

使徒 5:33-42

S: 使徒 5:42 そして、毎日、宮や家々で教え、イエスがキリストであることを宣べ伝え続けた。

O: This is a succinct description of the daily schedule of the early apostles. Everything was centered around proclaiming Jesus as the promised Messiah. The devil had used the Sanhedrin to try to distract and discourage them, but it backfired on him. Church leaders in countries that don't have persecution should pay close attention! We let all sorts of things distract us and in the process lose our saltiness, as Brother Hiroki preached on the 20th. For the devil, distraction is often a far more effective strategy that open opposition. If churches become confused as to their purpose, they rapidly lose their effectiveness in advancing the kingdom of God.


A: I certainly know what it's like to lose focus on my personal calling and mission, and I see that I have failed to generate a clear focus in this church as well. That's why it's such a big deal that I've finally heard the Lord as to a clear Mission Statement for this church, and why yesterday and this coming Sunday are of such importance in the present and the future of Shinsei no Sato. However, I'm not to preach these two messages and then drop the whole thing; I've got to keep pushing it, evaluating every activity, every priority, in the light of that clear Mission Statement. It was commented that yesterday's message was very clear and understandable, and for that I rejoice. I need to be fully available to the Holy Spirit so that every believer may have our purpose as a church clearly in focus as well, so that together we may fulfill all of God's plans for us.

A: 召しと使命から視線を逸らすことがどんなことか、私はよく分かっています。信者がこの教会の焦点を合わせられずにいるのも知っています。私がそれをまとめきれないことも知っています。だからこそ、この教会のための明白な使命を主から聞いたのは、大きな意味があるのです。昨日と来週の日曜日が新生の里教会の現在と将来にとって大変重要です。しかし、来週、再来週は私は説教をすることができません。ですが、常に頑張り続けます。どんな行動も使命を優先したものかどうかに照らし合わせていきます。昨日の説教は分かりやすかったとほめていただき嬉しく思っています。聖霊に十分用いられ、全ての信者が教会としての目的を持ち、はっきりと照準を合わせていることを望みます。そして神様の私たちへの御計画が成就するように共に働きたいのです。

P: Father, thank You for Your faithfulness. Thank You for all You did yesterday, both in those who were present and those who were absent. I pray that, as You spoke through me last night, I would keep my eyes and my trust on You, not allowing the devil to steal my joy or my peace. Thank You for Your timing, allowing me to preach these messages before heading for the US next week. Help me trust You in that area as well, not allowing anxiety over what is to be done before we leave steal my peace and rest. May I trust You enough to rest in Your plans for me, in every detail, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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