

ヨハネ 14:15-31

S: ヨハネ 14:25-26 「このことをわたしは、あなたがたとといっしょいにる間に、あなたがたに話しました。しかし、助け主、すなわち、父がお遣わしになる聖霊は、あなたがたにすべてのことを教え、また、わたしがあなたがたに話したすべてのことを思い出させてくださいます。」

O: This is certainly an encouraging thing to have in the middle of this long Upper Room Discourse! Jesus said so many vitally important things over the space of a few hours, it would be overwhelming to try to remember them all in our own strength. The help of the Holy Spirit doesn't eliminate our responsibility to seek to digest and absorb all that God speaks to us by His Word and otherwise, but it does remove the pressure of thinking “I've got to do it.” That said, we need to remember that we can't be reminded of something we've never read in the first place. God does speak to us prophetically with words that aren't in Scripture, as I know well, but He never says anything that contradicts the Bible. If we want the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us, we need to take in the Bible on a daily basis, giving the Holy Spirit as much material to work with as possible, so that He can remind us of what we need when we need it.

O:  これは大変励ましとなるみ言葉です。イエスはわずか数時間の間に多くの重要なことを教えましたが、それを私たちのだけの力で覚えようとすると大変です。聖霊によって神様が語ってくださるのですが、イエスの語ったすべてを理解し、吸収するためには聖霊様が助けてくださいます。そうでなければ、「やらなくてはいけない」という思いになるでしょう。まず、読んでいないものは思い出せないことを知る必要があります。神様は聖書にない言葉で預言的に語られますが、聖書に反するようなことは決して語られません。それは私がよく知っています。聖霊様の導きを求めるなら、日々聖書を読んで取り入れなくてはなりません。そうすることで聖霊様も現実に働いてくださり、私たちに必要なことをその時に応じて思い出させて下さるのです。

A: I have been blessed above and beyond the vast majority of people by having been immersed in Scripture from birth, so to speak, but I must not take that for granted or treat it lightly. I've got to read and study the Word each morning, not just skim over it, so that it will work deeper and deeper into the core of my being. The evangelistic billboard, “Have you read My book? There will be a test,” is clever, but it leaves out the reality that we are being tested constantly by our circumstances. I need to communicate to the believers what a blessing and privilege it is to be able to read the Word each morning and take it in. When I think of how sporadic my own devotions were for so much of my younger life I can't condemn them for not “getting with the program,” but I certainly want them to enjoy what I do.


P: Father, thank You yet again for Your patience with me. Thank You for Your Spirit to teach and guide me. Thank You for the privilege of introducing You, Your Word, and Your Spirit to others. As You have me say in my faith declarations, help me indeed hear, listen to, and obey Your Spirit more and more fully day by day, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!

P: お父様。私への忍耐をまたまた感謝します。あなたの御霊が私を導いてくださっていることを感謝します。あなたを、御言葉を、御霊を人に教えることのできる特権を有難うございます。あなたは私に語らせて下さいますが、その時もどうか信仰を持って、日々、心からしっかりと聞きいれ、聖霊様に従うように助けてください。感謝します。神様を賛美します!

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