

ヨハネ 12:20-36

S: ヨハネ 12:36 「あなたがたに光がある間に、光の子どもとなるために、光を信じなさい。」

O: God gives everyone an opportunity to believe, but many do not take advantage of it. Jesus' point here is that the opportunity for faith doesn't last forever; this is something He said several times. If we step out and accept the faith God offers to us, we discover the magnificence of His grace and pass from death to life. If for whatever reason we reject that gift of faith, we discover too late that we have rejected life itself. As Jesus did here, many places in the Bible use light as the metaphor for life in God, including Isaiah, Paul, and John in his letters. By extension, it goes all the way back to Genesis, where God's first creative act was to say, “Let there be light.” Rejecting the light is rejecting God. This is why openness and honesty are of such importance. A study of the Biblical use of light would probably teach us a great deal!

O: 神様は全ての人が信じるように機会を与えて下さっていますが、多くの人はその恩恵にあずかっていません。イエスは信仰のチャンスが永続するものではないことを、ここで教えています。イエスはこの教えをは他の個所でも数回示しています。道を外れても神への信仰を持つなら、神様の大きな恵みを見、死から命へと至ります。ところが、何らかの理由で信仰の賜物を手放してしまうなら、命そのものを失い手遅れとなるのです。イエスがここでも言っていますが、聖書では光が神の命の喩えとして表現されています。イザヤ、パウロ、ヨハネもそう記しています。さらに拡大して見ると、創世記で神様が創造の時に「光あれ」と言われたことに気付きます。光を拒むことは神を拒むことです。心を開くこと、誠実さが大切な所以です。聖書の学びで光を用いるのは偉大なことを学ぶためです。

A: I have the constant tension of knowing that the people with whom I am trying to share Christ don't have unlimited time in which to receive Him. I shouldn't let that become an unbearable burden, since I can't save anyone on my own anyway, but I must not be so laid back that I fail to share. The danger of Calvinistic theology is that it puts so much emphasis on God's predestination and foreknowledge that it can remove our participation from God's plan of salvation. God indeed sees the end from the beginning, so He knows who will believe and who will cooperate with Him, but that in no way negates our free will: the opportunity and responsibility to be a co-laborer with God in the salvation of mankind. (1 Corinthians 3:9, Colossians 1:29) I need to convey this privilege and this urgency to the believers, so that together we may be available and useful to God in bringing His kingdom to this city and this nation.

A: キリストをともに分かち合おうと試みても、そのための時間が持てない人がいますが、そうした人達との間に軋轢があります。私の力で誰をも救うことなどできないのですから、押しつぶされるほどの軋轢にならないようしています。が、安心してくつろぐことはできません。分かち合いたいからです。神の予定説と予知を強調するカルビン派神学は、神の救いから人々を遠ざける危険性をはらんでいます。実に始めから終りまでを御存じの神様は信じる者、協力する者を御存じです。しかし、神の救いの働きに参画するチャンスや責任がなくなるわけではないのです。(1コリント3:9、コロサイ1:29)この特権を今すぐに信者に分かってもらい、日本と大村に神様の御国をもたらすために私たちが一丸となって用いられるべきなのです。

P: Father, thank You for all You are doing in and among us. Thank You for the changes You are working in me. Help me rejoice to participate in those changes, so that I may likewise rejoice to be useful to You in what You are doing all around me. Help me walk as Your child, a child of the light, taking Your light everywhere I go, so that more and more people may come out of darkness into the light, not just for initial salvation but for liberty in every area of their lives, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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