ヨハネ 19:1-16
S: ヨハネ 19:15 ピラトは彼らに言った。「あなたがたの王を私が十字架につけるのですか。」祭司長たちは答えた。「カイザルのほかには、私たちに王はありません。」
O: It really comes down to this: who is your King, your Lord. Trying to have Jesus like Santa, a benevolent granter of wishes, just doesn't work. He is certainly benevolent and He does answer prayer, but He is first and foremost Lord, and He is holy. So many people stumble on this point. Actually, I think it would be fair to say we all stumble on it at times, but the difference between salvation and destruction is the grounding commitment to Jesus as Lord. Particularly in America there is very little grasp of that. I agree that democracy is a good form of government, but it has eliminated the idea of an absolute ruler, which makes God's sovereignty a little harder to grasp. The irony of the situation of this verse is extreme: the supposedly religious leaders of the Jewish people were proclaiming that their only Lord was a pagan, blasphemous emperor! The Bible tells us to be good citizens of the physical country in which we live, but our highest priority and allegiance must be to Christ.
A: Being born and raised between two countries is perhaps an advantage for me, but it doesn't deal with my need for a fundamental commitment to Jesus' Lordship. That's the issue God addressed in Denver, way back in 1972. I got the commitment straight at that point, but I've certainly had my stumbles in the implementation from time to time in the years since then. I've got to keep Christ in focus in my heart and life, not just saying He's my Lord but living like it in the smallest details. That's a lot easier to say than to do, but His grace is sufficient for me, so I've got to rely on Him to fulfill what He requires of me.
A: 二つの国で生まれ、育った私は恐らくその恩恵を受けています。そのことに関係なく、主であるイエスへの献身は必要なことです。1972年に遡りますが、神様がその問題について語ってくれました。その時、私はすぐそのままに献身を誓ったのですが、それ以後、時に躓くことがありました。ですから心と暮らしの中にキリストを据え、焦点を合わせているべきでしょう。ただイエスが私の主であると言うだけでなく、日々暮らしの中のあらゆる点でそうした生き方をするべきです。これは口で言うは易しいのですが、実行することは簡単ではありません。イエスの恵みは私には十分すぎるほどです。イエス様が私に望んでおられることならば成就するために働き、イエスに信頼していきます。
P: Father, thank You for Your all-sufficient grace. Help me not take it lightly, but be active in my obedience, and repentance when it is called for. Thank You for all You have done while we've been at this meeting. Thank You for Your presence and anointing on the church in Omura in our absence, and for speaking through us in various ways to various people here. I pray that in our remaining hours with these families, Your love and grace would shine clearly through us to draw them to You, so that they too may choose life by committing themselves to Jesus as Lord. Thank You. Praise God!
P: お父様。あなたの十分すぎるほどの大きな恵みを感謝します。軽んじることなく、従順に、そして積極的に働くよう助けてください。求めに応じて悔い改めることができますように。この会合に私たちが来ている間のことを感謝します。私たちの留守の間、大村の教会にあなたがいてくださり、油注いでくださったことを感謝します。ここでも、私たちを通して様々な形で様々な人たちに話してくださいました。ここでの残りの時間、ご家族とともに祝されますように。あなたの愛と恵みが私たちを通して輝き、彼らがあなたへと引き寄せられますように。イエスを主として献身する生き方を選択するように彼らを助けてください。有難うございます。神様を賛美します!
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