

ヨハネ 9:1-25

S: ヨハネ 9:25 彼は答えた。「あの方が罪人かどうか、私は知りません。ただ一つのことを知っています。私は盲目であったのに、今は見えるということです。」

O: As has been said, a man with a theory will not win out over a man with an experience. The man born blind wasn't the least interested in the Pharisees' quibbles over whether Jesus had broken the Sabbath by making mud; he had been healed, and he knew it. This is why it is important for Christians, especially those with less dramatic conversion stories, to know and understand what has happened to them. If we don't know, we can't explain it to someone else! Also, the devil does his best to convince even real Christians that nothing has really changed in them after all, so there too we need to know what has happened to us, letting the truth be our first line of defense.

O: 机上の理論より実際の経験談の方が説得力を持つとはよく言われることです。生まれつき目が見えなかったこの男は、イエスが安息日に、泥を塗って働いたことに対するパリサイ人の論争に関心はともかく、彼は癒され、実感したのです。クリスチャンになる時にさほど劇的な経験をしていない人にとって、こうした出来事を知り理解することは大切です。知らないと、人に教えることもできません!悪魔は真のクリスチャンにさえ、結局は何も変わらないのだと教え込もうと躍起になります。ですからよく理解し、守りのためにこの真実を第一番に置き心していましょう。

A: This is exactly in line with the discussion in the personal evangelism class yesterday. People aren't interested in theories, they want to know what has happened to you, because only then will they believe it might make a difference for them. I am at a real disadvantage here because of growing up in a strongly Christian home; I've known about Christ from the time I knew about anything. However, I can testify to the stupidity of spiritual pride, and the magnificence of God's grace in the face of it. As someone with teacher gifting, I tend to give people too much information about the theological underpinnings of everything, when what I need to do is tell them that I, too, was hopeless without an active, personal relationship with Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I can tell them that head knowledge isn't bad, and can indeed be very helpful, but it is no substitute for heart commitment.

A: これは昨日、個人伝道のクラスで話した内容そのものです。人は理論に関心を持ちません。彼らが知りたいのは起こっている出来事です。そのことによってしか、意味を成さないと彼らは考えるからです。信仰篤いクリスチャンホームで育った私は、その点、不都合です。物心つく前からキリストを知っていたからです。しかし、霊的プライドを持つことの愚かさ、さらに神の恵みの大きさについてならはっきりと証しできます。教える賜物を持つ私は、あまりに神学的な情報を与え過ぎるきらいがあります。そんな時は主であり救い主であるイエス・キリストとの個人的な関係抜きでは絶望的でした。頭による理解も悪くはありません。確かに大きな助けとはなるでしょう。しかし、真に大切なのは心からの献身です。

P: Father, thank You for Your timing, and for how everything fits together so beautifully. Thank You for the two services yesterday, for who came to each and for what went on. Thank You for what You spoke through me, and for those who received it. Thank You for P's comments about the morning message, and for his introducing himself as my disciple in the evening service. That really touched me. Help me be faithful to You by being faithful to him, as he is pledging to be faithful to me. Thank You for those at the evening service who aren't yet baptized believers, and for how the message obviously impacted them. I pray that Your Spirit would take those words and continue to work them into their hearts, bringing them to full commitment soon. I pray that all of us together would know what You have done for us, and act and speak accordingly, bringing many more into Your kingdom for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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