation.” That would certainly defeat my desire and purpose that they come into direct intimacy with the Father who loves them. Actually, though Protestants are much less likely to pray to the dead, the tendency to ask a “better” Christian to pray for you is certainly evident. I am not to refuse to pray for people, but I need to encourage them to believe and pray themselves. Even our own daughters have said, “When Mama and Daddy pray, things happen.” I need to work to help people understand that God wants to answer their prayers just as much as He wants to answer mine! People will never discover the delight of prayer until they understand that the Father really loves them and is listening.


P: Father, I get so frustrated on this issue at times. I can't force people to understand and believe and therefore pray, as much as I would like to. Help me be as patient with them as You are with me. Man! That's a mouthful! You have been incredibly patient with me; help me indeed extend to others the grace You have poured out on me. I do ask that You anoint my lips to speak as persuasively as possible, so that barriers to understanding and faith may be removed and many, many come into the intimacy with You that You desire, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!

P: お父様。この問題で不愉快になることがあります。強制的に、人に理解させ、信じさせ、祈らせることはできません。あなたが私に忍耐強くあられるように私も彼らに忍耐を持てるように助けてください。本当に、あなたはとてつもなく私に忍耐を持っておられます。あなたの私への恵みのように、私も人々に忍耐強くありますように。どうぞ私の口に油を注ぎ、説き伏せる話ができますように。そして信仰と理解の妨げが取り去られ、多くの人があなたと親しく交われますように。それがあなたの望みなのですから。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。ハレルヤ!

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