

ヨハネ 5:19-30

S: ヨハネ 5:24 まことに、まことに、あなたがたに告げます。わたしのことばを聞いて、わたしを遣わした方を信じる者は、永遠のいのちを持ち、さばきに会うことがなく、死からいのちに移っているのです。

O: Once again we have the heart of the Gospel, which is expressed in different ways in various places throughout the Bible, but is still the same Gospel. The way Jesus expressed it here, it is clear that if we don't receive what He says to us then we are rejecting Father God as well. This is why non-messianic Jews are in deep trouble! There are Christians who seem to think that Jews are saved by being Jewish, but Jesus and Paul both make it very clear that isn't the case. How­ever, when a Jew does open their heart to receive the Son, then they discover the Father that they previously knew only by hearsay and ritual. And the glorious part of it all is that everyone who believes what the Father has said through the Son has indeed passed from death to life, whatever that person's starting point might have been.

O: 聖書の様々な箇所で異なった表現をされていますが、聖書の核心はここに書かれている福音です。イエスの言葉を受け入れないならば、それは御父を拒むことでもあるとイエスは教えています。メシヤ思考を持たないユダヤ人が困惑したのは、このためです!ユダヤ人は救われると考えているクリスチャンがいるようですが、イエスとパウロは、そうではないことをはっきりと示しています。しかし、ある一人のユダヤ人が御子に心を開いた時、それまで異端と儀式によってのみ知っていた御父を知ることができました。御父が御子を通して語られたことを信じる者は、それがどういう始まり方であろうとも、実に死から命へと移るのです。  

A: The point for me is both to receive and to proclaim this as the good news that it truly is. Japanese culture has a tradition of eternal judgment, as I believe every culture does, but the average Japanese dismisses that as superstition. I've got to tell them that, as their hearts are trying to tell them, it's not superstition at all, but that it's not like they've been told. The traditional Japanese/Chinese “Judge of the Dead” has very little in common with Christ! The mind-boggling truth of the Gospel is that our Judge has paid our penalty for us, even though that penalty is death. The problem is, we've got to believe and trust Him when He tells us He's done this, for it to be effective for us. I can't force anyone to believe and trust, but I'm called to present the good news to as many as possible as convincingly as possible, so that as many barriers to belief may be removed as possible. Final responsibility rests with each individual, but I am called to communicate the Gospel without man-made barriers, so that as many as will may believe and be saved.


P: Father, this is my constant battle, as You well know. Thank You for Your patience with me, and with all of us. Thank You for pointing out to me rently that my micromanagement is an unnecessary barrier for some in the flock. Show me how to encourage as well as correct, to come alongside rather than dictate from afar. Keep me from standing on my rights if so doing will be a barrier to someone who is weaker in faith. May we as a church indeed walk in life and not in death, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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