使徒 4:1-14
S: 使徒 4:12 「この方以外には、だれによっても救いはありません。天の下でこの御名のほかに、私たちが救われるべき名は人に与えられていないからです。」
O: This statement is enormously offensive to people of other religions. It is taken as pure conceit, and a put-down at that. However, it is the truth. It's not, “I'm better than you are,” which is how many people take it, but rather, “There is hope, but only one; won't you receive it?” If we aren't convinced that Jesus is the only Savior (as recent polls show most Americans aren't) then we will have no motivation that will be sufficient to take us through the inconvenience, occasional embarrassment, and other difficulties of evangelism. When we are convinced that there is no salvation apart from Jesus, and that all mankind is desperately in need of salvation, then we will be powerfully motivated to tell others about Him, starting with those who mean the most to us.
A: I've dedicated my life to communicating the Gospel, but that doesn't mean I always do it well, or that I do it consistently. I think I have as much fear of rejection as the next guy, and it often gets in the way of sharing Christ. I need to love people enough to risk their not liking me. On a human level, that's very counter-intuitive. Even though I teach on it often, there's much more I need to know of the distinctions among eros, storge, phileo, and agape. Agape is going to risk losing the storge and even the phileo of others in a bid to save them from eternal destruction. I want to be liked (storge) and loved (phileo) by others, but Jesus gave His all for me in pure agape, with no thought of whether I liked or loved Him. That is my model and my goal, but I've got a long way to go to get there.
A: 私は人生を福音伝道に奉仕していますが、常に上手くいっているわけではありません。拒絶されるかもしれない恐れがありますし、キリストを伝えるのに妨げがあることもしばしばです。嫌われることを覚悟の上で人々を愛していこうと思っています。人間のレベルでは、かなり反直感的です。人にしばしば教えていることですが、私自身、エロス、ストージ、人類愛、無償の愛の区別を知っておきたいと思います。無償の愛は人間レベルの愛を超越して、永遠の破滅から救います。私は人から好かれ、愛されたいのですが、それ以上にイエスは私に完全なる無償の愛で私を愛してくださっているのです。私がイエスを愛そうが、愛すまいがに拘わらずです。道のりは長く険しいのですが、このイエスの愛こそが私の目指すところであり、大きな手本です。
P: Father, thank You for the practicum You've been giving me in this area recently. It's been painful! Help me learn to receive my affirmation from You and love people with Your love, regardless of how they respond to me. I say often that the Church will be transformed when the believers see themselves as You see them, but the same applies to me. Help me look at myself and my situation with Your eyes, trusting You completely, so that all the deceptions of the devil may be dissipated like the empty fog that they are, and all Your purposes be fulfilled for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!
P: お父様、最近、これらを学ぶために訓練を与えてくださり有難うございました。苦しかったです!あなたからの確信をしっかり受け取り、人がどう反応しようとも、あなたの愛で人を愛せるように助けてください。あなたの視点で信者が自分たち自身を見ることができるなら、教会が作り変えられるのだと、私はよく教えてきました。しかし、そのことは私が学ばねばいけないことでした。あなたを完全に信頼して、私が自分自身と今の状況をあなたの視線で見直すよう助けて下さい。悪魔の欺きが空虚に霧散していきますように。そしてあなたの目的が成就され、ご栄光がありますように。有難うございます。ハレルヤ!
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